This Part includes celluloid 8mm, 16mm, 35 mm and (more recently) digital recordings that result in a “film” which can be viewed when projected onto a screen, or subsequently converted to digital format and able to be accessed via TV or computer-supported device. Some will actually be stored on a DVD or capable of retrieval via modalities such as digital-to-air “films” eg Netflix, YouTube etc . Many digital versions are now retrievable through Google and other search engines.



1 RAR Colours at Lavarack Barracks (F03723)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1979

16mm colour/silent film, 4mins 29 secs. Now digitised.

Shows the 1 RAR colours, after a parade including Septimus Tertius the mascot, being re-consecrated in the Chapel at Lavarack Barracks. Accessible at

3rd Battalion Royal Australian Regiment (Video portal)

3 RAR Association

A video media source compiled by members of the unit allowing further download of many films of 3 RAR. Includes CO newsletter and other material. Not a government site. Accessible at

An Emphasis on training: an interview with Major-General T.F. Cape, CB, CBE, DSO (F04840)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1992

U-matic high band tape, colour, sound; 55 mins 51secs. Filmed by the Training Technology Unit Australian Army.

In the video interview with General. Cape the emphasis is on training prior to, during and post-World War Two. The interview follows his career including his appointment as Commandant, OCS Portsea. He graduated from the Royal Military College Duntroon in December 1937 to the Royal Australian Artillery. Between 1938 and 1940 he held regimental appointments with coastal defence units in Sydney and Port Moresby, where he helped to establish the 13th Heavy Battery. In 1941 he was posted as the founding Senior Instructor of the Anti-Tank Wing, School of Artillery, Puckapunyal. He saw active service in February 1942 when posted as the Brigade Major of Sparrow Force on Timor. Later he served as a Grade One Staff Officers (Air), in New Guinea and Morotai. After World War II, Cape held appointments as: an instructor at the British Army Staff College, Camberley, Commandant, Officer Cadet School, Portsea; and as Commandant, Staff College, Queenscliff. Cape retired from the Army in 1972 as Master General of the Ordnance. Refers to training of officer/staff cadets including those destined for the RAR. Accessible at

Applied Marksmanship Practice

HQ Training Command (Army), Sydney, 1985

U-Matic high band videotape, colour, and sound; 14 mins. Since digitised.

Footage shot by the Army Audio Visual Unit commanded by MAJ Dennis Coffey.

A narrative and training job aid produced for units to use to better prepare soldiers of all Corps and ranks when attempting to qualify for the Army Marksman badge (same was used by RAN and RAAF for their equivalents). Widely used by all RAR units, and features RAR troops in the footage; produced by (then) Major Russell Linwood, RAR.

Australian Army Skill at Arms Meeting (AASAM 85)

TRAM Broadcasting, Sydney, 1985

U-Matic high band videotape, colour and sound; 14 mins. Since digitised.

Footage shot by the Army Audio Visual Unit commanded by MAJ Dennis Coffey.

A narrative and training job aid produced for units to prepare for competition in the Australian Army Skill at Arms Meeting (AASAM) military weapon competition that started in 1984 and was still conducted in 2021 as the premier small arms shooting competition for the ADF and internationally. Shows RAR troops in the scenes; produced by (then) Major Russell Linwood, RAR. AASAM was chaired almost entirely by RAR officer LTCOL Rex Wigney (Retd).

Australians remember (F10220)

Headquarters Training Command, Sydney, date unknown

16mm film, Colour and black and white, possibly also digitised.

Depicts Australia’s role in the two World Wars, Korean and Vietnam war. Uses archival footage as well as footage of exhibitions at the Australian War Memorial. Available through some ADF library outlets.

Blueprint for Drill

Film Australia, Sydney, 1983

Colour, sound; 30 minutes; available in 1/2” VHS tape, 16mm film and now digitised.

A video in the Army Instructor Training Series created during the 1980s by Doctrine Branch HQ Training Command, this was filmed at 1st Recruit Training Battalion using RAR staff and Army recruits, some of whom went on to join the ranks of the RAR. Project Officer and instructional designer/subject matter expert was (then) Major Bob Breen, RAR.

Blueprint for Fieldcraft Instruction

Film Australia, Sydney, 1985

Colour, sound; 30 minutes; available in 1/2” VHS tape, 16mm film and now digitised.

A video in the Army Instructor Training Series created during the 1980s by Doctrine Branch HQ Training Command, this was filmed at the Infantry Centre using RAR staff and Infantry recruits who went on to join the ranks of the RAR. Project Officer and instructional designer/subject matter expert was (then) Major Russell Linwood, RAR.

Blueprint for Weapon Training

Film Australia, Sydney, 1984

Colour, sound; 30 minutes; originally available in 1/2” VHS tape, 16mm film and now digitised.

A video in the Army Instructor Training Series created during the 1980s by Doctrine Branch HQ Training Command, this was filmed at 1st Recruit Training Battalion using RAR staff and Army recruits, some of whom went on to join the ranks of the RAR. Project Officer and instructional designer/subject matter expert was (then) Major Bob Breen, RAR.

Canungra: where professionals are made (F10268)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1973

23 mins 14 secs.

DPR 220 training films showing Coy 8 RAR undergoing Jungle Warfare training at Canungra. Accessible at

Confusion at the face of battle: an interview with Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas Daly KBE, CB, DSO (in retrospect (F04837)

 Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1992

U-matic, high band tape, sound; 57 mins 35 secs. Not known to be digitised product produced by the Training Technology Centre Australian Army.

This video is an oral that draws upon the command experiences from World War II and the Korean conflict of General Daly. Produced as part of the Training Command “Training for war” series of videos. The interviewer is Major John Butler a student of the 1992 Command and Staff College Queenscliff. The oral history examines the effect of confusion at the face of battle. The video provides thoughts on how best to reduce confusion. It also examines training methods at both the individual and collective level which can be used to counter it. The history covers unit operations at the tactical level and is based upon General Daly’s experiences as an Adjutant involved in the training of a unit to deploy overseas on operations, a Brigade Major during the defence of Tobruk, a Commanding Officer of an AIF battalion during the amphibious operations on Borneo in July 1945 and a Brigade Commander during the Korean war.


HQ Training Command and Film Australia, Sydney, 2015

16mm Film, 52 minutes. Since also digitised to DVD.

A training film, Firepower includes a range of RAR personnel and the full array of weapons available to them, including other Arms, the RAN and RAAF as at 1985. Although obsolete today, it is available today through some Army training support channels, and from the RAR Association Bibliography Registrar. Marked RESTRICTED it is now declassified.

Mansford, AO – George Lyon – Brigadier

UNSW Canberra, 2004

Australians at War Film Archive

41 min 53 secs interview conducted on 15 Jul 04.

Brigadier Mansford (Warry George) rose from Private to his retirement rank, including service with 1RAR and 2 RAR, in Korea, Malaya and Vietnam (AATTV). Captures his life experiences up to that point. Accessible at

Pacific Islands Regiment patrols remote area (F03880)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1967

silent/black and white 16 mm film; 7min 53 sec.

DPR/TV/623. Shows RAR officers/NCOs who were posted at the time to the PIR including 2nd  Lieutenants Harry Haneveld and Phillip Joyce, and WO2 Keith Payne on patrols in PNG. Accessible at

Reflections on training and leadership: an interview with Lieutenant-Colonel Ben Dowd (F04842)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1992

109 min 12 sec, Colour/U-matic high band/sound, Training Technology Centre Australian Army.

This oral history focuses on the training O’Dowd underwent when he enlisted in 1939 and examines aspects of training during his career. Battlefield stress and leadership are also addressed. Lieutenant Colonel B.S. (Ben) O’Dowd, MBE (Ret’d) was born on 2 June 1918 in Perth Western Australia. Prior to his enlistment Lieutenant Colonel O’Dowd had worked a machinist and cook in Perth and “bogger” on the goldfields. He enlisted in the AIF on 7 November 1939. He was allocated to infantry and served with the 2/11th Battalion throughout World War II following which he joined the occupation forces in Japan. He qualified for a regular commission after attending RMC Duntroon, and joined 3 RAR in Japan at the outbreak of the Korean War.O’Dowd was promoted temporary major on 23 December 1950 and commanded “A’ Company at the battle of Kapyong. After the Korean War O’Dowd was posted to the British Jungle Training Centre at Kota-Tinggi, Malaysia as an instructor. Between courses, he went on patrol operations with British Gurkha, Fiji and Malayan forces. O’Dowd was Mentioned in Despatches by the British for distinguished service during these operations. Returning to Australia in November 1954, he was posted to Canungra and appointed Senior Instructor, Battle Wing. At the Jungle Training Centre he trained infantry battalions in jungle warfare for the Malayan Emergency. He was posted to Army Headquarters in 1957 and retired in June 1973.

RMC Class of 1969-1972

Produced by Rod M Allen, Fox Studios Australia

26.55 mins video including back and white and colour footage.

Features RMC Duntroon cadets in training, focussing on those who started officer training in 1969 and (most) graduating in 1972. Among them are many who went on to serve in the RAR.

Accessible at

The 5/7th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (Mechanised) Last Parade at Holsworthy

YouTube, film, 33mins 57 secs.

Last parade of the unit in its mechanised configuration, 2016. Accessible at

The true-hearted soldier who stood up to his superiors to save his men

The Braved.

YouTube video; 9 mins 11 secs.

Combination of cartoons, still images and movie extracts published by ‘The Braved’.

Story of Warrant Class 2 Keith Payne, VC, AM covering his service in Korea, Malays and Vietnam and his experiences in Australia. Accessible at


UNSW, Canberra, 2004

40 mins 49 secs video

One of the Australians at war film archive series of interviews, this product features Thomson (BCOF, DINF and 1 RAR) in Japan, Korea, Malaya, Borneo and Vietnam. Accessible at

Trooping the colours Lavarack Barracks 1972 (F03722)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra,1972

16 mm/B &W/silent film; 4 mins 29 secs.

Film of the 1 RAR colours being trooped. Able to be ordered via

Victoria Cross Australians 1900-2020


Video of still following a brief movie interdiction. Shows every Australian recipient of the VC up to 2020. Each recipient’s photo and a summary is provided. Accessible at


1 Battalion pre-embarkation parade, shipboard scenes, arrival in Korea (F07533)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1952

35mm Film, black and white, silent; 4 mins 34 secs. Now digitised.

Also listed as DPR/S/10, the film features a 1 RAR parade held in Japan on 28 March 1952, the Commander in Chief British Commonwealth Force Korea, 36 (VX38969) Lieutenant General William Bridgeford took the salute at the Battalion march past. At Kure Japan, part of the unit’s vehicles and troops were embarked on RASCV ‘Reginald Kerr’ (LST) and transported to Korea. This element of 1 RAR arrived at Ichon late on the night of 1 April 1952 and commenced unloading vehicles at 0800 next morning. Good scenes of live firing by battalion weapons at sea. Other identified personnel are: 1 RAR bandsmen Side Drummer 2/5088 Private R J Drinkwater, (bass Drummer unknown) & Side Drummer 2/3360 Private C H Parmenter. Accessible at

1 Bn RAR memorial service at UN military cemetery Pusan, Korea 23 March 1953 (F07541)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1953

35mm black and white film, silent, 3 mins 47 secs. Now digitised.

Also coded DPR/S/17a, 17b, this film shows 1 RAR holding a Memorial Service at the United Nations Military Cemetery Pusan Korea on 23 March 1953 before returning to Australia after a tour of duty in Korea. On 24 March 1953,1 RAR embarked on the passenger liner ‘New Australia’ at Pusan for return to Australia via Kure Japan. Accessible at

3 RAR Korea 1953-54 (F10868)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1953-54

8mm film, colour, silent, 32 mins.

Filmed by ex-Private Bruce Andrew Bicket during his service with 3 RAR September 1953 – November 1954. Very clear colour footage shows Australian accommodation and environmental conditions in which Australian and other forces worked. The film also captures routine activities such as a football game and a trip to town, and local people going about their daily work. Available at


3rd Battalion in Korea, early shots (F07527)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1951

35 mm black and white film, silent, 6 mins 15 secs. Now digitised.

Also coded as PDR/S/1, this film provides general coverage of 3 RAR in the Kanp’a’ri area in 1951. Shows troops moving up to take up defence positions supported by Centurion tanks of British 8th Hussars and New Zealand artillery. Accessible at

34 Brigade training at Morotai (F07433)

Australian War Mmeorial, Cabnerra, 1945

35mm, b&w, 3 min 50 sec silent movie shot from 1 -7 December 1945; Cuffley, Leighton Edward (Cinematographer).

The 65th, 66th and 67th Battalions of the 34th Australian Infantry Brigade commence training in drill movements at Morotai prior to proceeding to Japan as an Occupation Force. Scenes of Australian Army Education Service Centre at Morotai with troops taking advantage of Rehabilitation Training courses. Also identified: SX6219 Captain G H Fawcett; Brigadier R H Nimmo.

A great tradition (F03618)

Department of the Army

35mm/b&w/silent, 10min 57 sec; Directorate of Public Relations, 1954.

A film tracing the- then- 9 year history of the 3rd Battalion the Royal Australian Regiment. Covers its formation in New Guinea as the 67 Bn in 1945, service with BCOF, action in Korea and return to Australia in 1954. Includes scenes of 3 RAR disembarking on its return in Brisbane. This was the first time that 3 RAR set foot in Australia since its formation. Also shows ceremonies and city marches in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. Also mentions 2 RAR. Available at

A Hill in Korea

Wessex Films

81 minutes

A 1956 British war film based on Max Catto’s 1953 novel of the same name. Based on a true story involving 27th British InfantryBrigade that included 3 RAR at the time (1951).The original name was Hell in Korea, but was changed for distribution reasons, except in the U.S. It was directed by Julian Amyes and the producer was Anthony Squire.

Anzac Day Korea (F07540)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1955

35mm black and white film, silent, 1 mins 55 secs. Now digitised.

Also coded DPR/S/16, this film shows Australian and New Zealand troops taking part in an Anzac Day Memorial Parade in 1955. The parade was held in the camp of 1 RAR on the banks of the Imjin River, Korea.  Accessible at

Anzac parade 1948 and investiture (F07503)

Australian War Memorial , Canberra,  xxxx

35mm/b&w/silent, 6 min 18 sec; Cartledge, Ronald Selby (Cinematographer).

