This opinion from George Mansford, one of our tribal elders, is repeated from last year. It's even more relevant today as we witness malcontent activists strident in their criticism of our celebration of Australia Day. "Today our proud history and precious social...
Warrior Poets
Warrior Poet George Mansford Poem – God, Please Don’t Strike Our Military Purple
God, Please Don’t Strike Our Military Purple Always has been personal pride of warriors wearing military threadConfident and firm stride, be it off duty or on parade being ledSpic and span, and ever so proud, the cloth has always been wornLong, long...
Comment: ANZAC Eternal Vigilance
Soon will arrive the One Day of the Year when our people gather throughout the nation to honour our fallen who gave all to defend our precious way of life. Those we salute were citizens from all walks of life who in troubled times exchanged plough, hammers, pens,...
Warrior Poet – Duty and Consequence
“March the guilty b---s in” was once said with much humour. It referred to a weekly phase of administration in barracks when soldiers charged with a military offence were paraded with armed escort before their Commanding Officer to determine guilt or otherwise. The...
Opinion: Australia Day – Let’s Counter Attack
A Recollection I recall in KOREA during that War, when our Platoon travelled south to protect a railway terminal at Tuchon. We were weary, filthy and hungry and looking forward to some comfort in established surrounds. We had no officer or Sergeant. On arrival, we...
Warrior Poet George Mansford – News and Poem from the Northern Front
G'Day Cobbers, The good news, for me at least, is I am back on my feet and reaching for a Pen. All of which has been made possible by the medical fraternity, from skilled doctors, the dedicated and very professional Florence Nightingales and supporting staff. Not...
Opinion: Green Leadership
I often wonder why we are no longer a Lucky Country. And the reasons have been staring me in the face for some time and yet I refused to see the stark reality of it all. We keep giving power to morons who are only concerned with their own egos. Bandt's tantrums and...
George Mansford’s Tribute – Many salutes to our cobber, Frank Moffitt
It is nearing 70 years since I returned late at night after leave in WA, and reported to the orderly room of Charlie Coy 2RAR. Frank was on duty as orderly corporal and after a yarn, pointed to the floor which was my bed for the night and my kit bag for a pillow. It...
Roll Call – Come to attention, you horrible lot, and answer your names
One regular ritual in the army is the roll call to ensure all are accounted for. Such was the case in winter darkness at Puckapunyal when troops roused by whistle blasts, assembled on parade mid much stamping of boots, were required to answer their names when called...
Tribute – Keeping the Home Fires Burning
I watched as the young widow laid her wreath. I wanted to tell her I was with her husband shortly before he was killed in action. It was not to be. In seconds she had merged with the large gathering attending the Dawn Service. Decades later, she rang me and in...