This Part lists audio products including music/songs. Researchers will also be aware that, increasingly, published books are also available in audio format. It is advised that researchers Google any book of interest listed in other Parts of this Bibliography and examine each sellers’ offerings for audio copies of products.



Australian Army Band Corps – The Royal Australian Regiment 1948-2008 Celebrating 60 years

Commonwealth of Australia (Australian Army Band Corps), Canberra, 2008

AABC 04/2008. Thirty-one music track CD including all RAR marches, and those of the “feeder” organisations incl School of Infantry, Army Recruit Training Centre (aka 1 RTB), Royal Military College, Officer Cadet School, Officer Training Unit, and the Last Post, Reveille and Rouse.

Australians at war film archive

UNSW, Canberra

This is a University of New South Wales (Australian Defence Force Academy) site which allows access to 288 (as at 28 Nov 20) war veterans who are filmed in interview talking about their experiences on operational service. At time of access, this included 110 RAR individuals we speak about a range of post- WW II deployments.  Accessible at , the researcher can them use a range of search options including by name, by war/unit/deployment to tap into rich oral and visual history. Over time, this source of oral history will grow.

Australian War Memorial – Salute to the Aussie digger

AWM, Canberra, 2004

AWM B02209/AAB-8002

A Fund raising initiative in favour of Legacy, this CD features narratives by Jack Thompson AM and General Peter Cosgrove AO, MC with music tracks performed by the Australian Army Band Sydney.

CAMPBELL, Peter – The last soldier 2021

Peter Campbell Music/ YouTube

Song/audiovisual; 4 mins 3 secs.

Written and performed by RAR veteran Peter Campbell. Although about a WW I veteran, it capsulises the regimental spirit. Campbell deployed to Air Base Butterworth (Malaysia) during the Communist Insurgency in Malaysia 1968-89 as a member of RCB. Footage features RAR veterans.

David THOMSON, MC (Brig)

UNSW, Canberra, 2004

40 mins 49 secs video.

One of the Australians at war film archive series of interviews, this product features Thomson (BCOF, 1 RAR, 4 RAR. AATTV) who served in Japan, Korea, Malaya, Borneo and Vietnam. Accessible at


Sunshine Coast Council

Oral interviews, 2001.

Heritage Project.

Lawrence Drinkwater joined the Army in June 1957. He served in in Malaya during The Emergency as a rifleman in 2 RAR. He later deployed to South Vietnam with the 6 RAR in 1966 and was a rifle section commander at the Battle of Long Tan. He left the Regular Army in 1969 and served for many years after in the Army Reserve reaching the rank of sergeant. Accessible at

DUSTY, Slim – Tribute to the Australian Military Forces

Song – Youtube, 2007

EMI records, 4 minutes 45 seconds

A tribute song to all generations of Australian Defence Personnel. Includes many AWM and private images of RAR troops including Korea, Malaya, Vietnam, East Timor, Iraq, Afghanistan. See

Duty First

Royal Australian Regiment Foundation & DVA, online, 2023-4

A series of podcasts covering the history of the RAR as it rises from the end of the Second World War to become the first ever professional Australian infantry force. Accounts are rendered by veteran RAR members from the major wars/campaigns/deployments. Not every deployment is actually mentioned as the  history is progressively covered over time. The series are listed at the following site form which each Episode can then in turn be accessed by hyperlink: . Produced by Pivot Studios for the Department of Veterans Affairs and The Royal Australian Regiment Foundation.

From the ground up

Royal Australian Regiment Foundation & DVA, online, 2023

Podcast, 55 mins 43secs. Season 1, Episode 1.

The RAR rises from the ashes of the Second World War to become Australia’s first ever professionalised infantry force. We’ll hear from soldiers who were on the ground in Morotai and during occupation of Japan as well as on home soil as the RAR and its purpose came into view, meeting challenges of its time, and preparing to head into the RAR’s first theatre of war in Korea. Featured interviews:

  • His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd) Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia – 1RAR and 5/7 RAR
  • Daniel Alan Keighran, VC – 2RAR, 6RAR
  • Major General Alan Lindsay “Alby” Morrison, AO, DSO, MBE – 2RAR
  • James Newell (‘Blue’) – 3RAR
  • Brigadier David Scott Thomson – 1RAR, 4RAR

Produced by Pivot Studios for the Department of Veterans Affairs and The Royal Australian Regiment Foundation. Accessible at

John Stonebridge and the Bravery Medal

Royal Australian Regiment Foundation, 2023

Online Soldiers 5 podcast, 2 hrs 34 mins 40 secs.

In this episode of Soldiers 5, the remarkable life of ex-WO1 John Stonebridge is addressed.  He dedicated over 40 years to the RAR. From serving in 1 RAR to becoming a Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM) and receiving a Bravery Medal, this is a story of unwavering commitment, leadership, courage and a lot of laughs which delves into his inspiring journey, showcasing the challenges faced, the triumphs achieved, and the profound impact made during his distinguished career. Accessible at

HARTIGAN, Brian (Editor Contact)Life on the line; our veterans, their stories

CONTACT website

Podcasts of a range of veterans’ stories, ranging from WW II to current times. Constantly being added to. Accessible at nd select from the names and image which ones are of interest to the researcher.

HUSBAND, James (Jim), BEM

Sunshine Coast Council

Oral interviews, 2001.

Heritage Project.

Jim Husband a Vietnam and Korean veteran and former RSM 6 RAR, is featured in two successive interviews with Vietnam veteran Gary McCay on 29 May 2001. He also served with 2 RAR, AATTV and 7 RAR. Accessible at

Hughes, AO, DSO, MC – James Curnow – Major General

UNSW Canberra, 2003

Video 41 mins 05 secs.

Australians at war film archive interview with Hughes who served in 3 and 4 RAR. Accessible at

Jason Groat and training within the Army

Royal Australian Regiment Foundation, 2023

Online Soldiers 5 podcast, 1 hr 12 mins 02 secs.