On Sunday 25 April 1948, a special parade was held in Anzac Park, Kure, Japan in memory of those who lost their lives in both World Wars. Representative forces from all national components and service branches of BCOF and American Military Government were reviewed by the Commander in Chief Lieutenant General H C H Robertson CBE DSO. A short ceremony was held during which the following personnel were invested. *Squadron Leader R T Susans DFC, OC 77 Fighter Squadron RAAF, BCAIR; +Sergeant (Sgt) R O McLaughlin DCM, 65th Australian Infantry Battalion; +Sgt J F Guerin DCM, 66th Australian Infantry Battalion; +Sgt H E Foley GM, 28th Australian Field Squadron; *Captain V H Gilchrist MM, HQ Signals Regiment; +Warrant Officer II F J Brown MM, 66th Australian Infantry Battalion; +Sgt J L Rose MM, 1st Australian Salvage Section; +Private A J Martin MM, 65th Australian Infantry Battalion. The band provided was from the 66th Australian Infantry Battalion. Parade Commander was Brigadier R N L Hopkins. (*Identified on film. +Identified by name only from BECON 26 April 1948).

Australian mortar unit in Korea, UN troops crossing river, Korea, NZ artillery battery in action (F07535)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1951

35mm black and white film, silent, 6 mins 12 secs. Now digitised.

Also coded DPR/S/11, this film shows a series of actions in Korea, including an Australian aboriginal soldier sighting mortar watched by other members of the mortar crew. New Zealand artillery forward observation post gathering information on enemy positions. Field HQ working out artillery plot. Field guns firing. This NZ artillery regiment was supporting the Australian component of UN in Korea. Accessible at

Australians at War Film Archive (General)

UNSW Canberra

This online database provides access to audio-visual records of a range of individuals including RAR members who speak to their experiences. Some contain footage of action, others are the interviewed person’s ‘talking head’. This base page allows the selection of deployments starting with WW II and allow an enormous range of options. Researchers seeking RAR-specific matters can select that sub-option to narrow the search. Access Select a ‘theme” (a deployment) and then at the bottom in ‘keywords’ put in ‘RAR’. This opens up a world of RAR deployees in THAT particular war. Many are multiple deployees.

Australian troops march through Tokyo (F07455)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, xxxx

35mm, b&w, silent, 1 min 42 sec; O’Halloran, John Frederick M (Cinematographer).

A composite battalion drawn from 34th Australian Infantry Brigade was formed to take over guard duties at the Imperial Palace and other important buildings in Tokyo. The battalion was led by Lieutenant Colonel R H Marson DSO, CO 65th Australian Infantry Battalion. 7 May 1946-8 May 1946.

Australia’s Battle of Kapyong

The Cove, online, 2024

Video, 19 mins 58 secs.

One of the Australian Army Battle Honours series. Presents the Battle of Kapyong with involved 3 RAR. A combination of graphics and imagery. Accessible at the top of the screen at Australia’s Battle of Kapyong | The Cove (


Australia’s Battle of Kapyong (Companion)

The Cove, online, 2024

Video, 4 mins 49 secs.

One of the Australian Army Battle Honours series. This short video is a companion product to the prime video Australia’s Battle of Kapyong and addresses the tactical applications associated with it. Involved 3 RAR. Accessible at the bottom of the screen at Australia’s Battle of Kapyong | The Cove (

Battle of Kapyong Commemorative Parade and Task Force Taji – Five Farewell Parade 4 May 2017

3 RAR/Anonymous

YouTube -based film, 4minutes 6 seconds.

60th  anniversary of the Battle for Kapyong  . Accessible at

Brigadier P J Greville CBE (Rtd) as Officer Commanding Assault Pioneer Platoon 1st Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment (1 RAR) and a prisoner of war, Korea 1952-1953, interviewed by Colonel D A Chinn MBE (Rtd) (F04890)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1953

Colour, DVCAM, sound, 16 mins 13secs. Now digitised.

A video interview with Brigadier P J Greville CBE conducted at the AWM. Brigadier Greville speaks of his service background and experience, as well as training; the role of the Assault Pioneer Platoon in Korea during his period of command; the circumstances of his capture; his treatment as a POW; his attitude towards the Chinese Army’s lack of commitment to the terms of the Geneva Convention; the effect of Australian journalist Wilfred Burchett on POWs; the United Nations Command (UNC) alleged use of biological (germ) warfare against North Korea; his release and subsequent return to Australia; the physical and mental effects of incarceration and indoctrination on him and other prisoners of the Chinese Army during the war in Korea; his view of the use of POW re-education programs in general. Accessible at

Captured (F11538)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1955

16 mm black and white silent film, digitised status not yet identified.

This film is based on the experiences of members of the Commonwealth Contingent of the United Nations Forces, including RAR members, who were taken prisoner by the Communists during the Korean war. Shows many of the forms of ill treatment adopted by the Communists to “obtain confessions of war crimes” and military information. Available from the AWM.

DMZ 27 May 1994 (The Battle of Maryang San) (F04818)

Training Technology Centre Australian Army, Sydney, 1994

Betacam SP/b&w/sound, 7 minutes

Film about 3 RAR’s successful attack, rated to be the most outstanding single event carried out by Australians in the

Korean War. More detail is available at

For Korea. Anzacs are coming: first troops leave for Korea. Aussies arrive in Japan (Cinesound News No. 985) (F01992)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1950

35mm Film, black and white, silent; 7 mins. Now digitised.

Cinesound newsreel –1st item. For Korea: Australian Army trains in Japan. Hiro Japan 3 RAR HQ troops being kitted out with uniforms and tin hats. Jeeps and trailers the main method of transporting supplies in Korea. Troops march in Japanese countryside. Live firing of 3.5″ bazooka at 9″ nickel steel plate. Camouflaged troops in a field. Flame thrower demonstration. Narrator indicates that this proves the Australians are to be well equipped with modern weapons in Korea. Item ends with troops at bayonet practice. 2nd item. Anzacs are coming: first troops leave for Korea. Parade of Australian infantry at Ingleburn NSW. Close ups of soldiers including an Aboriginal. The narrator quotes Russian newspaper reports that Australians will not enlist for Korea. Embarkation of the first draft at Kingsford-Smith airport at night for Japan on a Skymaster aircraft. Sergeant J.R. Graham with his fiance. The Minister for Army Josiah Francis and Lieutenant-General Berryman were at the airport to see off the troops. For reasons of security only a few relatives were allowed at the airport. Speech by Prime Minister Menzies in which he stresses the close relationship Australia has with the United States. 3rd item. Aussies arrive in Japan. Scenes of the Skymaster landing. Wing Commander Spence of 77 Sqn RAAF was there to greet the men. Accessible at

Guard of honour for General Blamey (F07508)

Australian War Memorial , Canberra, xxxx

35mm/b&w/silent, 2 min 46 secs; Military History Section BCOF (Cinematographer).

A Guard of Honour from the 65th Australian Infantry Battalion (BCOF) was formed at Kure, Japan on the 29 September 1948, on the arrival of General Sir T A Blamey GBE KCB CMG DSO ED. General Blamey inspected the Guard.

In a great tradition (3 RAR) (F11416)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1954

16mm black and white film, silent, 50 mins 39 secs. Now digitised.

Also coded DPR/S/44, this film covers the return of 3 RAR from Korea, showing the arrival and city marches in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. Accessible at


Inspection of 34 Brigade and address by Lieutenant General Northcott, Commander in Chief Empire Occupation Force (F07442)

Australian War Memorial , Canberra, xxxx

35mm b&w silent movie, 2min 54 secs. Cuffley, Leighton Edward (Cinematographer).

On 23 December 1945, some 3,500 members of 34 Brigade paraded on Wama Airstrip, Morotai, Halmahera Islands, Netherlands East Indies for an inspection by Lieutenant General J. Northcott CB MVO; after listening to an address by General Northcott, the Brigade marched past the saluting base, the column being a mile in length and took three quarters of an hour to pass. Also identified: Brigadier R. H. Nimmo; Major General E. J. Milford CBE DSO. Some on parade went on to form the RAR.

Interview with Arthur Pembroke 9 Platoon ‘C’ Company 3 RAR  (The battle of Maryang San) (F04832)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1994

Betacam SP/colour/sound film, digitised status not confirmed, 34 mins 58 secs.

First-hand account of the 3 RAR battle from the perspective of Arthur Pembroke at the time of the battle. Digitised availability as advised by the AWM on application.

Interview with Company Sergeant Major Arthur Stanley CSM ‘C’ Company 3 RAR  (The battle of Maryang San) (F04831)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1994

Betacam SP/colour/sound film, digitised status not confirmed, 34 mins.

First-hand account of the 3 RAR battle from the perspective of Warrant Officer Stanley at the time of the battle. Digitised availability as advised by the AWM on application.

Interview with Laurie Clark 11 Platoon ‘D’ Company 3 RAR (The battle of Maryang San) (F04824)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1994

Betacam SP/colour/sound film, digitised status not confirmed, time unknown mins.

First-hand account of the 3 RAR battle from the perspective of Laurie Clark. Digitised availability as advised by the AWM on application.

Interview with 2/Lieutenant Kelley Griffiths Captain Troop Commander 163 Battalion 16 Field Regt RNZA (The battle of Maryang San) (F04835)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1994

Betacam SP/colour/sound film, digitised status not confirmed, 57 mins.

First-hand account of the 3 RAR battle from the perspective of artilleryman 2nd Lieutenant Griffiths, whose unit was in Direct Support of 3 RAR at the time of the battle. Digitised availability as advised by the AWM on application. Name of this movie is suspect, but its control number appears to be accurate.

Interview with Lieutenant Peter Scott Intelligence Officer 3RAR (the battle of Maryang San) (F04828)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1994

Betacam SP/colour/sound film, digitised status not confirmed, 30 mins.

First-hand account of the RAR battle from the perspective of (then) Lieutenant Scott. Basic information about the battle is accessible at Digitised availability as advised by the AWM on application.

Interview with Major Jack Gerke OC ‘C’ Company 3 RAR (The battle of Maryang San) (F04823)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1994

Betacam SP/colour/sound film, digitised status not confirmed, time unknown mins.

First-hand account of the 3 RAR battle from the perspective of Major Gerke. Digitised availability as advised by the AWM on application.

Interview with (Platoon) Commander Jim Hughes 4 Platoon ‘B’ Company 3 RAR (The battle of Maryang San) (F04827)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1994

Betacam SP/colour/sound film, digitised status not confirmed, 26 mins.

First-hand account of the 3 RAR battle from the perspective of LT Hughes, a platoon commander at the time of the battle. Digitised availability as advised by the AWM on application.

Interview with (Platoon) Commander Jock McCormick OC Assault Pioneers (The battle of Maryang San) (F04829)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1994

Betacam SP/colour/sound film, digitised status not confirmed, 36 mins.

First-hand account of the 3 RAR battle from the perspective of LT McCormick, the Assault Pioneer platoon commander at the time of the battle. Digitised availability as advised by the AWM on


Interview with (Platoon) Commander Maurie Pears 7 Platoon ‘C’ Company 3 RAR (The battle of Maryang San) (F04826)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1994

Betacam SP/colour/sound film, digitised status not confirmed, 21 mins.

First-hand account of the 3 RAR battle from the perspective of LT Pears, a platoon commander at the time of the battle. Digitised availability as advised by the AWM on application.

Interview with Private Jim MacFadzean Signaller ‘C’ Company 3 RAR  (The battle of Maryang San) (F04830)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1994

Betacam SP/colour/sound film, digitised status not confirmed, length not identified.

First-hand account of the 3 RAR battle from the perspective of Private MacFadzean, a rifle company signaller at the time of the battle. Digitised availability as advised by the AWM on application.

Interview with Robert Parker as Private with 3rd Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment (3 RAR) and a prisoner of war, Korea 1952-1953, interviewed by Bill Forgarty  (F04891)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 2001

Betacam SP/colour/sound film, digitised status not confirmed, 34 mins, 23 secs.

Interview of Private Parker who was captured in Korea and spent the rest of the war as a POW. Digitised availability as advised by the AWM on application.

Interview with Sergeant Jack Morrison MMG Platoon 3 RAR (The battle of Maryang San)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1994

Betacam SP/colour/sound film now digitised, 15 mins.

First-hand account of the 3 RAR battle from the perspective of Morrison.  Basic information accessible at Digitised availability as advised by the AWM on application.

Interview with Sergeant Len Opie CSM ‘D’ Coy3 RAR (The battle of Maryang San) (F04819)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1994

Betacam SP/colour/sound film, digitised status not confirmed, time unknown mins.

First-hand account of the 3 RAR battle from the perspective of (then) Sergeant Opie, acting CSM. Digitised availability as advised by the AWM on application.

Interview with Sir Francis Hassett (the battle of Maryang San) (F04833)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1994

Betacam SP/colour/sound film, digitised status not confirmed, 112 mins.

First-hand account of the battle from the perspective of (then) Lieutenant Colonel Hassett, CO 3 RAR. Basic information about the battle is accessible at Digitised availability as advised by the AWM on application.

Interview with Sir William Keyes Adjutant Captain (the battle of Maryang San) (F04821)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1994

Betacam SP/colour/sound film, digitised status not confirmed, 30 mins.

First-hand account of the 3 RAR battle from the perspective of (then) Captain Keyes. Basic information accessible at Digitised availability as advised by the AWM on application.

John Brownbill’s story – near miss

Department of Veterans Affairs

YouTube 2mins 5 secs in the Anzacportal series.

Brownbill is interviewed about his experiences towards the ceasefire in Korea A shipping clerk before enlisting in Melbourne, John was selected for officer training and posted first to 2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (2RAR) in June 1952. He was sent to Japan, then in February 1953 was transferred to 3RAR which was fighting in Korea. There he commanded an infantry platoon in action in the region of Hill 355, Samichon Valley and the Kansas Line. Accessible at

(Heroes of the Forgotten War: The Battle of Kapyong)

Arcimedia, 2001

53 min film directed and written by Dennis Smith.

