Dishonouring our Australian Flag – Adam Bandt’s Silence

Dishonouring our Australian Flag – Adam Bandt’s Silence

Its been over 16 day's since Bandt's rant and the RARA's National President Michael von Berg's demand for a public apology. The national media (minus) have been active in reporting the matter on TV, radio and press. Here is Radio 2 CC's Rod McIntosh interview with...

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RARA Open Letter to Adam Bandt – Dishonouring our Australian Flag

RARA Statement – Defence and Veteran Suicide Royal Commission

The Royal Commission has been established following an agreement by the Governor-General on 8 July 2021. The Government has now released the Terms of Reference for the Royal Commission. For more information on the Royal Commission, including the Terms of Reference and...

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RARA National President’s Update on Various Advocacy Matters

RARA National President’s Update on Various Advocacy Matters

Hi Team, This Update brings you up to speed with a few issues in which I have been involved over the last few weeks and which hopefully will be influential in the Government’s decisions. Recognition for KIAs NOK Based on our RARA original submission and discussions at...

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RARA Open Letter to Adam Bandt – Dishonouring our Australian Flag

The Royal Commission into Defence and Veterans Suicide

This memo is to make you aware of the Terms of Reference consultation process for the Royal Commission and to discount any media and social media reporting where veterans and families may not feel confident in making submissions. The Royal Australian Regiment...

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Easter Reflections from Padre Gary Stone

Easter Reflections from Padre Gary Stone

When I started to write this reflection things were looking pretty grim in the veteran community and on top of that it was raining cats and dogs, and  our lives continued to be affected by Covid.  With the angst that has come with the Brereton review,  lengthy delays...

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RARA National Association – President’s Report

RARA National Association – President’s Report

National Council Meeting – 25th July 2020 Introduction The 2019/20 year has been a year for many of us, we would rather forget, but notwithstanding the complex and at times difficult conditions, this period has given the Board an opportune time  to review and...

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