Brigadier Jason Groat, Commandant of the Royal Military College of Australia (2013) is interviewed about Training within the Army. What is training, how does it work within the Army, where it came from and where is it going? We also deep dive into Brigadier Groat’s personal service within the RAR. From deployments as a Platoon Commander to a Task Force Commander in Iraq, this episode is an insightful look into one of the RAR’s most experienced senior officers. Accessible at

Keeping the spirit alive

Royal Australian Regiment Foundation & DVA, online, 2024

Podcast, Season 1, Episode 8. 38 mins, 32 secs.

The RAR has evolved over the past 75 years with improvements in technology, equipment and structure, but one thing remains the same: Duty First. This episode features the wider RAR family including RAR Foundation and support systems for veterans, family support, and what the future holds for the RAR.  Featured interviews:

  •  Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley (nee McMartin)
  • Major General Shane. Caughey, AM, CSC, Colonel Commandant (Rtd) – 2/4RAR, 6RAR
  • LTGEN Peter Leahy AC (retd) – 8/9RAR

Produced by Pivot Studios for the Department of Veterans Affairs and The Royal Australian Regiment Foundation. Accessible at

KERNAGHAN, Lee – Live to Ride


ABC Music, Sydney, 2019

This sound track, off the CD Backroad Nation, addresses veterans from post – WW II conflicts including Afghanistan and Vietnam, who return to develop a passion for veteran motorcycle cameraderie, a phenomenon to which many RAR members can relate.

PHILLIPS, Major General (Retd) AO, MC Oral History Transcript

National Library of Australia, 2007

Sound recording interview by Terry Colhoun. Major General Peter Phillips talks about his early life including attending Royal Military College, Duntroon; Army postings, training, promotions; Malayan Emergency (1957-1959); his duties with Government House and units around the state; his marriage; “Pentropic” Infantry Battalion; service in Vietnam; being awarded Military Cross (MC); the U.S. style fighting in Vietnam; working in Infantry Personnel Commander 3RAR, in Canberra; support for Commonwealth Games; difficulties of army lives on families; appointed Officer in Order of Australia (AO); Defence Housing Authority; his RSL involvement and other post-service service including; National director of recruiting to counter declining RSL membership (1991); changes from traditional membership qualifications; review of national constitution and annual conference of sub-branches; National President (1997) following period as Chairman of National Veterans affairs committee; debate on ANZAC Day future; Victorian Government Legislation for ANZAC Day; ANZAC Dawn Service in Canberra; the RSL’s future., Phillips discusses National Council to recognize Battle for Australia; RSL and care of aging veterans; assistance from federal government; Forces Advisory Committee on Entertainment (FACE); RSL Constitution; youth suicide, family support, after Vietnam; Gold Card; first official visit to Japan by RSL National President; Japanese veterans visiting Balikpapan denied joint visit with Australian vets; Changi Chapel; Ex-POW’s & Reconciliation; national veterans shrine at Chidorigafuchi Park, and Yasakuni Shrine, Hiroshima; Japanese worked with UN and Australia in East Timor; changes in attitude to wreath laying on Australian monuments; Republican debate; his post-national presidency activities; working with General Peter Cosgrove; his wife and family; visits to Vietnam; forgiveness of former enemies and Christian faith. Location:

Lieutenant Colonel James Curnow Hughes MC as the lieutenant colonel Commanding Officer 4th Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment/New Zealand (ANZAC), South Vietnam 1971, interviewed by Lieutenant Colonel Robin Morison

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1971

2 hr 54 min audio.

Hughes speaks of the build-up of 4th Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment and its deployment to South Vietnam; Operation Hermit Park, 14 June-27 July 1971 and Operation Iron Fox, 28 July-5 August 1971, both astride the Phuoc Tuy-Long Khanh provincial border, NNW of the 1st Australian Task Force base at Nui Dat; other operations in which the battalion had contacts with the enemy. Accessible at

Panel – Australian Infantry against the odds

Contact Air Land and Sea

Podcast; 54 mins 37 secs.

One of the Life on the line podcasts, in this one Angus Hordern hosts a panel discussion of three significant battles where Australians overcame the odds. The guests include David Buckwalter, a Vietnam War veteran, speaks on the Battle of Wau from World War II; Michael Kelly, Australian War Memorial historian and army veteran, speaks on the Battle of Kapyong from the Korean War (3 RAR), and, Peter Slack-Smith, a Vietnam veteran, speaks about the Battle of Long Tan from his perspective as a Delta Company 6 RAR soldier in that bloody engagement. Accessible at

Queensland Pop Orchestra – ANZAC Day Tribute

YouTube, songs, 2020

Twelve different artist’s work supported/played by the orchestra which cover most of Australia’s wars, a strong focus on more recent deployments. RAR personnel can be seen and many identifiable in the war footage/stills. Everyone to deploy will relate to this tribute.

ROGER, Graham – They Answered the Call

CD of war songs

AM0012; released by Austrak Music

At least two tunes of the 18 on this disk refer to the RAR: Battle of Long Tan, and Battle of Coral. Several others are timeless and apply to everyone including the experiences of those who served in the RAR.

Tours de force: Live (Part 1)

Shrine of Remembrance, Melbourne, 2022

27 mins Podcast

Interviews with a range of entertainers who have travelled overseas. Include the (then) 17 year of Little Pattie who was performing on 18 Aug 66 at Nui Dat when the Battle of Long Tan involving D Coy 6 RAR and others started.  Normie Rowe and others also feature, Normie being an RAAC serviceman in Vietnam and served later as an entertainer. Several references across these podcasts to RARs. Accessible at

Tours de force: Live (Part 2)

Shrine of Remembrance, Melbourne, 2022

38 min 10 sec Podcast

Interviews with a range of entertainers who have travelled overseas. Include the (then) 17 year of Little Pattie who was performing on 18 Aug 66 at Nui Dat when the Battle of Long Tan involving D Coy 6 RAR and others started.  Normie Rowe and others also feature, Normie being an RAAC serviceman in Vietnam and served later as an entertainer. Several references across these podcasts to RARs. Accessible at

Up close: Conversations with modern veterans

Australian War Memorial

Podcasts of varying lengths.