Focuses on 3 RAR. Movie also available on line free at

Korea (F07532)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1951-53

32mm film, black and white, silent, 6 mins 41secs.

 Film (DPR/S/9) includes shots of Korean terrain; living conditions of 3 RAR; method of supply to 3 RAR by Korean carriers; illustrates the cold weather uniform as worn by Australian troops in Korea; camp conditions and amenities. Available at

Lieutenant General Robertson visits base units (F07470)

Australian War Memorial , War Memorial, xxx

35mm/b&w/silent, 3 min 32 sec; Cartledge, Ronald Selby (Cinematographer).

Accompanied by Brigadier (Brig) W Wilson, CO British Commonwealth Base, the Commander in Chief BCOF visited units under Base Command, meeting unit officers and inspecting the facilities in the area. Afterwards he continued his inspection at Hiro with Brig R N L Hopkins CBE, CO 34th Australian Infantry Brigade. He visited units in the following order, meeting the OC’s and making a brief inspection of the camp facilities. Also identified: VX45138 Lieutenant (Lt) W L Fisher, Adjutant of 1st Australian Armoured Car Squadron; Lt General Robertson; VX1350 Major (Maj) H S Harper; VX1238 Lt J C Morris, 28th Australian Field Company, RAE; OC Maj H T Hunt, RIE; Drum Major Sergeant Silk; Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) G E Colvin DSO; Brig A G Wilson, Commander British Commonwealth Base; NX76191 Maj J F Read, OC 41 Advanced Supply Depot; CO Lt Col D F Wiley, HQ Signals BCOF; NX34749 Colonel D R Cullen; NX145756 Sergeant E R McGinn at 1 Australian Area Workshops; NX45133 Lt Col J C Turner; NX10169 Maj R J McLachlan; QX41726 Captain (Capt) J W Keane, CO; NX125686 Lt J R Allen; 307578 Capt J W G Dodds, OC 362 PBS Platoon (RASC) Capt C E Robertson.


National Service Training (F07539)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1951

35mm black and white film, silent, 2 mins 25 secs. Now digitised.

Also coded DPR/S/15, this film shows the Minister for the Army, the Hon Josiah Francis, accompanied by GOC Southern Command, Lieutenant General H Wells, inspecting a parade of NCO’s and camp accommodation at Puckapunyal Victoria, in preparation for the first draft of National Servicemen in the Third National Service scheme. Created to supplement the Korean war numbers, this scheme generated many troops for the RAR. Accessible at

One man’s war (F07543)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1951

35mm black and white film, sound, 10 mins 8 secs. Now digitised.

Also coded DPR/S/19, this film features Private Chris Jones of Adelaide SA and his service in Korea with 3 RAR. Covers his voluntary enlistment, departure from Kingsford-Smith airport and flight to Japan. Sightseeing in Tokyo including General MacArthur’s HQ and the Imperial Place. Scenes of Seoul, intercut with footage of earlier battles, and Korean peasants, the 38th Parallel and Imjin River area in summer 1953. Motor columns and troops of Commonwealth Division moving to forward area. Training dogs in mine detection. 25 pounder guns of the New Zealand Field Regiment. Scenes of 3 RAR HQ and supply dump. Life at the battalion’s forward positions. Shelling intercut with troops sheltering in dugouts. Mess parades. Casualty evacuation by US Sikorsky S-51 helicopter. Private Jones relaxing in his dugout listening to radio news from Australia. Accessible at

‘One year in Korea’ 1950 – Korean War 70th Anniversary

Youtube video, black and white, 21 minutes

Produced by Reel Films, covers the first year of the Korean War which involved 3 RAR.

Release of Australian POWs by Communists at Punmunjom on Monday 20th April 1953 (F07522)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1953

16mm Film, Black and white, silent; 6 mins 54 secs. Now digitised.

The Australian group comprising Private’s Donnelly (1/400205) Davoren (2/401292), Mackay (5/400033), Davis (1/400481) and Brown (4/400163) were released at Panmunjom on 23 April 1953. Donnelly was captured on 14 January 1953. All had been wounded in the 3 RAR actions on those dates in the Majon’ni sector held by 28 British Commonwealth Brigade. Donnelly was a stretcher case and arrived in a helicopter, from Panmunjom. After being welcomed by General West and Brigadier Wilton they were processed then flown from Munsan’ni American MASH (Mobile Army Surgical Hospital) by helicopters. Accessible at

Robert Parker as a Private with 3 RAR and a prisoner of war 1952-53 (F04981)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 2001

Film, DVCAM, colour, 34 mins 23 secs

Interviewed at the AWM many years after the Korean War. Parker recalls the night of his capture, escaping, recapture, conditions whilst incarcerated including sustaining a skin infection, conditions at “Camp Five”, and meeting Wilfred Burchett who attempted to interview him.

Passage to Pusan

Korean Culture Centre Australia/Arirang TV

 YouTube,1 hr 19:46 mins.

A documentary produced in conjunction with K-workscreative, covering veterans and their descendants revisiting Kapyong, Korea on the 70th anniversary of the battle which included 3 RAR. 1 and 2 RAR are also honoured in the wider dedication, 340 Australians dying in the war. Author of the book, Louise Evans OAM features, as do many veterans, with Evans telling the story of the mother of SGT Vincent Healy, 3 RAR who went there after the war to locate her son’s grave.   See

Second Battalion (2 RAR) marchout 1953 (F11480)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1953

9.5 mm black and white film, silent, 3 mins 0 secs. Now digitised.

Footage includes the marching of troops of E Company 14 Battalion at Puckapunyal, inspection of personnel by General Sir Horace Robertson and the Minister for the Army, Sir Josiah Francis and lines of 2 RAR soldiers. Accessible at

Still photographs from the battle of Maryang San and Korea (F04834)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1994

Published by the AWM, filmed in 1994 by the Army Training Technology Unit and now available via YouTube. Black and white, silent, 14 mins.

A series of still photographs recorded in Betacam SP video format and now digitized.  Accessible at

The Battle of Kapyong 22-25 April 1951 – Part 1


10 mins 13 secs.

A coverage of this famous battle involving 3 RAR. Is characterised by a narrative delivered by Australian Quentin David Jones using Google Earth technology and the placement of digital images to assist the story. No other images. Accessible at The Battle of Kapyong 1951 – Part1 (

The Battle of Kapyong 1951 – Part 2


12 mins.

A coverage of this famous battle involving 3 RAR. Is characterised by a narrative delivered by Australian Quentin David Jones using Google Earth technology and the placement of digital images to assist the story. No other images. Accessible at (3) The Battle of Kapyong 1951 – Part2 – YouTube

The Battle of Kapyong 1951 – Part 3


10 mins 25 secs.

A coverage of this famous battle involving 3 RAR. Is characterised by a narrative delivered by Australian Quentin David Jones using Google Earth technology and the placement of digital images to assist the story. No other images. Accessible at The Battle of Kapyong 1951 – Part3 (

The Battle of Kapyong 1951 – Part 4


11 mins 49 secs.

A coverage of this famous battle involving 3 RAR. Is characterised by a narrative delivered by Australian Quentin David Jones using Google Earth technology and the placement of digital images to assist the story. Small number of still images. Accessible at The Battle of Kapyong 1951- Part4 (

The Battle of Kapyong (Korean War)

Bing movies, 2022

53 mins 24 secs.

A Dockermania production using both enacted and real footage. Narrated by John Waters and directed by Dennis Smith this coverage of the battle features 3 RAR. Accessible at Bing Videos or

The Battle of Maryang San (F04836)

Training Technology Centre Australian Army, Sydney, 1994

Betacam SP/Colour/sound; 64 minutes.

Presenter Steve Bisley addresses this 3 RAR battle. In early October 1951, 3RAR, in conjunction with British Commonwealth troops, attacked a group of hills near the Imjin River. The attack was named after the biggest of these hills and became known as the battle for Maryang San or “Operation Commando”. More information is at . Movie available at

The diplomats talk on the Korean war and peace- Part 1

YouTube, 54 mins 51 secs.

Arirang Issue production

Documentary about the allied forces serving under the UN banner in the Korean War. Images and description of the Australian commitment are included. Accessible at Australian War Memorial assisted with its production.

UN invasion traps Reds in Korea. 2 UN Allied Forces close giant trap on Korean Reds. 3. Orient at the crossroads (F03507)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1953

35mm Film, black and white, silent; 5 mins 51 secs. Not known to be digitised.

Extracts from three Movietone News newsreels on the war in Korea Sep to Oct 50.  Coverage of the landings at Inchon, Korea 15 September 1950 by the X US Corps. Shows the naval bombardment by rocket ships and battleships of Task Force 77. The landing by US marines. Fleeing Korean civilians and a UN refugee camp south of Taegu. Republic of Korea troops on the move. Taegu airfield and P-51 Mustang fighters. Kimpo airfield in UN hands. Major General Oliver Smith commanding 1st Marine Division plans advance on Seoul. Amtracks cross the Han River. US troops in action. North Korean POWs being fed rice. The citizens of Inchon begin rebuilding their city and receive rations from the UN Forces. USMC soldiers giving sweets to Korean children. Knocked out North Korean T-34 tanks. General Douglas MacArthur in the field. 1st US Cavalry Division enter Pyongyang 19 October 1950 and are hailed as liberators. North Korean troops held up in a train tunnel are attacked by US troops using a recoilless rifle. Commonwealth troops on the move with Bren gun carriers, including RAR troops.

SOUTH EAST ASIA 1950-current

(includes Malaya, Borneo, Singapore & Malaysia)

2 RAR Malaya/Major RJ Fletcher (F00264)

Private (Major RJ Fletcher), Malaya, 1957

8mm standard, colour, silent, 32 min 57 sec

Detail of what is on this compilation is at  as is the actual film including experiences such as 2 RAR Mortar Platoon NCOs being trained on 4.2 inch mortars at Ipoh. Identified 2 RAR members are Sgt D. Symons, 12706 Sgt Keith Henry Ewald (accidentally killed in ambush 31 January 1956) and Cpl M. Randall. 27 Feb 57 Air resupply, Support Coy by RAF Valetta aircraft and efforts to recover hung up parachute using Verey Pistol, Bren LMG.Sarawak Rangers (Ibans) climbing. Very Pistol and finally a demolition job. Scenes from observation tower showing a Ferret Scout Car, Armoured troop Carrier (Coffins), A guard of honour (Machine Gun platoon) Lieutenant AM Orr and Sergeant D Howells departing for the Official Opening of the new Engineers Road alongside camp. Kroh, ferret Scout car and aircraft movement, Auster, Westland Whirland and Sycamore helicopters. June 1957 Scenes at Kroh, Grik Road. Overhead tin mining cableway, also Lieutenant A.W. Campbell MC. Main road crossing Butterworth Air Base. 3 inch and 4.2 inch Mortars in action. September 1957 Minden barracks rehearsals, and embarking Penang for return to Australia.

2 RAR Malaya (F00264)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1955-57

8mm standard/colour (Kodachrome)/silent, 32 mins 57 secs

Compilation by Major RJ Fletcher of 2 RAR in Malaya 1955-57 conducting operations against the Communist Terrorists during the Malayan Emergency.

2nd Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment (F00227)

Defence Public Relations, Canungra QLD, 1955

16mm, colour, sound, 14 mins 37 secs

Shows the presentation ceremony of the Queen’s colours to 2 RAR on 2 Sep 55 at Brisbane by The Governor-General, Field Marshal Sir William Slim, GCB, GCMG, GCVO, GBE, DSO, MC, KstJ ; training for service in Malaya at the Jungle Warfare Training Centre, Canungra; city march by the battalion through Brisbane and departure for Malaya to join the Far East Strategic Reserve on the MV Georgic. Viewable at

3 RAR in Malaya and Borneo (F03640)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1965

Originally 8mm colour Kodachrome, silent, 13 min 22 secs.

The film comprises several reels of footage taken at Terendak and elsewhere in both countries. Details on the weblink.

Accessible at

3 RAR Malaysia  (F03636)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1966

16mm/b&w/silent film, 10 mins, 30sec.

A Defence Public Relations film which covers 3 RAR during Confrontation. Now available through the AWM. See

8 RAR arrival in Singapore (DPR/TV/73

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1967

Black and white, silent film, 4 minutes, 28 secs.

Despite the title, this film shows 8 RAR (group; more than 8 RAR deployed) arriving in Terendak to replace 4 RAR. Accessible at

Aerial supply in Sarawak  (F03666)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1965

16mm/b&w/silent, 5 mins, 59 secs.

A Department of Public Relations film (DPR/TV/247) depicting 3 RAR patrolling on active service in forward positions near the Sarawak-Kalimantan border of Borneo. Includes air drops of supplies from RAF aircraft that became a lifeline between them and their supply depot in Kuching. See

Anniversary for the 4th (Battalion RAR) (F04627)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1967

16mm film, black and white, sound, approx 7 mins.

Presents 4 RAR in Malaysia (Terendak). Viewable at

Army Minister visits troops in Borneo (F03686)

Department of Veterans Affairs, Anzac Portal

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1965 (copyright)

YouTube footage converted from 16mm black and white, silent, 3min 29 secs.

The film shows The Minister for the Army Dr A J Forbes, visiting 3 RAR in Sarawak. On arrival at Bau, the Minister was met by the CO 3 RAR, Lieutenant Colonel B A McDonald. Accessible at

Another forgotten war: Why the Communists never managed to gain a foothold in Malaysia – The Second Malaysian Emergency


Video, 9 mins 35 secs.

One of the military history videos in The Front series, this video provides a history of the Communist Insurgency in Malaysia 1968-1989 during which all RARs deployed multiple rifle companies to Air Base Butterworth to perform protection of RAAF assets and personnel under the Shared Defence Arrangements with the Malaysians. Accessible at

Australian troops on exercise ‘Knuckle Down’ (F04431)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra,1970

16 mm/B&W/silent film; 4 mins 40 secs. Now digitized.


Film showing preparations for a five nation exercise, code-named Bersatu Padu, in Malaya for Singapore-based troops. Centred around movement, deployment and counter-revolutionary warfare techniques, the exercise commenced with the establishment of a fire support base from which 108 Field Battery provided support for the infantry phases of the exercises. Soldiers of 1 RAR, gunners of 108 Battery and sappers of 2nd Field Troop combined in the Kota Tinggi training area in southern Malaya. Accessible at

BCOF on parade (F07526)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1949

Black and white film, silent (video) 10 mins 42 secs

DPR/S/3, this film shows part of the British Commonwealth Occupation Forces (BCOF) on parade. The BCOF included the three Australian Battalions that became 1, 2 and 3 RAR. Shot in Kure, Japan it focuses on 3 RAR initially. Accessible at

Border Operation (F04625)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1961

16mm film, black and white, silent, 9 minutes

Covers 2 RAR in Malaysia during Thai border operations carried out against the Communist Terrorists. Now digitised and accessible at Made by Defence Public Relations.

Brigadier Hassett 28 Brigade Malaysia (F03648)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1962

Originally 16mm black and white, sound 4 min 57 secs.

Also labelled DPR/TV/30 the film features Commander 28 Commonwealth Brigade being interviewed at Cananga about the role and composition of the brigade which was based at the time in Taiping, Malaysia, with

Butterworth Air Base


Video 8 mins.

This is a heavily RAAF-biased history wich paints a very misleading picture of life (for RAAF) at Butterworth. Does make mention of ‘126’ Army, meaning RCB, but even that is inaccurate as the numbers varied between 1970 and 1989 during the CIM68-89, and since. Imagery of the aircraft is useful; again a strong RAAF bias plays down the presence of RMAF troops and aircraft. Of some value beware of the strong (retired) RAAF bias not shared by the Army who deployed to protect the base. Accessible at

Casualty of Malayan Emergency honoured at Duntroon

Department of Veterans Affairs, Canberra

YouTube, accessed 5 Feb 22

DVA video 2 mins 10 secs.

Commemorative service at Duntroon where a Portsea graduate, LT Clive Bridge of1 RAR, killed in action in Malaya, had his name added to the Honour Roll at that location. Several other RAR individual feature. Accessible at

C Coy 1 RAR on exercise on Penang Island (F04478)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1970

Black and white film, digitised, 7 min 34 seconds.

Army film DPR/TV/1356, this footage shows 1 RAR coverage on Penang Island. Noteworthy is the absence of Blank Firing Attachments. At this time CTs were active on the mainland, with 1 RAR supplying RCBs to Air Base Butterworth. Accessible at

CGS in Borneo (F03670)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1962

Originally 16mm black and white, sound 4 min 57 secs.

Also labelled DPR/TV/30 the film shows the Australian Army’s Chief of General Staff, Lieutenant General Sir John Wilton, stopped over in Borneo to visit 3 RAR, which was patrolling the Kalimantan-Sarawak border. After examining an airstrip at Bau, Sir John flew by helicopter over the jungle and swamps to patrol bases near the border. At one of the patrol bases, Sir John was given an outline of base defenses and troop activities by company commander, Major Hughen Boyd, of Ivanhoe, Victoria. Digital version accessible at

Fighting patrol (F03173)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1965

16mm/b&w/ film with sound, 3mins.

A Defence Public Relations short film (DPR130) on how Australian infantry patrols operated in Borneo during the Indonesian Confrontation. See Clearly a fabricated training aid; possibly some sections are real.

Infantry Company sent to Butterworth airbase (F044471)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1970

Seven minute 16mm film (now also digitised); silent. Digital version also available from the AWM website. Enter film number into Search engine.

From ship to shore (F04668)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1965

Originally 16mm black and white, silent, 13 min 22 secs.

Also labelled DPR/TV/275 the film shows 3 RAR and 2nd Field Troop, Royal Australian Engineers, returned to Malaya after four months in Sarawak. From the aircraft carrier HMS Albion, the troops were loaded by platoons into assault landing craft and lowered to the water near Malacca. During the move, the Commanding Officer of the Battalion, Lieutenant Colonel B. A. McDonald, came aboard and was met by the Captain of the Albion, Captain J. Adams. Digital version accessible at

From the Peace Village of the 10th Regimen PKM

Malaysia.kini.TV, 2013

7 minute, 4 second Youtube video, includes photographs and a map set in northern Malaysia

Consists of interviews with ex-members of 10th Assault Regiment, being CTs who served during the Second Malaysia Emergency. One of several enemy units named in intelligence reports during the time that all RAR battalions provided company groups called Rifle Company Butterworth to protect RAAF personnel and assets at Air Base Butterworth. See

I fought the Communists in Malaysia


Video, 9 mins 40 secs.

Captain Tong Lye Heng of the Malaysian Army is interviewed on his role in the Communist Insurgency in Malaysia 1968-1989 where the enemy was the CTs who also threatened Air Base Butterworth. All RARs deployed companies on one to three-month rotational deployments (mainly the latter) to help defend the base. Accessible at

Jungle Green (1964)

YouTube, accessed 7 Feb 22

Black and white and coloured imagery, 28 mins 43 sec.

BBC footage used in this coverage of the Confrontation (Konfrontasi) with Indonesian forces in North Borneo 1963-66. British film which refers to the other Commonwealth forces including the Australian (4 RAR and SASR). Rare footage which shows the same nature and conditions AS forces faced doing the same thing. Accessible at

Kampung Chulabhorn – Home to the almost forgotten fighters

Star TV Malaysia, 2009

9minute 58 sec Youtube video. In Thai, but summarised at intervals by English-speaking interviewer.

This video was made on the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Peace Accord ending the Communist Insurgency War/Second Malaysian Emergency (2 Dec 89). It features ex-CTs including Abdullah CD, Chairman of the Communist party of Malaya. Set in a Thailand village where the remnants of the CTs were allowed to settle. All RAR battalions provided companies known predominantly as RCB to protect RAAF assets and personnel at RMAF Air Base Butterworth, Malaysia between 1970-1989 against this (then) enemy.  See

Konfrontasi – the undeclared war between Malaysia and Indonesia

YouTube, accessed 7 Feb 22

Black and white and coloured imagery, 3 mins 41 sec.

History Hustle video which covers the war of 1963-66, most of which occurred in Borneo. Both 3 and 4 RAR played a role in this ‘secret’ war that was only made public after it occurred. Shows RAAF and RAR forces; narrator generalises and calls them ‘British’, carrying out Operation Claret. Accessible at

Land sea operations (F03654) -1 RAR

 Australian War Memorial, Canberra,1964

16 mm/B&W/silent film; 4 mins 49 secs. Now digitised.


This film shows 1 RAR in training along with supporting arms and services in a land, sea and air exercise practising a range of skills including anti- guerrilla operations. At the time 1 RAR was recently returned from Malaya and were soon to be deployed to Vietnam.   Accessible at

Malayan Emergency 1948-1960

YouTube, The Cold War Channel, accessed 2022

Colour and Black and white historical footage;12 mins 57 secs.

In the Cold War Channel documentary series, this video covers the war in general, primarily from a British perspective, noting the speaker is American. Reference is made to British Commonwealth forces including the Australians serving during the war. Specifically mentions the Second Malaysian Emergency, now known as the Communist Insurgency in Malaysia 1968-1989. Accessible at

Malayan Emergency – Century of Service

Department of Veterans Affairs, Canberra

YouTube, accessed 5 Feb 22

Black and white and coloured imagery, 2 mins 10 secs.

Australia’s involvement began in Jun 50 with Lincoln bombers, followed in 1955 by ground troops that included 1, 2 and 3 RAR and supporting arms and services. Accessible at

Malaya patrol – the story of Australian troops in Malaya

Department of Veterans Affairs (Anzac Portal), Canberra, 1995

Colour 14 min 27 secs video

Originally a Department of Public Relations product, the video contains valuable footage of 2 and 3 RAR in Malaya during the 1948-1960 Malayan Emergency. The site at which this footage is accessed is Anzac Portal and it in turn supplies the narration in hard copy. Accessible at

Malaya – the Undeclared War (Malayan Emergency)

YouTube, accessed 5 Feb 22

Black and white and coloured imagery, 44 mins 38secs.

BBC’s classic 1998 account of the Malayan Emergency with guerrilla leader Chin Peng narrated by Ben Kingsley. Reference is made to British Commonwealth forces including the Australians which included 1, 2 and 3 RAR. Accessible at

Malaya patrol (DPR-S-83) DPR (47) (F11436)

Defence Public Relations, Canberra, 1958

16mm film colour, sound, 14 mins 26 secs

A Defence Public Relations promotional film showing the work of the 3rd Battalion the Royal Australian Regiment with supporting Australian artillery and signals units combating Communist Terrorists in the jungles of Malaya. Viewable at

NSW infantry with tanks in Victoria (F03653)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra,1964

16 mm/B &W/silent film; 5 mins 29 secs. Now digitized.


Firepower demonstration at Puckapunyal Victoria by 1 RAR, then based at Holsworthy NSW. They were supported by 105mm Howitzers of the 1st Field Regiment also from NSW and tanks of the 1st Armoured Regiment. The commander of the 1st Battalion Group, Colonel Pearson, watched the demonstration with the newly appointed General Officer Commanding Southern Command, Major General Taylor. The infantry, supported by the 50-ton Centurion tanks and 106mm recoilless rifles, launched a live firing attack in three phases against hill features. Accessible at

On active service in Sarawak (F04667)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1965

16mm film, 13 mins 22 secs, silent, black and white.

Also titled DPR/TV/248, this film features Australian troops on active service in Borneo are coming to grips with some of the toughest jungle country in South East Asia. Moving on foot and by helicopter the troops, members of 3 RAR, patrol from Bau, a remote township near the chain of mountains that mark the Sarawak-Kalimantan border.

On the border (F04666)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1965

16mm film, black and white, silent, 2 mins 47secs.

A DPR film (DPR/TV/238) In the clammy heat of the Borneo jungle, 3 RAR infantrymen settle down to border patrolling. Troops had moved into border outposts in Sarawak about three weeks prior to relieve British Army Ghurka soldiers. Available at

Presentation of colours to 8RAR (F03724)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1968

Black and white, silent film, 5 minutes, 42 secs.

RAAF Base Butterworth, Malaysia (1980s)


Video 8 mins 21 secs.

Most troops from the RAR to deploy to Air Base Butterworth during the Communist Insurgency in Malaysia 1968-89 will be familiar with the sights and sounds of the RAAF and Royal Malaysia Air Force fixed and rotary wing aircraft seen in this video. Accessible at

RAAF Mirage Repatriation Flight from Butterworth April 1988


video 5 mins 26 secs

Australian TV news items on the departure of the last squadron of RAAF Mirages, 79 Squadron, from air base Butterworth in Malaysia, in April 1988. The first Mirages arrived in Butterworth in May 1967. The departure of 79 Squadron ended the era of a permanent RAAF fighter presence at Butterworth. From 1970 onwards, RAR battalions provided almost all of the Rifle Company Butterworth to protect these and other RAAF aircraft and assets. Accessible at

Rifle Company Butterworth 114

Australian Army

YouTube; 1 min 39 secs

Features a composite rifle company including 8/9 RAR troops led by MAJ Mick Silvestri in Malaysia. In it the OC explains why the RCB is there, referring to the early operational deployments if RCB during the Communist Insurgency in Malaysia 1968-1989, and the RCB; pot-1989 role of primarily training. Accessible at

‘Short Gallop’ comes to a halt (F04449)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra,1970

16 mm/B &W/silent film; 3 mins 22 secs.


1 RAR completed Exercise Short Gallop in Eastern Malaya in 1970 – the first major warm-up by Australian, British and New Zealand soldiers in preparation for the five nation Exercise Bersatu Padu. The ten-day exercise culminated in a helicopter assault on a known enemy position within thick jungle undergrowth. The Australians attacked a bunker system where the enemy role was played by British Commandos and New Zealand troops. Able to be ordered via

Six little jungle boys

British War Office

YouTube black and white video, 8 mins 44 secs.

A deliberately funny animated training film made in 1945 for use by (then) British troops about to return to re-occupy Malaya, and then used extensive by 1, 2, 3 and 4 RAR who later deployed to Malaya and Borneo. The film uses comedy to teach the health risks and preventative care needs of foot soldiers in the tropical environment. Originally produced in ¾: U-matic tape, has since been digitised. Rare originals may still be found but the players will be long gone. Now accessible at,vid:wPT104VEcaw

The 7th Dawn

Metro Goldwyn Meyer, 1964

A fictional but representative account of the end of the common war against the Japanese occupation force in Malaya in 1945 followed by the fight against Communists Terrorists in the post-war years. Accurately portrays the types of operations and relationships between the British authorities and fledgling Malay Security Forces experienced in the 1948-60 Malayan Emergency which included 1, 2, and 3 RAR. Starring William Holden and Suzannah York.

The Deception

Digger55 films

YouTube video 1 min 04 sec long

Visual statement of the quest the to achieve recognition of service in the Community Insurgency in Malaysia (1968-1989) by RCB veterans. See it at

The last bastion of the Malayan Communist Party – Malaysia and Thailand

CJ-MY Producers

Utube footage, 3 minutes 40 seconds. Narrative in English

In the 1970s communist guerrillas (CTs) from the Malayan Communist Party settled in the Piyamit Hills in Thailand near Betong in a one kilometre tunnel to hide from air raids and use as a shelter and store. After the surrender of the Malayan Communist Party (The Haadyai Peace Accord) in 1989, the CTs settled down here through the courtesy of the Thai government. A signboard at the tunnel reads: “The Piyamit Tunnel is the Malaya Communists’ base build for bombshells and storing food supplies. The battlefield bases are located on the mountain top in the midst of the deep forests which separates the boundaries of Thailand and Malaysia covered the area of Yala Provinces. The Piyamit Tunnel was built in 1977 with the length of 1 km and 5-6 feet wide. It took three months for excavation of 50 hard manships and there are 9 entrance exit paths.” This is the last bastion for the CTs against whom Australian troops of Rifle Company Butterworth defended the Air Base Butterworth, Malaysia. See

The Malayan Emergency – Britain’s Jungle War v Communists


Video 17 mins 28 secs

An historical coverage of the Malayan Emergency from a British perspective. Covers the operations in which 1, 2 and 3 RAR deployed and mentions the Australian commitment. Some imagery of RAR troops. Accessible at,vid:HtTK7wHyj5A,st:0

The Malayan Emergency – Britain’s Vietnam War

YouTube, accessed 2022

Both colour and Black and white historical footage; partly cartoon in format. 6 mins 14 secs.