A site at which an ever-expanding number of veterans are able to be heard recounting their stories of life in the ADF. Many are RAR members. Accessible at

Welcome to the jungle

Royal Australian Regiment Foundation & DVA, online, 2023

Podcast, 1 hr, 8 mins, 40 Secs

Season 1, Episode 3. After the Korean War, the RAR changed and adapted including becoming set for a new challenge in the jungles during the Malayan Emergency and the Indonesian Confrontation. Featured interviews:

  • Wallace Thompson (Wally) – 4 RAR, AATTV
  • BRIG George Mansford (Snow) AM (retd) – 2RAR
  • LTCOL Barry Caligari – 1RAR, 3 RAR
  • Brigadier David Thomson, MC – 1RAR, 4RAR

Produced by Pivot Studios for the Department of Veterans Affairs and The Royal Australian Regiment Foundation. Accessible at

WINTER, Alan – Our Country’s Call

Song and poem

Innovat Media, Sunshine Coast QLD, 2014

Music and lyrics of this song by Winter are put o music by the Sunshine Coast Concert Band. DVD contains a sung audio-visual version and also a narration of the poem version. Includes imagery from Korea, Malaysia, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan in which RAR personnel are identifiable. A patriotic song; available on DVD from


Curator talk – the Korean War

Shrine of Remembrance, Melbourne, 2019

43 mins 102 secs Podcast

Covers 1, 2 and 3 RAR among all three Services’ participation in the Korean War as illustrated by the 2019-20 exhibition at the Shrine. Accessible at

KERNIGAN, Lee –  We heard a bugle play

ABC Music, 2015


Off the Spirit of the Anzacs album, this one is about a soldier of 3 RAR in Korea, including his experiences in the Battle of Pakchon.

Nightlife history – the Diggers of Kapyong

ABC Radio, Sydney, 2024

15 mins 24 secs

Story of 3 RAR’s battle 23-34 Apr 1951 in Korea. This was perhaps the most crucial involvement of Australians during the Korean War. Author and journalist Tom Gilling has written an account of the battle, titled “The Diggers of Kapyong – the story of the Aussies who changed the course of the Korean War” and joined Philip Clark on Nightlife in this recording. Accessible at—the-diggers-of-kapyong/103760736?utm_campaign=abc_listen&utm_content=link&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_source=abc_listen

Special release – The Korean War 1950-1953 exhibition launch

Shrine of Remembrance, Melbourne, 2019

33 mins 2 secs Podcast

Covers 1, 2 and 3 RAR among all three Services’ participation in the Korean War as illustrated by the 2019 exhibition at the Shrine. Accessible at

The Battle of Kapyong – Dr Adrian Threlfall

Shrine of Remembrance, Melbourne, 2019

1 hr 2 mins Podcast

Covers 3 RAR’s famous battle in Korea. Accessible at

The forgotten war

Royal Australian Regiment Foundation & DVA, online, 2023

Podcast, 1 hr 8 mins, 51 sec

Season 1, Episode 2.

The Korean War may not be as well-known as other conflicts in the RAR’s history, but it was a pivotal moment for Australian soldiers in establishing the culture, role and prestige of the RAR. Featured interviews:

  •  Major General Alan Lindsay “Alby” Morrison, AO, DSO, MBE – 2RAR
  • James ‘Blue’ Newell – 3RAR
  • Ronald ‘Ron’ Perkins – 3RAR

Produced by Pivot Studios for the Department of Veterans Affairs and The Royal Australian Regiment Foundation. Accessible at

Reg Saunders, Australia’s first Aboriginal commissioner officer

History Guild, 2022

Podcast 45 mins 30 secs.

Interviews which address Reg Saunders’ career in the Army part of which was as a company commander in 3 RAR with the rank of Captain in Korea. Accessible at Reg Saunders, Australia’s first Aboriginal commissioned officer – Podcast – History Guild

SOUTH EAST ASIA 1950-current

(includes Malaya, Borneo, Singapore & Malaysia)

Moreton, Tom (Producer) – BORNEO 1964-1966: Australia’s Secret War With Indonesia

ABC National Podcast, Date TBA

Audio only

Radio Presentation on the nature of secrecy under which this deployment occurred and the war fought. Copy held in RARA (QLD) library.

Communist Insurgency War


20 minutes 20 seconds online Wikiaudio

Audio documentary about the CIW aka called the Second Malayan Emergency. Accessible at

Glenn Crosland and the Governor General

Royal Australian Regiment Foundation, 2023

Online Soldiers 5 podcast, 1 hr 37 mins 12 secs.

This podcast covers Crosland’s career including life in Big Blue One (1 RAR), working and then being mates with His Excellency, the Governor General of Australia, David Hurley as well his multiple deployments with Rifle Company Butterworth and much more. Accessible at

Local veterans call for recognition in Malaysian war effort

Radio 5 MU

9-minute 27 sec radio interview

Rifle Company Butterworth (RCB) veterans Les Smith and Keith Wood are interviewed by Jennie Lenman. Addresses the operational deployments of the RCBs during the Communist Insurgency in Malaysia 1968-1989 and the Government’s handling to date of claims for recognition as warlike service. Accessible at

Malaya and Borneo – Australia’s war heroes


Video 2 mins 56 secs.

A series of still images from the Malayan Emergency and Borneo deployments. Most troops seen are RAR. Images are put to music and a song produced by Peter Barnes. Accessible at

War veterans win 30 year battle for recognition, entitlements

Radio 2GB, Sydney, 2023

Ray Hadley Show

14mins 7 second interview

Veterans from Rifle Company Butterworth, who were deployed to Malaysia between 1970 and 1989 as the Malaysian Government fought communist insurgents, have earned recognition following a landmark ruling. Luke Grant spoke with Retired Lieutenant Colonel Graeme Mickelberg and Ray Fulcher, the Chair of the Rifle Company Butterworth Review Group, as the 30-year battle for recognition and entitlements following the publication of a DHAAT report on the subject. Accessible at

WESTON Brian – RAAF Air Base Butterworth Malaysia Deployment

Radio interview with the retired AVM who served as a member of 75 Sqn 1970-72 and as CO 3Sqn from 1980 at Air Base Butterworth. Talks of families during the Emergency, the calculated risk of accompanied families, RMAF bombing CTs close to Butterworth in the 70s, and revetments to protect Mirages. Approx one hour interview; accessible at

The RAR provided the great bulk of the Rifle Company Butterworth one-three month deployments to protect the RAAF Assets, personnel and families during the period in question, starting on 1 Nov 70. Although the Second Malaysian Emergency/Communist Insurgency War ended officially on 2 Dec 89, as at July 2018, RCBs still rotate through Butterworth Air Base.