This video covers the 1948-1960 Malayan Emergency (war) in general, comparing it to the Vietnam War and notes that this war is still not really over, a fact reinforced by the record of the Communist Insurgency in Malaysia 1968-89, and the fact Australian RCBs were still at Butterworth in 2022. The speaker is Australian. Reference is made to British Commonwealth forces including the Australians. Accessible at

The Malayan Emergency – Gerald Templar’s role and Legacy

YouTube video, 1 hr, 37 mins, 24 secs

A 22 Feb 22 Zoom-based international presentation to  RUSI (UK) on the allied commander in Malaya during the Malayan Emergency 1948-60 which included 1, 2 and 3 RAR. LTCOL/Professor  Ong Weichong delivers a Powerpoint-supported presentation that specifically covers BOTH the first Emergency and what he calls the Second Emergency 1968-89 (this segment starts at the 47 min 25 sec point in the presentation), now officially known as the Communist Insurgency in Malaysia 1968-1989. The latter deployment involved all RAR battalions with their Rifle Company Butterworth rotations 1970-ongoing. Accessible at

The other freedom fighters

Malaysia.kini.TV, 2009

10 minute video on Youtube

A series of interviews of ex-10th Assault Unit of the CPM, also known as CTs who now live in southern Thailand. These people were active during the Communist Insurgency War 1968-1989, with the oldest ones having been active during the 1948-60 Malayan Emergency. They state they were specifically out to fight the British and their ‘stooges’, which includes RAR units and RCB companies. See

Troops by chopper in Borneo (F03665)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1965

16mm/b&w/silent, 2 mins 7 secs.

A Defence Public Relations short film (DPR/TV/246) on RAR troops deploying by RAF Wessex chopper in Borneo. See

Unknown communist uprising – the Malayan Emergency

YouTube, accessed 5 Feb 22

Black and white and coloured imagery, 3 mins 02 secs.

History Hustle coverage of the Malayan Emergency from a British-centric perspective. Reference is made to British Commonwealth forces including the Australians which included 1, 2 and 3 RAR. Accessible at

Very Able Troopers (VAT) 69 Commandos: Malaya – the Undeclared War (Malayan Emergency)

BBC, Birmingham, 2016

Utube video; runs for 47 mins 51 secs

While this video, published on 18 Feb 16 is about a special forces MAF uni called VAT 69t, it covers the Second Malaysian Emergency 1968-89 in which every RAR battalion and some others deployed companies to Air Base Butterworth. Their task was to engage the communists in guerrilla warfare. The pioneer troopers of VAT 69 Commando were trained by the British SAS and this unit existed the whole period. See

War veterans’’ battle for recognition 30 years on

Channel 9 News, Sydney, 2022

Video 7 mins 50 secs

A Current Affair coverage of the question of RCB veterans of the Communist Insurgency in Malaysia 1968-1989 and their quest to achieve recognition of their service as warlike.

Why the Communists never managed to gain a foothold in Malaysia – the Second Malay Emergency


Video 9 mins 35 secs

This documentary outlines the Communist Insurgency in Malaysia (1968-89), known by several names including the one used here – Second Malay Emergency. While understandably Malaysian-centric, it includes brief reference to the “Commonwealth’ forces who were also there including the Australian commitment at Butterworth involving the RAAF and the RCBs deployed to protect the RAAF at that air base from which the Malaysians mounted substantial close air support against the CT enemy. Accessible at

Why the Malayan Emergency went the way the Americans wished Vietnam did


Mainly black and white video with sound; 11 mins 32 secs

A coverage of the Malayan Emergency 1948-60, primarily showing footage of UK troops, but also shows RAR troops towards the end and specifically states that ‘ … a Second Emergency commenced eight years later’ when showing the cessation in 1960 of the Malayan Emergency. Accessible at

Was this Britain’s Vietnam War? – The Malayan Emergency

YouTube, accessed 2022

Cartoon-based narrative; 15 mins 52 secs.

This Magellan TV product video covers the war in general, primarily from a British perspective, noting this speaker is American. Reference is made to British Commonwealth forces including the Australians which included 1, 2 and 3 RAR. Accessible at

Why we stay here, even when we love home

Malaysia.kini.TV, 2009

4 minute 38 sec Utube video. In Thai, but summarised at intervals by English-speaking interviewer.

This video was made on the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Peace Accord ending the Communist Insurgency War/Second Malaysian Emergency (2 Dec 89). It features ex-CTs of the 10 Assault Unit, called Guerilla Fighters, now living in a Thailand village near the border. All RAR battalions provided companies known predominantly as RCB to protect RAAF assets and personnel at RMAF Air Base Butterworth, Malaysia between 1970-1989 against this (then) enemy.  See


VIETNAM 1962-75

161 Battery Royal New Zealand Artillery in the  Vietnam War – 1965


Video 7 mins 38 secs.

A Red Dune Film, this film is of great significance to the RAR. On 16 July 1965 161 Battery, stationed at Bien Hoa air base near Saigon, opened fire on a Viet Cong position in support of 1 RAR, serving as part of the American 173rd Airborne Brigade. One year later on 18 August 1966, 161 Bty, 16 Field Regiment, RNZA part of the 1st Australian Task Force at Nui Dat fired in support of D Company, 6 RAR in The Battle of Long Tan alongside Australian artillery – 103 Bty & 105 Bty Royal Australian Army and 2/35th Howitzer Battalion, US Army. The Forward (Artillery) Observers attached to D Coy, 6RAR were Capt Morrie Stanley, Bdr Willie Walker and Bdr Murray Broomhall all from 161 Bty, RNZA. They controlled the 24 guns in support of D Coy for more than 3.5 hours in the rubber plantation called Long Tan, firing 6-8 rounds per minute (2 above the intense rate) almost non-stop. 105 Australians and 3 New Zealanders (D Coy, 6RAR) fought and defeated 2,500 North Vietnamese and Viet Cong soldiers. Accessible at

1969 in Vietnam


Video of stills; 9 mins 44sec.

Self-publication, 1969. Taken in Vietnam of and around Joe Spado, including RAR Armoured Personnel Carriers fitted with mortars. Accessible at

1st Australian Field Hospital Vung Tau 1967 (F03361)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1967

16mm film, 4 min 54 secs, colour, silent.

Scenes of daily Field Hospital life, including surgical operations. Most casualties and sick treated here were RAR. Not digitised at time of data entry. Accessible via AWM at

1st Australian Task Force – 1967 to 1969 – Vietnam War (F10255)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra

A Red Dune film, this is an edited version of official army film F10255. Features several of the RAR battalions in a generic coverage of the war over the period in question. Accessible at

1st Battalion RAR farewell parade, Holsworthy & embarkation for Vietnam on HMAS Sydney. DPR/TV/251 (F10074)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1965

Film 16 mm, Black and white silent; 3 mins 14 secs Members of the First Battalion Royal Australian Regiment (1RAR), were reviewed and farewelled by the Minister for the Army, Dr A.J. Forbes, at a parade held at Holsworthy Camp. After the parade they travelled by a convoy of trucks to Garden Island naval dockyard where they embarked on the RAN’s troop carrier H.M.A.S. Sydney for transit to Vietnam. Accessible at

1 Platoon ‘A’ Company 7 RAR Vietnam 1968-1969 and 1970/Denis Travers (F03740)

YouTube/Australian War Memorial

Colour; no sound, originally shot in Super 8mm. 55 mins 25 secs.

Amateur footage mainly taken by Denis Travers on both tours of duty.

Accessible at

1 RAR, Vietnam, July and September 1968 (F03712)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1968

Colour YouTube, mute footage, 4 minutes, 28 secs.

This unedited raw footage shows a series of elements of 1 RAR’s daily life in Vietnam. Accessible at

1st Battalion RAR helicopter operation (F10080)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1949

Black and white film, silent, (video) 1 mins 50 secs

DPR/TV/264, this silent film is of an airlift of 1 RAR  (first tour) troops by US Army Bell Iroquois helicopters to operational area. Troops waiting on airstrip for helicopters; helicopters landing, loading, taking off, in flight landing, unloading. Location Bien Hoa area South Vietnam. Cameraman Warrant Officer Class 2 Bryan Dunne. Accessible at

 2 RAR in Vietnam and R & R in Hong Kong (F03709)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1968

8mm super colour, silent, digitised, 53 mins.

Assembly footage of Nui Dat incl Luscombe Field, R &R in Hong Kong, showing 2 RAR troops, AFV and aircraft.

Accessible at

3 RAR action in Vietnam (F04204)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1968

16 mm black and white silent film DPR/TV/853 and 855 (now digitised), 7 mins.

Australian troops inflicted heavy casualties on an estimated force of two North Vietnamese battalions early this week when the enemy tried to overrun Fire Support Base Balmoral in Bien Hoa Province, Vietnam. The film shows Australian troops rendering medical aid to Viet Cong wounded and leading away injured with blindfold on. In this attack, the second on Balmoral, Australian soldiers of 3RAR also suffered heavy casualties. The action began when a shower of rockets and mortar shells crashed into the wooded area. Although the Australians had less time to take cover, they suffered less casualties than they had on the previous attack, two days before. A large number of enemy weapons were captured in the engagement automatic rifles, machine guns, rocket launchers, grenades, torpedoes and mortars. Six wounded enemy soldiers were captured after the battle. Accessible at

3 RAR return from South Vietnam (F03635)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1971

16mm/b&w/sound, 11 mins.

3 RAR return from South Vietnam on HMAS Sydney. See

3 RAR leaves Vietnam (F04673)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1968

16mm film, 3 mins 52 secs, silent, black and white.

Also titled: DPR/TV/965 this film features a group of soldiers from 3 RAR in November 1968 packaging up stores and striking tents as the unit prepares to return home to Adelaide. Accessible at

3 RAR Train for Vietnam (F03619)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1970

16mm film, black and white, silent, 1 minute 49 secs

A Seven National News item by Chris Gun on South Australian-based 3RAR’s preparations for service in Vietnam. Chris Gun interviews Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel Francis Peter Scott. Digitised and accessible via

36 hours in Vung Tau (F04915)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1969

8mm super colour silent film, 19 mins

Shot by John Neervoort, this film shows Support Company 6 RAR on 36 hour Rest and Convalescence (R&C) leave at Vung Tau, leaving 1 ATF base at Nui Dat, passing the helicopter LZ of Kangaroo Pad. Includes scenes around the Peter Badcoe club, including the Harold Holt swimming pool and the Back Beach and Vung Tau, including markets, and surrounding areas of Vung Tau.Back at Nui Dat, there is a demonstration of an RAAF Huey ‘Bushranger’ helicopter gunship firing miniguns and rockets. The 6 RAR Tracker Platoon test fire their weapons on the range at Nui Dat. Accessible at

4 RAR arrives in Vietnam (F04205)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1968

16mm film/b&w/silent, 2 mins 30 secs.

Main body of 4 RAR arrives in Vietnam. Shows troops disembarking from the fast troop transport HMAS Sydney onto Landing Craft Infantry to be taken to shore at Vung Tau. Made by DPR (DPR/TV/856). See

5 RAR first tour of Vietnam 1966-1967 (F03476)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra

8mm super colour, silent 23 min 36 secs

Description of what is in film is at

5 RAR in action (F03795)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra

YouTube 4 minutes 34 secs

Also called DPR/TV/401, this black and white footage features 5 RAR shortly after its arrival in Vietnam first tour of duty. Accessible at

5 RAR farewell parade at Nui Dat (F04425)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra

YouTube 6 minutes 26 seconds

Also titled DPR/TV/1247, this black and white footage covers the farewell parade of 5 RAR before returning home from its first tour.  Accessible at

5 RAR, South Vietnam (F03432)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1969

8mm colour, silent film, 21 min 19 sec; shot by Tim Donnelly and digitised later.

Shows 5 RAR on the second tour of South Vietnam 1969. Scenes include activities at Nui Dat, on patrol in Phuoc Tuy Province and on leave at Vung Tau. See

5 RAR second tour of South Vietnam, 1969-1970 (F03747)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1970

8mm colour, silent film, 14 min 40 sec; shot by Phillip Ahearn and digitised later.

Includes footage of 1 Armoured Regiment and 9 Sqn RAAF, and features 5 RAR on its second tour of duty in Vietnam. See

50th Anniversary of Operation Overlord and the Battle of Long Khanh


YouTube video 10 mins 34 secs

2021 commemoration of the battle that included 3 and 4 RAR in June 1971. Many of the veterans are featured in the interviews. Accessible at,vid:YJOkDlkd264

6 RAR – Australian Army in Action February 1967 – Vietnam War (FO 3848)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1967

Black and white film, 7mins 27 secs.

Originally an official Army film shot in 16mm film, and digitised in 2016, now available also through YouTube. Shows 6 RAR troops in airmobile insertions and then ground operations.

6 RAR’s last Vietnam operation (F03884)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1967

16mm, Black and white, silent, 3 min 33 secs.

Also labelled DPR/TV/627, this film shows B Coy 6 RAR with A Sqn 3 Cav Regt APCs on their last operation of 6 RAR’s first tour of duty in Vietnam. Accessible at

7th Battalion Royal Australian Regiment – the old and new


Colour and black and white video

2 mins 42 secs

A compilation of Vietnam and Afghanistan footage of 7 RAR troops. A short unit promotional. Accessible at

7 RAR Ambush (F04442)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra

YouTube silent, black and white video 7 mins 02 secs.

Digital copy of film DPR/TV/1278. Features 7 RAR soldiers being interviewed after an ambush in Vietnam. Accessible at

7 RAR in Vietnam 1970-1971 – James Peat 7 RAR


Colour; no sound, originally shot in Super 8mm. 3 mins 36 secs.

Amateur footage mainly taken by James Peat of 7 RAR a

round Nui Dat. Accessible at

7 RAR Memorial service and farewell parade (F04496)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1971

16mm film, black and white, silent, 5 mins 32 secs.

Also coded as DPR/TV/1380, this film depicts 7 RAR parading at Nui Dat in Mar 71 prior to returning home. Accessible online at

7 RAR Vietnam 1967-68 & 1 ARU Vietnam (F03415)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1968

1-inch film, colour, silent, 26 minutes

Compilation of 7 RAR and 1 ARU in Vietnam during 1967-68. Accessible via


7 News – Coral Balmoral


4.20 minutes.

Channel 7 news coverage of interview with several prominent RAR veterans regarding the Battle of Coral Balmoral. Includes footage of the battle. See

7 RAR 1st tour of duty of South Vietnam/Ron Myer (F04180)

YouTube/Australian War Memorial

Colour; no sound, originally shot in Super 8mm. 9 mins 43 secs.

Amateur footage mainly taken by Ron Myer. Shows helo mounting for and deployment during Operation Coburg, dust offs and return to Australia scenes. Accessible at

7 RAR South Vietnam 1967-68 – Peter Gates (F00262)

YouTube/Australian War Memorial

Colour; no sound, originally shot in Super 8mm. 10 mins 9 secs.

Amateur footage mainly taken by Peter Gates during his service with 7 RAR in Vietnam 1967-1968 including Administration Company lines, Nui Dat. Accessible at

 8 RAR arrives in Vietnam (F04409)

YouTube/Australian War Memorial

Black and white video, no sound

8mins 17 secs.

DPR/TV/211 film originally. Shows 8 RAR deploying to Vietnam. Accessible at

8 RAR preparations for departure from Vietnam (F03729)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1970

16mm film, colour, silent, 16 mins 10 secs.

This film depicts primarily logistics work carried out by 8 RAR soldiers and Locally engaged civilians at Vung Tau prior to departure for Australia. Includes footage of battle-damaged vehicles. Accessible at

9 Squadron RAAF Vietnam 1966 to 1967 -Vietnam War (F00417)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1967

A coloured, silent Red Dune film now in online video format; 1 hr, 12 mins, 50 seconds.

Amateur compilation primarily of the Squadron, giving an insight into the lives of the crews who supported the RAR battalions in Vietnam. Includes footage at Butterworth, Malaysia. Some scenes show RAR troops. Accessible at

A snap shot of Vietnam 1969 and 1971


Video colour and music only, 8 mins 35 secs.

A private posting by Derek Smith of his two tours of duty in Vietnam serving with the RAR. Accessible at

Action in Vietnam (1966) Part 1 of 3)

Screen Australia (YouTube)

Video 25 min 01 secs.

An Australian National Film Board production released by Department of the Army. Features 1 RAR on its first tour. Accessible at

Advisors in Phuoc Tuy (DPR/TV/1482) (F04544)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1972

16mmB&W Film, silent, since digitised.

Shows the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (AATTV) instructing Cambodian and Vietnamese troops. A small group of AATTV advisors comprised Australia’s first military commitment to Vietnam from 1962 throughout the Vietnam War. All were jungle warfare experts. Previously scattered throughout the country, this film shows members of the team concentrated in Phuoc Tuy Province, the former area of operations of the First Australian Task Force. Commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Keith Henry Kirkland in 1972, the team had its headquarters at the Jungle Warfare Centre, near Baria. Twenty-seven Australians, mainly RAR, helped train junior leaders of the Vietnamese Armed Forces in methods of jungle warfare, up to platoon level. Accessible at

Aerial Views of Australian Task Force Vietnam base at Nui Dat (F03595)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 2017 (upload)

Film, colour, 1 minute 45 secs.

All RAR battalions rotated through the major base at Nui Dat in Vietnam. Average/poor quality aerial footage, taken from a helicopter.

Ambush story – A Digger’s Post

Gary Swalling self-publishing.

YouTube; 2 mins 37 secs.

A poem narrated by Gary Swalling, an RAR veteran of Vietnam 1969/70. Tells the story of an ambush using stills combined with artwork and some captions to provide a good example of a prime way of engaging the enemy in that war. Accessible at

Ambushed in Vietnam: Epic stand at Long Tan Battle


Video, 10 mins 23 secs

Another compilation of footage and stills from Vietnam focussing on the Battle of Long Tan between D Coy 6 RAR and a largely numerically superior force of enemy. Accessible at

Anzac action in the Vietnam War


25 min video

A Screen Australia/Red Dune film showing a range of RAR troops in and returning home from the Vietnam War. Accessible at Australia and the Vietnam War: Looking Back – History Guild

Aussies in Vietnam – the Battle at Binh Ba 1969


American narration with graphics combined with Australian footage. Video coverage of the 1969 Battle of Binh Ba against the 33rd NVA Regiment, involving 5 and 6 RAR. Accessible at

Aussies in Vietnam: the Battle of Long Tan


Video, digitised,10 mins 17 secs

American narration of footage of Australians in the Battle of Long Tan which included D Coy 6 RAR and others from the battalion and supporting arms and service. Accessible at Aussies In Vietnam: The Battle at Long Tan – YouTube

Aussies killed in action 9th Battalion Vietnam


Colour video

10 minutes 38 secs.

A tribute to the 9 RAR dead, showing each solider KIA and supporting footage set to emotional songs. Film itself is titled ‘The fallen warriors 9 RAR Tour of  Vietnam 1968-69’. Accessible at

Australian Army intelligence operations Vietnam War 1968

YouTube video (originally shot in 8mm colour film) 17 mins 37 secs.

Filmed and produced by 1 Divisional intelligence Unit member Johnny Bineham, this footage includes RAR troops in Vietnam. Accessible at

Australian Diggers in Vietnam (F03144)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1968

YouTube, 28 mins 43 secs.

A documentary made for publicity purposes to give insight into the Australian soldiers’ experience. The film follows a group of Australian soldiers transiting into Vietnam, onto helicopter and into a contact with the VC, involving gunfire and capture of a Viet Cong fighter. See

Australian Forces Radio Vietnam 1969-1972 (A brief pictorial history)


Video with images and soundtrack; 8 mins 30 secs.

While this footage focuses on the RAAF personnel who operated this radio station titled Australian Forces Radio (AFR) from Vung Tau, it includes references to RAR units and individuals including MAJ Reg Sutton 5 RAR. Most RAR service men will have listened to the news, music and features broadcast from AFR. Accessible at

Australian, New Zealand and U.S. Army – Operation Ingham Vietnam War 1966


Video, colour and sound, 15 mins

A Martin Walsh Red Dune production, this is a United States Army film including Australia’s 5RAR and 6RAR, RAAF, 161 Battery, 16 Field Regiment Royal New Zealand Artillery, 101 Field Battery Royal Australian Artillery, 1 APC Squadron Australian Army and the U.S. Army’s 11th Armoured Cavalry Regiment in Phuoc Tuy Province, South Vietnam in 27 November and 2 December 1966.Accessible at

Australian soldiers in the Vietnam War


Unidentified author/supplier. Still images of the Vietnam War, no sound; 9 mins 51 secs.

An RAAC-centric series of photographs apparently taken by soldiers; shows RAR personnel in APC mounts and in Nui Dat as well as tanks and a range of other events familiar to those who served in Vietnam. Accessible at

Australians in the Vietnam War

Screen Australia

YouTube  video, 15 mins 29 secs.

A series of stills photographs put to music of the era; no dialogue. Shows many aspects of the typical RAR soldiers’ tours of duty in Vietnam. Accessible at

Australians in Vietnam

Screen Australia/YouTube

Video, digitised, 33 mins 38 secs.

Features a range of RAR troops in Vietnam and interviews after, in this overview Australian film on the Vietnam War. Accessible at Australians In Vietnam – YouTube

Australian soldiers in Vietnam


Colour video,16 mins 58 secs.

Also titled ‘John’s Vietnam Memories 1969’ this video is a compilation off coloured still photographs put to music of the Vietnam era. Many RAR and other veterans feature in it. Accessible at

Australian troops back from Vietnam duty – Sydney (AKA Troops back from Vietnam 1966)

Cinesound Review

Youtube video 2 mins 14 secs.

Black and white footage of 1 RAR returning home in 1966 having served with the 173rd Airborne Brigade in Vietnam. Includes parade through Sydney led by CO LTCOL Preece. See

Australians in Action in Vietnam (F10168)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1965

Film, colour, 24 mins 26 secs.

1 RAR on parade in Sydney prior to embarkation for Vietnam. 1 RAR on operation with the United States 173rd Airborne Brigade in War Zone D. Australian Engineers dismantling a Viet Cong booby trap, 105mm Howitzers of 105 Battery Royal Australian Artillery support the infantry. Armoured personnel carriers of 1 APC troop, 1st Cavalry Regiment transporting 1 RAR through villages, conducting village searches. Captured Viet Cong weapons. A range of supporting arms and services are shown. See

Australians in joint operation  (F04674)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1971

Film, 16mm/black and white, silent, 8 mins 29 secs.

DPR/TV/1415 film. Shows Australians in joint operations, mainly 3 RAR with supporting arms.

Australian Task Force Vietnam (F10255)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, undated

Film converted for online publication, 26 mins 24 secs

This official general history film showing troops including RAR members in Vietnam is available at

Australian Troops destroy Viet Cong camp (FO3391)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1967

16mm film/b&w/silent, 12 secs.

Operation Kenmore. Troops from Alpha Company 7 RAR move through high swamp grass in the early morning. Made by DPR (DPR/TV/715).  See

Australian troops in the Vietnam War – compilation of genuine color footage

Screen Australia

5 mins 22 sec video, colour

Generic footage of Australians, mainly RAR troops in Vietnam, set to music. Accessible at,vid:gdR9a9yos-s

Australians in Vietnam

Classroom Video

Video – Black and white and colour with sound – 33 mins 38 secs

Compilation of RAR troops in Vietnam written by Harvey Shore and Lindsay Burge. A good illustration of what most battalions experienced. Accessible at

Australia’s Key Alliance in the Vietnam War


Video 20 mins 59 secs

A Wars of the World publication this video provides an overview of Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War started with the AATTV and then the full series of deployments, most RARs are either mentioned or shown. Accessible at

Australia’s Vietnam: 50th Anniversary

ABC, 2023

YouTube video 1 hr, 29mins 54 secs

An official coverage of the 50th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War. Includes imagery of RAR units, and features RAR personalities. Accessible at,vid:ycRy72ZzBTM

Battle of Balmoral – Vietnam ANZACs


Video colour and sound , 14 mins 53 secs

Covers the Battle of Balmoral which included 3 RAR in Vietnam. A range of veterans are interviewed to elicit their reminiscences, some images from the battle. Accessible at

Battle of Binh Ba

Australian War Memorial (unreferenced)

Black and white video; 3 mins35 secs.

Footage of this battle which took place 6-8 Jun 69 involving 5 RAR and 6 RAR. Accessible at

Battle of Long Tan documentary

Red Dune films, Sydney, 2006

1 hr 41mins 51 secs

Battle fought on 18Aug 66 based on D Coy 6 RAR is narrated by Sam Worthington in this film. Accessible at

Battle of Long Tan – the morning after historical film – Vietnam War

Red Dune films

7 min16 secs black and white film (now video).

A Martin Walsh Red Dune production, this covers what happened on 19 Aug 66 involving D Coy, and other elements of 6 RAR, and supporting arms and RAAF in the Battle of Long Tan. Accessible at

Battlefield Vietnam (Part 1)

Polygram Visual Programming, 1998

YouTube, 58 minutes 23 seconds, colour and sound.

US-centric coverage of the war in which all RAR battalions at the time and numerous RAR individuals in HQ and AATTV served. Accessible at

Battlefield Vietnam (Part 2)

Polygram Visual Programming, 1998

YouTube, 58 minutes 17 seconds, colour and sound.

US-centric coverage of the war in which all RAR battalions at the time and numerous RAR individuals in HQ and AATTV served. Accessible at


Battlefield Vietnam (Part 3)

Polygram Visual Programming, 1998

YouTube, 58 minutes 15 seconds, colour and sound.

US-centric coverage of the war in which all RAR battalions at the time and numerous RAR individuals in HQ and AATTV served. Accessible at


 Battlefield Vietnam (Part 4)

Polygram Visual Programming, 1998

YouTube, 58 minutes 16 seconds, colour and sound.

US-centric coverage of the war in which all RAR battalions at the time and numerous RAR individuals in HQ and AATTV served. Accessible at

Battlefield Vietnam (Part 5)

Polygram Visual Programming, 1998

YouTube, 58 minutes 18 seconds, colour and sound.

US-centric coverage of the war in which all RAR battalions at the time and numerous RAR individuals in HQ and AATTV served. Accessible at

Battlefield Vietnam (Part 6)

Polygram Visual Programming, 1998

YouTube, 58 minutes 19 seconds, colour and sound.

US-centric coverage of the war in which all RAR battalions at the time and numerous RAR individuals in HQ and AATTV served. Accessible at

Battlefield Vietnam (Part 7)

Polygram Visual Programming, 1998

YouTube, 58 minutes 18 seconds, colour and sound.

US-centric coverage of the war in which all RAR battalions at the time and numerous RAR individuals in HQ and AATTV served. Accessible at

Battlefield Vietnam (Part 8)

Polygram Visual Programming, 1998

YouTube, 58 minutes 17 seconds, colour and sound.

US-centric coverage of the war in which all RAR battalions at the time and numerous RAR individuals in HQ and AATTV served. Accessible at

Battlefield Vietnam (Part 9)

Polygram Visual Programming, 1998

YouTube, 58 minutes 19 seconds, colour and sound.

US-centric coverage of the war in which all RAR battalions at the time and numerous RAR individuals in HQ and AATTV served. Accessible at

Battlefield Vietnam (Part 10)

Polygram Visual Programming, 1998

YouTube, 58 minutes 18 seconds, colour and sound.

US-centric coverage of the war in which all RAR battalions at the time and numerous RAR individuals in HQ and AATTV served. Accessible at

Battlefield Vietnam (Part 11)

Polygram Visual Programming, 1998

YouTube, 58 minutes 18 seconds, colour and sound.

US-centric coverage of the war in which all RAR battalions at the time and numerous RAR individuals in HQ and AATTV served. Accessible at

Battlefield Vietnam: The fall of Saigon (Part 12)

Polygram Visual Programming, 1998

YouTube, 58 minutes 18 seconds, colour and sound.