VIETNAM 1962-75

5 RAR Association – Lieutenant Colonel John Arnold Warr as the Commanding Officer 5th Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment, South Vietnam 1966-1967, interviewed by Major Lance Logan. AWM S03483

Warr speaks of the conduct of Operation Queanbeyan, a search-and-destroy operation in the Nui Thi Vai complex of Phuoc Tuy Province, 16-26 October 1966. Located at

5 RAR Association – Lieutenant Dennis Claude Rainer as Officer Commanding 10 Platoon Company 5th Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment, South Vietnam 1966-1967, interviewed by Major Lance Logan. AWM S03484

Rainer speaks of his role in Operation Queanbeyan, a search-and-destroy operation in the Nui Thi Vai complex of Phuoc Tuy Province, 16-26 October 1966. Located at

5 RAR Association – Captain Robert William Supple as the Assistant Adjutant 5th Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment (acting as the battalion air contact officer), South Vietnam 1966-1967, interviewed by Major Lance Logan. AWM S03487

Supple speaks of his role in Operation Queanbeyan, a search-and-destroy operation in the Nui Thi Vai complex of Phuoc Tuy Province, 16-26 October 1966. Located at

5 RAR Association – Lieutenant Michael Gunther Deak (AKA Baron Von Berg, Michael Gunther Joseph) as the Officer Commanding Anti-tank Platoon 5th Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment, South Vietnam 1966-1967, interviewed by Major Lance Logan. AWM S03488

Deak speaks of his role in Operation Queanbeyan, a search-and-destroy operation in the Nui Thi Vai complex of Phuoc Tuy Province, 16-26 October 1966. Located at

5 RAR Association – Lance Corporal Peter William Blanch and Private Bruce Hammond (Hubbard?) as members of C Company 5th Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment, South Vietnam 1966-1967, interviewed by Major Lance Logan. AWM S03489

Blanch and Hammond (Hubbard?) speak of identifying and defusing booby traps and mines in Operation Queanbeyan, a search-and-destroy operation in the Nui Thi Vai complex of Phuoc Tuy Province, 16-26 October 1966. Located at

5 RAR Association – Warrant Officer Class 2 James Atkinson as an administrative warrant officer 1st Australian Rest and Convalescent Centre, Private Russell Charles Briggs as a member of 5th Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment, Gunner Mervyn Douglas Nairn as a member of Detachment 131st Divisional Locating Battery and Private Robert John Stuart as a member of 5th Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment, all South Vietnam 1966-1967, interviewed by Major Lance Logan. AWM S03482 Atkinson speaks of the facilities for soldiers at the Rest and Convalescent Centre, Vung Tau and the role of the Centre. Located at

Australia and the Vietnam War: Looking back

History Guild, online, 2023

Website, with the text also available by 12 mins 47 sec podcast

Background to the Vietnam which was predominantly fought by the RAR battalions. This site includes several embedded videos and podcasts about and by RAR personnel. Accessible at Australia and the Vietnam War: Looking Back – History Guild

Battle of Long Tan – Australian War Hero song lyrics


Video 3 mins.

A series of still images from the Vietnam War, focussing on D Coy 6 RAR put to music and a song produced by Peter Barnes. Accessible at

Battle of Long Tan with Peter Slack-Smith and David Buckwalter

Thistle Productions

Podcast 14 mins 38 secs

Life on the line series. Two 6 RAR veterans speak of the Battle of Long Tan. Accessible at

BLUNDELL, James – Postcards From Saigon


Song that refers to the Infantry in Vietnam (RAR).

Crews, AO – William James – Major General

Australian War Memorial

Oral history – interview of 10 mins 40 secs.

Interviewed by Terry Colhoun AM, in 2004, this interview focuses on General Crews’ role as President RSL elected in 2003. General Crews served with the RAR and refers to that in interview. Accessible at

BROWN, Wayne, MM

Sunshine Coast Council

Oral interviews, 2001.

Heritage Project.

Wayne Brown went to South Vietnam in May 1968 with 4 RAR and spent the majority of his tour as a rifle company corporal medic. He was awarded the Military Medal for bravery when tending to casualties under fire.

Accessible at

Can you hear Australia’s heroes marching?


Video 2 mins 56 secs.

A series of still images from the Vietnam War put to music and a song produced by Peter Barnes. Images are mostly RAR troops. Accessible at

Dave Sabben – (Battle of Long Tan)

Hazard Ground, online, 2019

1hr 23 mins 26 secs podcast

Podcast Episode 144. (Then) 2LT Dave Sabben speaks about the Battle of Long Tan in Vietnam that centred on D Coy 6 RAR in 1968, Vietnam. Accessible at

DOWSETT, Bill – Vietnam, a reporter’s war (S00260)

ABC, Sydney, 1975

Sound, 1 hr 55 mins.

Shortly after the surrender of the South Vietnam government in 1975 the ABC radio public affairs team produced a two-hour special on the war. ABC Radio Public Affairs Program; produced by Brian Furlonger and narrated by Bill Dowsett. Broadcast 14 May 1975 This is the audio version of that program. The RAR is mentioned in the context of the total Australian commitment. Audible version digitally available from

EATON, John – John Eaton as a private rifleman B Company 1st Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment (1 RAR), South Vietnam 1968-1969, recorded for Lex McAulay

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1999

Audio-cassette and now digitised; 27 mins 10 secs.