US-centric coverage of the war in which all RAR battalions at the time and numerous RAR individuals in HQ and AATTV served. Accessible at

BIGWOOD, Rick – 1 RAR 1968-69


YouTube video 10 mins 31 secs.

A series of still images put to music with some captions. Cover the 1 RAR tour of duty in Vietnam by the producer/owner. Accessible at

Brief history of Australia in the Vietnam War 1962-1972


Video 7 mins 02 secs.

An overview of the Australian commitment to the Vietnam War in which all RARs served, several twice. Accessible at

Britain’s Vietnam War


Mark Felton Productions

Colour, 8 minutes, 56 seconds

Although this online film does not feature the RAR or Australians, it is a rare glimpse into the preceding years in Vietnam before they were. Following the surrender of the Japanese in 1945, British forces occupying Vietnam were obliged to use Japanese forces to assist them in fighting the Viet Min pending the arrival of French troops. An insight to the enemy that the RAR and others were to later fight. Accessible at

Battle of Coral Vietnam ANZACS

Frontline Films, 2013

YouTube film, 10 mins 12 secs.

 Battle of Coral involving 3 RAR and featuring extensive archival footage during the Tet Offensive. Narrative includes MAJGEN Peter Phillips, AM, MC (Retd). Available at

Battle of Long Tan: edited version (F03370)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 2017

16mm Film, colour and B & W footage, 1 hour and 14 secs duration.

Presentation by Lieutenant-Colonel Adrian Roberts who, as a Lieutenant, was the officer commanding 3 Troop 1 APC Squadron at the time of the battle at Long Tan in South Vietnam, 1966 supporting 6 RAR, especially D and A companies. Edited version of F03369. Also available at .

Brothers in Arms – 9 Sqn RAAF (Part 1)


Youtube 18 mins 28 secs in VeteranWeb.

An anonymous documentary in the Eye on the World series of the roles and duties of 9 Sqn RAAF in Vietnam, including troop lift, resupply, medevac, light and heavy fire teams, the overwhelming amount of which was in support of RAR. Many RAR units and individuals can be identified in this footage, including D Coy 6 RAR at Long Tan. Accessible

on Veteranweb at

C Coy 7 RAR Vietnam (1970-71)


Coloured video, 8 mins 33 secs.

An initial series of amateur video clips taken of C Coy 7 RAR during 1970 at Nui Dat and the Horseshoe. Music background but no narrative or dialogue. Posted by James Peat. Accessible at


C Coy 7 RAR Vietnam (The Horseshoe 1970)


Coloured video, 8 mins 33 secs.

A second series of amateur video clips taken of C Coy 7 RAR during 1970 at Nui Dat and the Horseshoe. Music background but no narrative or dialogue. Posted by James Peat. Accessible at

Capture of four Viet Cong by Australian troops (F03848)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 2012

YouTube, back and white, no sound.

Video, 2 mins 51 secs

6 RAR Troops in action in Vietnam. Capturing four enemy and equipment form a bunker system which is then destroyed. Accessible at,vid:uTXfiyNspb8

Captured Viet Cong and weapons (C273069)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1968

16 mm black and white silent film DPR/TV/858 (now digitised), 4 mins.

Coverage of the aftermath of the North Vietnamese attack on the Australian Fire Support Base Balmoral, Bien Hoa Province, Vietnam; 3 RAR predominantly features. Accessible at . See also 3 RAR action in Vietnam (F04204) in this Section of this bibliography.

‘C’ Coy 7 RAR, Vietnam 1967-1968 (F03739)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1968 

8mm film, colour, silent, 6 mins 40 secs. 

Shot by John Rawlins, features life in C coy 7 RAR in Vietnam 1967-68. Now digitised and accessible at .

C Coy 7 RAR Vietnam 1970-71 – James Peat 7 RAR


Colour and sound (soothing music; no narrative), with stills, 8 mins 24 secs.

Shows C Coy in and around Nui Dat 1970-71. Footage taken mainly by James Peat. Accessible at

Christmas 1967] Commander’s message DPR/TV/? (Soldiers greetings from Vietnam) (F04682)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1967

16mm, Black & White, sound 8 minutes 12 seconds

Department of Public Relations product. One of many films around Xmas messages sent home. Commander Australia Force Vietnam introduces the first one mentioned below in Christmas 1967. Access the first one at 

Others in this series, numbering 2,357 individual soldier messages home, are:

Accession No. Year State(s) AWM Link Messages Duration
F04682 1967 Multi ? 8:33
F04683 1967 NSW 47 23:45
F04687 1967 QLD 44 25:08
F04685 1967 SA 39 20:39
F04688 1967 TAS 38 21:38
F04684 1967 VIC 44 25:56
F04686 1967 WA 44 26:53
F04721 1968 ACT 21 16:50
F04689 1968 Multi ? 2:54
F04690 1968 Multi 8 9:00
F04691 1968 NSW 102 50:11
F04692 1968 QLD 70 37:01
F04693 1968 SA 68 36:36
F04696 1968 TAS 33 18:17
F04694 1968 VIC 87 43:34
F04695 1968 WA 63 33:59
F04722 1969 ACT 33 19:39
F04718 1969 Multi 7 12:23
F04701 1969 Multi (Nurses) 18 9:21
F04697 1969 NSW 141 56:42
F04711 1969 QLD 115 44:12
F04698 1969 SA 77 29:10
F04719 1969 TAS 42 16:17
F04699 1969 VIC 149 55:08
F04700 1969 WA 64 38:15
F04723 1970 ACT 20 20:47
F04702 1970 General 41 16:37
F04703 1970 NSW 158 55:13
F04704 1970 QLD 122 47:22
F04705 1970 SA 100 37:36
F04706 1970 TAS 53 20:36
F04707 1970 VIC 150 53:30
F04708 1970 WA 111 42:25
F04709 1971 Multi 7 12:28
F04710 1971 Multi 126 50:06
F04711 1971 QLD 115 44:12

CLARKSON, Jack et al – Vets reflections on Aussie Vietnam Veterans


24 mins 16 secs video

Several RAR veterans recount experiences in Vietnam. At

Col Joye in concert in Vietnam (F03783)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1966

2 min 44 secs black and white 16mm film (now video), silent.

Also catalogued as DPR/TV/422, this film footage shows the concert including its interruption and cancellation as the Battle of Long Tan erupted nearby, featuring of course D Coy 6 RAR and many others. Some RAR personnel were in the audience at the time; most were elsewhere.  Accessible at

Colonel Brumfield return from Vietnam (F03700)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1967

Black and white TV footage, sound, 4 minutes, 28 secs.

Also labelled DPR/TV/330, this clip shows COL Lou Brumfield arrive back in Australia from Vietnam and then interviewed about his early experiences. Good insight into later deployments. Accessible at

Commemorative service for the 50th anniversary of Operation Ivanhoe and the Battle of Nui Le

Department of Veterans Affairs, Canberra, 2021

30 mins

Made in conjunction with the ABC, this video is in part narrated in part by Craig Allen, It is about the last major battle involving Australians in the Vietnam War. 4 RAR/NZ successfully engaged the 33rd North Vietnam Infantry Regiment during this Operation in 1971.On 7 Jun 21, a ceremony was conducted at the Vietnam Memorial in Canberra with an address by the Governor-General GEN (Retd) David Hurley that includes many photographs of the troops involved. Accessible at

Coral Balmoral

Channel 7

YouTube video 4 mins 20 secs

Ben Roberts-Smith VC interviews veterans of the battle. These include Neil Weekes, MC and includes footage form the biggest battle fought in the Vietnam War by Australians. Features 1 and 3 RAR. Accessible at

Coral Balmoral Flashback Project – John Bryant on 50th Anniversary Part1

Frontline Film Foundation, 2018

YouTube film, 5 min 09 sec. Interviewer David Bradbury.

Bradbury interviewed 22 Vietnam War veterans who fought in the Battle of Coral and Balmoral, May 1968. This clip features Bryant  at the 50th commemoration (National Vietnam Veterans Museum), describing Operation Toan Thang (‘Complete Victory’)at Coral/Balmoral May 12 – June 6, 1968. Veterans included 1RAR, 3RAR, and the men who manned the guns, tanks and APCs in support. At the time, 1RAR and Guns were attacked by the NVA. Sheer courage, tenacity and great training stopped them from being over-run. Available at


Coral Balmoral Flashback Project – John Bryant on 50th Anniversary Part 2

Frontline Film Foundation, 2018

YouTube film, 4 min 12 sec. Interviewer David Bradbury.

Bradbury interviewed 22 Vietnam War veterans who fought in the Battle of Coral and Balmoral, May 1968. This clip features an interview of  Bryant, 1 RAR describing the battles. Available at

Coral Balmoral Flashback Project – LT Tony Jensen 2

Frontline Film Foundation, 2018

YouTube film, 6 min 20 sec. Interviewer David Bradbury.

Bradbury interviewed 22 Vietnam War veterans who fought in the Battle of Coral and Balmoral, May 1968. Second interview of LT Tony Jenson, Mortar Platoon commander 1 RAR. Available at

Coral Balmoral Flashback Project – Private Barry Ryan

Frontline Film Foundation, 2018

YouTube film, 5 min 35 sec. Interviewer David Bradbury.

Bradbury interviewed 22 Vietnam War veterans who fought in the Battle of Coral and Balmoral, May 1968. This clip features an interview of  Ryan, D company, 3 RAR. Available at

COULTHARD-CLARK, Chris – Tet turning point

In Wartime (published by the Australian War Memorial), Issue 20, pp 6-11.

Article on the 1968 Tet Offensive in Vietnam during which 2, 3 and 7 RAR battalions fought the enemy. Includes good maps and photographs. Article also available at

Cu Chi Tunnels – Vietnam


Video,48 mins 6 secs.

Video and photographs of the Cu Chi Tunnels in Vietnam taken by Eugene Taylor and Abraham Krikorian in November 2013. These tunnels are approximately 200 kilometres long and were hand dug by the Viet Minh and later by the Viet Cong using crude tools. The incredible ingenuity and determination on the part of the Vietnamese in fighting for independence and unification is reflected throughout the tunnel complex. Virtually all RAR battalions to serve in Vietnam encountered these, or the troops who used them. Accessible at

Danger Close: The Battle of Long Tan

Screen Queensland, 2019

Director: Kriv Stenders

Producer: Martin Walsh

A movie released in August 2019 which depicts the Battle of Long Tan, Vietnam.

Dustoff Vietnam (F 02320)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1968

Black and white film (video) 6 mins 17 secs

DPR196 film about medevac procedures in Vietnam using predominantly UH1H Iroquois aircraft. Covers the full medevac chain including first aid, initial stabilisation, medevac, surgery, treatment at Vung Tau and in the case of those moved back to Australia, footage of  C130 international medevac via RAAF Base Butterworth with good detail of the in-flight care at all stages. Actual combat and care footage showing RAR troops and others. Accessible at

Echoes of Conflict by Lachlan Wilson


3 mins18 secs.

A Blue Fader product, this short video comprises still images of Australian veterans in the Vietnam war, and preparing for or returning home from it. This short version explains what the video is about – the impact of the Vietnam war and conscription on the young men who deployed. Many are RAR members who can be recognised. Accessible at


Echoes of Conflict by Lachlan Wilson – the complete orchestral work


13 mins 39 secs.

A Blue Fader product, this video comprises still images of Australian veterans in the Vietnam war, and preparing for or returning home from it, with the full orchestral backing behind it. The impact of the Vietnam war and conscription on the young men who deployed is tastefully presented. Many RAR members can be recognised in scenes ranging from the Recruit Training battalions to field operations in Vietnam and then the final return home and the 1987 Welcome Home parade. Accessible at

Elusive enemy (F03175)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1967

Black and white film (video) 2 mins 32 secs

DPR 132 Training film about an enemy camp set up at Canungra and manned by RAR soldiers posted as a Demonstration Platoon acting as ‘enemy’ for predominantly RAR anti-guerilla warfare training prior to deployment.  Accessible at

Entertaining Vietnam

Culture Unplugged Inc

Youtube video 53 mins 1sec

Produced by Mara Wallis, this video tells the story of entertainers who travelled to Vietnam to help support the troops with morale building entertainments. Includes Australian artists who performed for both Australians and American forces. Every RAR veteran will relate to the images and the music. Many including Col Joye and his group at the time of the Battle of Long Tan were often in danger, some wounded. Accessible at

Farewell parade Holsworthy prior to 1 RAR embarkation for 2nd tour of Vietnam (F03721)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1968

16mm film, colour, silent, length: unknown.

This film captures the final parade of 1 RAR in 1968 prior to its departure for Vietnam on its second tour of duty. Available from the AWM. Not listed as digitised.

Fire Support Patrol Base Coral Balmoral


Animated video – 14 mins 38 secs

A digital re-enactment of the battle of Coral Balmoral in Vietnam that included 1 RAR and 3 RAR during May – June 1968. Accessible at

Fire Support Bases Coral and Balmoral by Colonel J D Keldie (F03368)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1968

U-matic tape, colour and sound, 96 minutes.

Lecture presented by Colonel J.D. Keldie, MC on the actions at Fire Support Bases Coral and Balmoral, South Vietnam 1968. Includes questions and answers. Produced by the Department of Defence. Accessible via AWM at

First cordon and search of Dat Do (F04182) (Operation Atherton)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1967

YouTube black and white copy of an original colour version, silent, 7 min 46 secs.

Also labelled DPR/TV/685 this film shows 2 RAR and 7 RAR troops and supporting arms and services on Operation Atherton from 16 Aug-3 Sep 67 conducting a cordon and search of Dat Do, near Nui Dat, Vietnam. Accessible at

Forgotten Heroes (Battle of Long Tan)

Red Dune Films, 2006

YouTube film of a 60 Minutes production, 14 mins 17 secs.