Story of a Standing Patrol fight in which the interviewee was involved during Operation Rolling Stone on 23 February 1966. Can be accessed at

ELLIOT, Col – What Have You Done For Australia


Song based on the Vietnam War and the battalions.


Sunshine Coast Council

Oral interviews, 2001.

Heritage Project.

Paul Gallagher deployed to Vietnam as a rifle section 2IC with 8 RAR and saw active service in Phuoc Tuy Province for 12 months. He was discharged from the Army holding the rank of lance corporal on his return to Australia in January 1971. Accessible at

Gary McKay on the surgical teams who served in the Vietnam War

ABC, Sydney, 2009

Audio recording, 52 mins.

McKay, who served with 4 RAR in Vietnam in 1971, is interviewed about the topic. See also With Healing Hands: The untold story of the Australian civilian surgical teams in Vietnam, co-published with Elizabeth Stewart and cited in Part 1, Vietnam of this bibliography. Accessible at

Gary McKay’s story

Department of Veterans Affairs, Canberra

Anzac Portal, online 2 min 27 secs video.

Text supported by an interview with McKay who was awarded the MC in Vietnam in 1971 serving with 4 RAR, primarily in connection with the Battle for Nui Le. Accessible at

HAGAN, Trevor

Sunshine Coast Council

Oral interviews, 2001.

Heritage Project.

Trevor Hagan joined the Regular Army as a career soldier in 1959, serving for 24 years and attaining the rank of WO1. He saw active service in Malaya in 1960-61 and South Vietnam in 1965-66. He served in Malaysia in 1968-69 and then returned to Vietnam for a second tour in 1969-70. He was an infantryman with 1 RAR on his tours of Malaysia and a sergeant in a rifle platoon in 8 RAR for his second tour. He was lightly wounded in action during heavy fighting in 1969 and remained on duty. Accessible at

HOWARD, Major General Brian William Howard AO MC (Rtd) as the major Officer Commanding A Company 3rd Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment (3 RAR), South Vietnam 1967-1968, interviewed by Lex McAulay

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1996

Audio interview; 47mins 5 secs

Howard is interviewed by Lex McAulay about the Battle of Coral-Balmoral May 1968. Accessible at

John Schumann and The Waifs – ‘I was only 19’ – 40th Anniversary Version


5 mins 19 secs

40th Anniversary rendition of the famous Vietnam War ‘anthem’ to which every RAR and others who served there can instantly relate. Accessible at

KERNIGAN, Lee  and McCUNE, Lisa –  The unbearable price of war

ABC Music, 2015


Off the Spirit of the Anzacs album, this one is about the dustoff choppers and nurse support in Vietnam.

KERNIGAN, Lee –  Tell Carmelita

ABC Music, 2015


Off the Spirit of the Anzacs album, this one is about a forward scout at the Battle of Long Tan (D Coy) 6 RAR telling of his experiences that day.

KERNIGHAN, Lee – He’s one of us

Song, 2019.

About soldiers and their place in Australian society. Song specifically mentions many of the deployments that involved the RAR battalions.


LINDSAY, Dianne – Living in the Shadow of the Horseshoe


Song about the Vietnam war.

Major General Brian William Howard AO MC (Rtd) as the major Officer Commanding A Company 3rd Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment (3 RAR), South Vietnam 1967-1968, interviewed by Lex McAulay

Australian War Memorial

Audio 47 mins

Interview by Lex McCauley , 1986

Covers (then) Major Howard’s experiences in Vietnam including the action for which he awarded the MC. Accessible at

McKay MC, Gary – After the blood cools: the warrior’s dilemma

2NM Breakfast show, 2022

Audio recording of 5mins 18 secs.

Author Gary McKay is interviewed about his book which includes the actions in 1971 where, as OC 11 Platoon, D Company 4 RAR, he was awarded the Military Cross for actions during the Battle of Nui Le.  Accessible at

MORRIS, Ben – Interview with Brian Heath from 2 pl A Coy 2RAR 1967/8 tour of duty

S06122 (AWM designator)


Morris, a Vietnam veteran himself, interviews other Vietnam Veterans for a thesis at University of Wollongong. Audio recordings; likely to be digitised and available online or on disk when requested from the AWM.


MORRIS, Ben – Interview with Norm Newell from 2 pl A Coy 2RAR 1967/8 tour of duty (S06123 (AWM designator)


Morris, a Vietnam veteran himself, interviews other Vietnam Veterans for a thesis at University of Wollongong. Audio recordings; likely to be digitised and available online or on disk when requested from the AWM.


MORRIS, Ben – Interview with Ross Horne from 2 pl A Coy 2RAR 1967/8 tour of duty

S06124 (AWM designator)


Morris, a Vietnam veteran himself, interviews other Vietnam Veterans for a thesis at University of Wollongong. Audio recordings; likely to be digitised and available online or on disk when requested from the AWM.

MORRIS, Ben – Interview with Bob Forshey from 2 pl A Coy 2RAR 1967/8 tour of duty (S06125 (AWM designator)


Morris, a Vietnam veteran himself, interviews other Vietnam Veterans for a thesis at University of Wollongong. Audio recordings; likely to be digitised and available online or on disk when requested from the AWM.


MORRIS, Ben – Interview with Paul King from 2 pl A Coy 2RAR 1967/8 tour of duty (S06126 (AWM designator)


Morris, a Vietnam veteran himself, interviews other Vietnam Veterans for a thesis at University of Wollongong. Audio recordings; likely to be digitised and available online or on disk when requested from the AWM.


MORRIS, Ben – Interview with Don Gordon from 2 pl A Coy 2RAR 1967/8 tour of duty (S06127 (AWM designator)


Morris, a Vietnam veteran himself, interviews other Vietnam Veterans for a thesis at University of Wollongong. Audio recordings; likely to be digitised and available online or on disk when requested from the AWM.


MORRIS, Ben – Interview with Ken Clements from 2 pl A Coy 2RAR 1967/8 tour of duty (S06128 (AWM designator)


Morris, a Vietnam veteran himself, interviews other Vietnam Veterans for a thesis at University of Wollongong. Audio recordings; likely to be digitised and available online or on disk when requested from the AWM.


MORRIS, Ben – Interview with John Polkinghorne from 2 pl A Coy 2RAR 1967/8 tour of duty (S06129 (AWM designator)


Morris, a Vietnam veteran himself, interviews other Vietnam Veterans for a thesis at University of Wollongong. Audio recordings; likely to be digitised and available online or on disk when requested from the AWM.

MORRIS, Ben – Interview with Keith Walker from 2 pl A Coy 2RAR 1967/8 tour of duty (S06130 (AWM designator)


Morris, a Vietnam veteran himself, interviews other Vietnam Veterans for a thesis at University of Wollongong. Audio recordings; likely to be digitised and available online or on disk when requested from the AWM.

MORRIS, Ben – Interview with Rick Cross from 2 pl A Coy 2RAR 1967/8 tour of duty (S06131 (AWM designator)


Morris, a Vietnam veteran himself, interviews other Vietnam Veterans for a thesis at University of Wollongong. Audio recordings; likely to be digitised and available online or on disk when requested from the AWM.


MORRIS, Ben – Interview with Heinz Grabowski from 2 pl A Coy 2RAR 1967/8 tour of duty (S06132 (AWM designator)


Morris, a Vietnam veteran himself, interviews other Vietnam Veterans for a thesis at University of Wollongong. Audio recordings; likely to be digitised and available online or on disk when requested from the AWM.


MORRIS, Ben -Interview with Terry Dineen from 2 pl A Coy 2RAR 1967/8 tour of duty (S06133 (AWM designator)


Morris, a Vietnam veteran himself, interviews other Vietnam Veterans for a thesis at University of Wollongong. Audio recordings; likely to be digitised and available online or on disk when requested from the AWM.

MORRIS, Ben – Interview with Trevor Carter from 2 pl A Coy 2RAR 1967/8 tour of duty (S06134 (AWM designator)


Morris, a Vietnam veteran himself, interviews other Vietnam Veterans for a thesis at University of Wollongong. Audio recordings; likely to be digitised and available online or on disk when requested from the AWM.


MORRIS, Ben – Interview with John Graham from 2 pl A Coy 2RAR 1967/8 tour of duty (S06135 (AWM designator)


Morris, a Vietnam veteran himself, interviews other Vietnam Veterans for a thesis at University of Wollongong. Audio recordings; likely to be digitised and available online or on disk when requested from the AWM.


MORRIS, Ben – Interview with Vince Thompson from 2 pl A Coy 2RAR 1967/8 tour of duty (S06136 (AWM designator)


Morris, a Vietnam veteran himself, interviews other Vietnam Veterans for a thesis at University of Wollongong. Audio recordings; likely to be digitised and available online or on disk when requested from the AWM.


MORRIS, Ben – Interview with Nick Friend from 2 pl A Coy 2RAR 1967/8 tour of duty (S06137 (AWM designator)


Morris, a Vietnam veteran himself, interviews other Vietnam Veterans for a thesis at University of Wollongong. Audio recordings; likely to be digitised and available online or on disk when requested from the AWM.

MORRIS, Ben – Interview with Michael Kinsella from 2 pl A Coy 2RAR 1967/8 tour of duty (S06138 (AWM designator)


Morris, a Vietnam veteran himself, interviews other Vietnam Veterans for a thesis at University of Wollongong. Audio recordings; likely to be digitised and available online or on disk when requested from the AWM.

MORRIS, Ben – Interview with Renzo Battaglia from 2 pl A Coy 2RAR 1967/8 tour of duty (S06139 (AWM designator)


Morris, a Vietnam veteran himself, interviews other Vietnam Veterans for a thesis at University of Wollongong. Audio recordings; likely to be digitised and available online or on disk when requested from the AWM.


MORRIS, Ben – Interview with Barry Corse from 2 pl A Coy 2RAR 1967/8 tour of duty (S06140 (AWM designator)


Morris, a Vietnam veteran himself, interviews other Vietnam Veterans for a thesis at University of Wollongong. Audio recordings; likely to be digitised and available online or on disk when requested from the AWM.


MORRIS, Ben – Interview with John Sykes from 2 pl A Coy 2RAR 1967/8 tour of duty (S06599 (AWM designator)


Morris, a Vietnam veteran himself, interviews other Vietnam Veterans for a thesis at University of Wollongong. Audio recordings; likely to be digitised and available online or on disk when requested from the AWM.

MORRIS, Ben – Interview with Victor Adams from 2 pl A Coy 2RAR 1967/8 tour of duty (S06600 (AWM designator)


Morris, a Vietnam veteran himself, interviews other Vietnam Veterans for a thesis at University of Wollongong. Audio recordings; likely to be digitised and available online or on disk when requested from the AWM.


MORRIS, Ben -Interview with Elizabeth (Biff) Ward from 2 pl A Coy 2RAR 1967/8 tour of duty (S06601 (AWM designator)


Morris, a Vietnam veteran himself, interviews other Vietnam Veterans for a thesis at University of Wollongong. Audio recordings; likely to be digitised and available online or on disk when requested from the AWM.

MORRIS, Russell – Rachel

Columbia, Written by Raymond Froggert, 1970


Although not specifically mentioning South Vietnam, this song was produced by Morris at the time of that war in recognition of the conscripted colleagues and others who suffered. Classic anti-war song. Refers to a military nurse dealing with the wounded, including civilian casualties, through letters home to her parents, protesting the futility of war. Gives an insight to the tragedy of war faced by combatants and civilians alike. Instrumental in the eventual Vietnam Veterans’ Welcome Home Parade of 1987.

PHILLIPS AO, MC (Rtd) – Peter Raymond – Major General as the major Officer Commanding D Company 3rd Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment (3 RAR), South Vietnam 1967-1968, interviewed by Lex McAulay

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1986

Audio cassette (AWMS03192) 33 mins 2 secs.

Interviewed by Lex McAulay about the Battle for Coral-Balmoral in AO Surfers in May-June 1968. Also accessible at

RODGER, Graham – Fifty Thousand Sons of Australia

Song, 2016

Coming home from Vietnam and the Welcome home parade. At . From the album They answered the call.

ROWE, Normie – Compulsory Hero

Song, 2019

Written by Garry Frost

Includes images of RAR Vietnam veterans and covers the general experiences of the Vietnam War. See at

ROWE, Normie – It ain’t changed much

Song, 3 mins 49 secs

Off the Missing in action album. About a young man comparing his service to that of his grandfather, a Vietnam experience had by all RAR and other veterans.

ROWE, Normie – Missing In Action

Song, 5 mins 49 secs

Although Normie served with 3 Cavalry Regiment in Vietnam, his song refers to the RAR troops he was often supporting and transporting on the battlefield.

ROWE, Normie – Smiley

Song, 3 min, 41 secs

Off the Missing in action album. About a young man off to the ‘Asian war’, a Vietnam experience had by all RAR and other veterans.

ROWE, Normie – Still in Saigon

Song 3 mins 38 secs

Off the Missing in action album. About a young man home from the war, but who’s mind is still ‘in-country’, an experience had by many RAR and other veterans.

ROWE, Normie – What’ve you done for Australia

Song –  5mins 24 secs

From the Missing in Action album

About the Vietnam War and the experiences of its veterans to which all RAR will readily associate.

SETON, Gary – 7 RAR


Song 2 mins 27 secs recorded on video

This is a self-recorded song about 7 RAR in Vietnam using the tune of “The Green Beret’, a hit during the war by Staff Sergeant Barry Sadlier, US Army. Accessible at

SCHUMANN, John – I was only Nineteen (A walk in the Light Green)

Universal Music Publishing, 1983

Song; multiple artists.

The true story of the characters and events surrounding the 6 RAR mine incident, a tune regarded by many as the epitome of the war for men on the ground in South Vietnam.


 The 10 ten Vietnam war songs: a playlist for veterans

Thirteen media

Website which, although American, lists the ten top songs of the Vietnam era as voted such by the veterans themselves. This site includes ‘click on’ video of all ten songs. Accessible at

The Battle of Nui Le, 1971

Living history

Podcast, 1hr 24mins 25 secs

(Then) 2nd Lieutenant Gary McKay is interviewed about his military service, focussing on the actions in 1971 where, as OC 11 Platoon, D Company 4 RAR, he was awarded the Military Cross for actions during the Battle of Nui Le.  Accessible at

True Blue History – Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Gary McKay MC

History Guild

Podcast, hr 48 mins.

McKay served with 9 RAR in Vietnam and here he is interviewed about his experiences. Accessible at  Australia and the Vietnam War: Looking Back – History Guild

Vietnam: AATTV 60th Anniversary with Gary McKay

History Guild

Podcast 42 mins 30 secs.

Mat McLachlan interviews McKay about the AATTV in Vietnam, most members of which were RAR when so deployed. Accessible at

Vietnam, Part 1

Royal Australian Regiment Foundation & DVA, online, 2024

Podcast, 1 hr, 23 mins, 26 secs

Season 1, Episode 4. After serving valiantly in the jungles of Malaya and Malaysia, the RAR was about to face it’s toughest and bloodiest test to date at the time- The Vietnam War. This episode details the start of the war and how the men of 6 RAR fought The Battle of Long Tan. Featured interviews:

  • Dave Sabben – 6RAR
  • Mike von Berg OAM – 1 & 5 RAR, SASR, 2 CDO COY

Produced by Pivot Studios for the Department of Veterans Affairs and The Royal Australian Regiment Foundation. Accessible at

Vietnam, Part 2

Royal Australian Regiment Foundation & DVA, online, 2024

Podcast, 1 hr 21 mins 46 secs

Season 1, Episode 5. After a bloody start to the Vietnam War, the RAR’s tour continues as the shadow of Long Tan looms large. Featured interviews:

  • GEN Sir Peter John Cosgrove, AK, CVO, MC (retd)- 9RAR, 1RAR
  • MAJGEN Brian Howard AO, MC, ESM (retd) – 3RAR, PIR
  • LTCOL Francis Peter (Peter) SCOTT DSO, MID (retd) – 3RAR

Produced by Pivot Studios for the Department of Veterans Affairs and The Royal Australian Regiment Foundation. Accessible at


(Somalia 1992-93, Rwanda 1994-95, Cambodia 1994-95, Papua New Guinea 1946 to 1975, East Timor 1999-2012, Bougainville 1994, The Solomon Islands 2000 -2008, all remaining deployments not covered by UN or above (Rhodesia, Uganda)

The big peace

Royal Australian Regiment Foundation & DVA, online, 2024

Podcast, Season 1, Episode 6.

1 hr 19 mins 32 secs

After seven long years in Vietnam, the RAR went through an unprecedented period of peace, however this was all about to change as the international peacekeeping missions in Somalia, Rwanda and East Timor in the 1990s. Featured interviews:

  • General Sir Peter John Cosgrove, AK, CVO, MC – 9 RAR, 1 RAR
  • His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd) Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia – 1RAR, 5/7th
  • BRIG Pat Mcintosh AM, CSC (retd) – 2/4 RAR
  • MAJGEN Stuart Smith AO, DSC (retd) – 1 RAR

Produced by Pivot Studios for the Department of Veterans Affairs and The Royal Australian Regiment Foundation. Accessible at

IRAQ 2003-09 and 2014–ongoing

One Australian’s war on terror – Major General John Cantwell


1 hr 5 mins 30 secs

Recorded on 16 Oct 12 at the Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance, A compassionate and deeply human account of one man’s tour of the War on Terror: from cheating death in a minefield, to calling home while under rocket fire in Baghdad. Provides a rare Australian perspective of the war in Iraq that many RAR deployees can relate to; Cantwell served in 1991 with the UK forces, then with the Australians in 2006 and 2010, the last as Force Commander. Accessible at

AFGHANISTAN 2006-ongoing

Anonymous – Australian Army tribute video (Afghanistan)

YouTube tribute, 2014

5 minutes 31 seconds

A tribute to the 41 Afghanistan veterans killed in action as at 2014; many were RAR members. Images put to music. Available at

DUSTY, Slim – Tribute to the Australian Military Forces

Song – Youtube, 2007

EMI records, 4 minutes 45 seconds

A tribute song to all generations of Australian Defence Personnel. Includes many AWM and private images of RAR troops including Korea, Malaya, Vietnam, East Timor, Iraq, Afghanistan. See

John Hohnen on vaccines and winning the Lotto

Royal Australian Regiment Foundation, 2023

Online podcast, 1 hr 23 mins 05 secs.

Hohnen was a member of both 6 RAR and 1 RAR. In this interview he talks us through the life changing moment he had an adverse reaction of a vaccine as well as eventually rehabilitating and finding himself winning the lotto! Julian’s part of the 6 RAR deployment to Afghanistan as part of MTF 1 and what is was like preparing and participating in that war is covered. Lots of reflections about service, life and war for listeners young and old. Accessible at

Josh Munro and the Afghan NEO

Royal Australian Regiment Foundation, 2023

Online Soldiers 5 podcast, 1 hr 09 mins 02 secs.

CPL Josh Munro deployed to Afghanistan as part of the 1 RAR Non-Combatant Evacuation Operation (NEO). In this podcast, he breaks down what is was like deploying as a Section Commander with little to no notice and what it was like conducting the mission in that country. It is a great story about leadership, dealing with change, working as a team and applying creativity in a unique and demanding environment. Accessible at

KERNIGAN, Lee –  I will always be with you

ABC Music, 2015


Off the Spirit of the Anzacs album, this one is about an Infantryman in Afghanistan, and his worries and thoughts about his girl, home and his mates in the field, mentioning locations all such vets will know.

MANIATY, Tony – Shooting Balibo: Blood and memory in East Timor

Bolinda Audio, MP3 Una Edition, 2012

ISBN-10: 1743110138

ISBN-13: 978-1743110133

Audio book.

Coverage of aspects of the deployment to East Timor including to Balibo where some RAR sub-units rotated. Author was there in 1975 when journalists were executed.

SMITH, Fred – The Dust of Uruzgan



Captures the essence of operations in Afghanistan, particularly the IED threat and patrolling every RAR member to serve there will remember well. Smith served two tours of duty in a civilian capacity. Words and UTube viewing readily available.

The commando’s father with Doug Baird


Podcast that is also in video format – 38 mins10 secs.

The story of Corporal Cameron Baird VC, MG both an RAR and 2 Commando Regt member. Partly narrated by his father Doug. Baird was awarded the 100th VC for action on 22 Jun 13 in Afghanistan. He was killed in action. Accessible at

The longest war

Royal Australian Regiment Foundation & DVA, online, 2024

Podcast – 1 hr, 8 mins, 19 secs.

Season 1, Episode 7. After the peacekeeping missions of the 1990s, the RAR experienced an unprecedented period of operational service, most notably in Iraq and Afghanistan in what would become the RAR’s longest ever war. Featured interviews:

  • Lieutenant General David Lindsay Morrison AO, the Chief of Australian Army – 2RAR, 8/9RAR
  • Daniel (Dan) Keighran VC – 2RAR, 6RAR

Produced by Pivot Studios for the Department of Veterans Affairs and The Royal Australian Regiment Foundation. Accessible at


(Civilian Humanitarian Disaster ops (incl Darwin 1975 and other cyclones and floods, overseas eg PNG, Indian Ocean, and lately, Border Operations, and DACC (non-disaster) eg Olympics and Commonwealth Games and other government support eg APEC, G20)

BULLARD, Steven, Dr – In their time of need: Australian overseas emergency relief operations, 1918-2006

Podcast 44 mins 15 secs

Dr. Steven Bullard draws on the research undertaken for his book and explores the responses to calls for emergency relief assistance in our region, examines how the changing capacity of the Australian Defence Force has affected its ability to respond, and highlights the varied experiences of the men and women of the defence force, police and other government organisations who have served on these missions. RAR personnel have been involved in many of these operations. Accessible at


Ben Katz in DOG and the Cambrian Patrol

Royal Australian Regiment Foundation, 2023

Online Soldiers 5 podcast, 1 hr 55 mins 05 secs.

CAPT Ben Katz speaks about his experiences as a Section Commander on multiple Duke of Gloucester (DOG) Cup competitions (including winning) as well as representing Australian on multiple Cambrian Patrol Competitions in the UK. He is a wealth of knowledge on junior leadership and shares many tales to inspire any Section and Section Commander. Accessible at

Cammie MacDougall and Armoured Infantry

Royal Australian Regiment Foundation, 2023

Online Soldiers 5 podcast, 2 hrs 12 mins 20 secs.

WO2 Cammie MacDougall transferred from the Scot’s Guard to the RAR and shares his vast experiences in the world of Armoured Infantry. From Private through to Crew Commander and beyond, this is a great story about what life is like as a soldier operating an Infantry Fighting Vehicle. Cammie also breaks down his first deployment to Iraq in 2003 as a driver and the trying experience that conflict was for a young soldier, in his case at the time, as a British soldier. Accessible at

Combat shooting

RAR Foundation, online, 2013

Podcast, 1 hr 59 mins 55 secs.

One of the Soldiers 5 online podcasts. SGT Lachlan Mitchell, an RAR member, is one of Army’s experts in Close Combat, specifically, Combat Shooting. At time of the interview, he was based at the School of Infantry. He breaks down the art and science of 21st Century Combat Shooting, how it has evolved throughout the years and what to expect if you are about to embark on your own Combat Shooting Course. Accessible at

HEDDERMAN, Billy – Unbowed: a soldier’s extraordinary journey back from paralysis (audio interview)

RTE Radio 1 broadcast

27 mins 45 seconds.

The story of an ex-Irish Army officer with service in Chad, Bosnia and the Middle East who then joined the Australian Army to serve with 6 RAR. Includes the account of his partial recovery from paralysis. Audio interview at to support the book listed in Part 3


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