Produced by Hamish Thomson and presented by Peter Harvey, this TV special was the story that 60 Minutes (Nine Network) Australia did on the Battle of Long Tan. Former Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Long Tan veterans, former enemy, admitted that Australia actually won the battle (but of course lost the war). For three and a half hours in the mud and shattered trees of a rubber plantation called Long Tan, 105 young Australians and 3 New Zealanders fought and defeated 2,500 Viet Cong and North Vietnamese soldiers in an epic battle. 18 Australians were killed and 21 wounded with more than 500 VC and NVA killed with more than 1,000 wounded. Available at

Good morning, Vietnam!: Adrian Cronauer on Accuracy (2008 AVC Conference)


7 mins 47 secs video.

Features Cronauer himself, commenting upon the movie of the same name. Virtually every RAR and other Vietnam veterans will have tuned in to this radio broadcast famous (in Australian eyes at least) for its music of that era, and with which most footage of Vietnam includes as soundtracks. Accessible at

HMAS Sydney leaves for Vietnam (F10743)


Video 7 mins 19 secs – black and white, no sound

An Australian War Memorial film (F10743) was originally shot in celluloid and since digitised. Shows 7 RAR boarding at Garden Island Sydney, with farewells by families and friends. Accessible at

Home fires burning: New Zealand’s Vietnam War

Papakura Museum NZ

YouTube footage, 27 min, 23 secs

General coverage of the NZ involvement in the Vietnam War. NZ forces were integrated with Australian forces including the gun battery to fire in support of 6 RAR at Long Tan (and other battles, and the rifle companies from 1 RNZIR that were embedded in some RAR battalions (2, 4 and 6 RAR/NZ (ANZAC). Reference to these relationships is made in this work. Accessible at

Homeland Story

Film directed and produced by Glenda Hambly

Ronin Films, Canberra, 2019

87 min film/documentary; available on DVD from Feb 2020

The film relates to 2, 5 and 6 RAR Veterans and others who assist an Indigenous Homeland called Donydji in East Arnhem Land. It focuses on the work of Dr Neville White, a 2 RAR Veteran and genetic anthropologist who has worked there since 1974.  Part of that history includes the work of Veterans who he took to the Homeland to work with the young men of Donydi to build a school, houses, a workshop, outdoor kitchens and ablution blocks. A story of a remarkable cross-cultural partnership; one that benefited both the Veterans and the Donydji community.

I was only 19


video, 5 mins, 02 secs.

Short film that includes individuals’ reflections on their tour of duty in Vietnam, with photographs of them then, and interviewed at the time of filming. Includes some RAR members and combat footage. See at

I was only nineteen


Video 5 mins 3 secs.

Another video featuring some Vietnam veterans set to the famous song. Many RAR individuals are named in these short interviews, and also observed in training and then action. Accessible at

I was only 19

Red Dune films, 2023

Blog posting.

6 mins 15 secs version

Blog post by Martin Walsh. Famous Redgum tune set to specific images. Accessible at

Interview with battalion commander ANZAC Battalion (F04350) – (DPR/TV/1132)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1969

TV camera, black and white, 21 secs

Features CO 6 RAR (ANZAC)  LTCOL David Butler  in Vietnam at the end of Operation Lavarack in 1969, during which almost 200 enemy were killed in three months. Now digitised and accessible at Made by Defence Public Relations.


Interview with Neil Davis  (F10477)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra

Film, now on Youtube, Roll 3 -Frontline out-takes. 10 mins 47 seconds.

Neil Davis as a cameraman correspondent describing Viet Cong (VC) tactics used against US and Australian troops; Australian troops’ jungle warfare tactics, and how the VC adapted to them; Australian troops’ casualty rate due to landmines and booby traps; achievement of Australian, US and South Korean forces; his opinion on the value of their achievement. See

Jack Kirby DCM: the battle for Long Tan


footage, 21 mins, 28 secs. Michael C Madden (producer).

Parliamentary hearing of the case to have WO2 Kirby’s award upgraded to the VC. Features the OC MAJ Harry Smith and political figures of the time. Accessible at

Janice & Stuart Smith, Loss

Department of Veterans Affairs

3 min 45 sec video

Short story of SGT Bernie Smith of 5 RAR Who was KIA on his tour of duty in 1969 in Vietnam. Major General Stuart Smith AO, DSC (Retd)and his mother feature, with stills photos from the war that includes imagery of other 5 RAR Soldiers. Accessible at

Jim Husband 7 RAR Vietnam 1970


Video 4 min 30 secs.

A series of still images accompanied by a soundtrack by Gary Seton. Show Husband throughout and after his military career, having served in several RAR including 7 RAR in Vietnam. Accessible at

John Schumann and The Waifs – ‘I was only 19’ – 40th Anniversary Version


5 mins 19 secs

40th Anniversary rendition of the famous Vietnam War ‘anthem’ to which every RAR and others who served there can instantly relate. Accessible at

Jungle Warfare Training Centre, Canungra

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1967

Accession Number F00403

Colour film – hour 1 minute, 30 seconds .

Originally an 8mm film coverage by Roy Savage of ‘C’ Coy 7 RAR training to go to Vietnam. Features firing of the Owen gun and SLR, snap shooting range, studies of troops, assault course including obstacles and jump tower. Now available at

Kiwi – Victor 6


YouTube video:12 mins 4 secs.

Story of three soldiers – Privates Williams, Gallery and Pepuni – from V Company 4 RAR (ANZAC) finally decorated for bravery (by Australia) fifty years after the war in saving the lives of Australian tank crewmen hit by an RPG on 25 Jun 71 during Operation Hermit Park in Vietnam. A fourth soldier received the Military Medal at the time of the battle due to the awards quota system in place at the time. Accessible at

Lieutenant Colonel J J Shelton takes command of 3 RAR from Lieutenant Colonel G J Leary (F03633)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1967

16mm film, black and white, 4 minutes

Coverage of change of command ceremony showing Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey James Shelton taking command of 3 RAR from Lieutenant Colonel Geoffrey John Leary during the Vietnam War. Also available at .

Lieutenant Norm Peatling: Coral Balmoral Flashback


Video 4mins 13 secs.

Interview with one of the RAR veterans of the Battle of Coral Balmoral that involved 1 and 3 RAR in Vietnam. At the time he was a platoon commander. Accessible at

Long Tan: The True Story


 YouTube, 1993

54 mins 06 secs.

Produced by Bruce Horsfield in conjunction with the Media Services Unit of University of Southern Queensland and WIN TV, this film tells the sotry of the D Coy 6 RAR and others’ famous battle. Accessible at

McKAY, Gary (Australian Army ) Combat

Department of Veterans Affairs, Canberra

Anzac Portal, online 2 min 27 secs video.

Interview with McKay who was awarded the MC in Vietnam in 1971 serving with 4 RAR, primarily in connection with the Battle for Nui Le. Accessible at

Medical evacuation by helicopters in Vietnam (F02759)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1968

Black and white film, silent (video) 3 mins 19 secs

A silent film showing a real dustoff in Vietnam from the point of being placed in a litter, through a winching and then transport to and unloading at the Viper Pad at Vung Tau where the patient is unloaded and carried to the next point of treatment. Includes surgical, post-operative and rehabilitation scenes. Most of the casualties so transported in Vietnam were RAR men. Accessible at

Minister farewells 6 RAR (F03771)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1966

Black and white, 16mm film, silent, 3 min, 4secs.

Also labelled DPR/TV/387, this film shows 6 RAR being reviewed by Minister Malcolm Fraser in 1996 for its tour of duty in Vietnam. Accessible at

Murray Blake (Australian Army) Enemy Bunkers

Department of Veterans Affairs

YouTube video; 4 minutes 1 sec

Interview of General Blake about his experiences in Vietnam in April 1969 as OC D Coy 5 RAR in a bunker system attack for which he was awarded the MC. Accessible at

Murray Blake, ‘Bludger’

UNSW Canberra

Australians at War Film Archive

41 minute film, with transcript available on line.

Interview on 6 Apr 2004 that addresses the career profile of Major General Blake whose RAR service included 3 RAR, CI Infantry Centre, 5 RAR  and 5/7 RAR which he commanded. Accessible at


Music from the Vietnam War


Audiovisual compilation 1 hr 1 minute 56 secs.

Few alive at the time will fail to associate with the songs played in this video visuals form Vietnam and the soundtracks. Every RAR veteran form that War will have vivid memories invoked by them. Accessible at

Old mate


Video, 3 mins 3 secs

A poem by Garry Swalling, set to images from Vietnam. Addresses a soldier’s perspective form that war. Shows RAR troops and essentially defines the average Infantryman’s year in Vietnam. Accessible at

O’NEILL, Robert – Robert O’Neill (Australian Army) Counter-Insurgency

Youtube video 2mins 26 secs in Anzac Portal

Department of Veterans Affairs release featuring Dr O’Neill who served in Vietnam with the 5 RAR during 1966-67 as an Intelligence Officer. Accessible at

Operation Ainslie (F03919)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1967

16mm, Black and white, silent, 3 mins 43 secs.

Also labelled DPR/TV/693, this film shows RAR troops deploying on this operation. Accessible at

Operation Capital (F04305)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1968

Colour TV footage, 5 minutes, 34 secs.

Also labelled DPR/TV/962, this film centres on Centurion Main Battle Tanks and M113 Armoured Personnel Carriers operating together with 3 and 4 RAR troops in Vietnam north of Nui Dat from 12-30 Oct 68. Accessible at


Operation Paddington (F03897)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1967

16mm, Black and white, silent, 6 min 54 secs.

Also labelled DPR/TV/659, this film shows 2 RAR and 7 RAR and supporting arms and services deploying on this operation 8-16 Jul 67 in the area of Xuyen Moc, near Nui Dat, Vietnam. Accessible at

Operation Harvest (F04672)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1968

16mm film/b&w/silent, 4 mins, 10 secs.

Film shows 3 RAR and 3 Cav Regt crews and vehicles on Operation Harvest. Made by DPR (DPR/TV/951). See

Operational for 1 RAR (F03995)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1968

16mm film, black and white, silent, 2 mins 3 secs.

Also coded as DPR/TV/823, this film depicts troops being airlifted from Luscombe Field in April 1968. (Identified: Captain John Robbins of Mosman, NSW)

Can be ordered by going to

Our Vietnam War – A popular war

ABC, 2023


Video 59 mins.

Episode 1, titled A Popular war, was first aired in Aug 23. Provides a background to the war and Australia’s initial involvement. Tells the story in the words of the men who were sent to fight, the battles, the protests, returning to a sometimes hostile nation who wrongly directed their anger at the troops rather than the government who sent the troops, including through a selective conscription system. Includes many RAR references. Accessible at

Our Vietnam War – All the way

ABC, 2023


Video 59 mins.

Episode 2, titled All the way Popular war, was first aired in Aug 23. Australian veterans set out daily life as the Australian commitment to Vietnam increased. Includes the Battle of Long Tan and Coral -Balmoral and several other battles as the war dragged on. Includes many RAR references. Accessible at

Puff the magic Dragon – the AC-47 Spooky Gunship

Dark Docs

9min 40 sec video.

Covers the creation and eventual employment of 53 AC-47, 4 of which served in Vietnam. RAR members experienced – some actually called in fire missions – of this aerial firepower support commonly known to Allies as Puff or Spooky. It is claimed that no allied base to receive this firepower support was lost to the enemy. Accessed at

RAAF squadrons in Vietnam [No 35 Squadron and No 9 Squadron RAAF] (F03310)


Video, black and white, some sound, 9 mins 28 secs.

An Australian War Memorial film from the Vietnam War era. Focussed on the RAAF, it shows scenes involving RAR troops and the support by these two squadrons provided to all RAR battalions. Includes shots from an Iroquois gunship providing Mini-gun, rocket and door gunner operated M-60 machine gun. Also casualty evacuation by Iroquois helicopter (Dust off). Accessible at

R & R Vung Tau


Colour and sound video 1 min 35 secs

Rare footage of entertainment in Vung Tau where both sides including RAR troops would take R & R during the Vietnam War. Accessible at

SABBEN, Dave – In their words

Youtube black and white video, 2mins 20 secs

Interview of (then) 2LT Dave Sabben about the battle of Long Tan that involved 6 RAR, primarily D Coy. Includes combat footage. Author received the Medal for Gallantry for his actions many years after the war. Accessible at

SAINSBURY, Maurice (Maurie)

UNSW, Canberra, 2004

42 mins 07 secs video

One of the Australians at war film archive series of interviews, this product features Sainsbury (RMO in at least one RAR and then1st Field Hospital Vietnam) in Vietnam. Accessible at

Sir Peter Cosgrove reflects on the Vietnam War

DVA TV, 2023

Online video interview


In a DVA TV interview with General Sir Peter Cosgrove AK CVO MC, he reflects on the Vietnam war and remembers the more than 60,000 Australians he served with in Vietnam conflict. Includes Black and White footage of(then) Army film FO3412. All nine battalions served in Vietnam, some twice.  Accessible at (3) Sir Peter Cosgrove reflects on the Vietnam War – YouTube

Soldiers greetings from Vietnam (F04705)

Australian War Memorial

47 mins 58 secs black and white film (now video)

Christmas messages from 1970 including RAR members. Accessible at

Super 8 soldiers (Aussies in South Vietnam) 1 of 3


Mainly colour footage originally shot with 8 mm camera and now digitised.

9 mins 36 secs.

Veterans recall their experiences training for and deploying to Vietnam, with narration and music supporting this amateur filming. Accessible at

Super 8 soldiers (Aussies in South Vietnam) 2 of 3


Mainly colour footage originally shot with 8 mm camera and now digitised.

9 mins 38 secs.

Veterans recall their experiences training for and deploying to Vietnam, with narration and music supporting this amateur filming. Accessible at

Tanks in operation (F04245)

Australian War Memorial , Canberra, 1968

16 mm Film DPR/TV/936, black and white, silent, 2mins 45 secs.

Film was shot on Operation Track Duster, an armoured/infantry operation near Thai Thien, 15 miles north west of Nui Dat, as APCs and Centurion tanks moved into a night ambush position along a waterway in Phuoc Tuy province. Ambush was not sprung during the night. 4 RAR/ANZAC troops involved. Further information is at

TATE, Donald– The Service history of PTE Donald Willian Tate, 1201907 – Vietnam 1968-69

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 2023

Colour video, 26 mins 46 secs

The donated record of Tate’s service in Vietnam, most of which was filmed by him while deployed to Vietnam where he served most of the time with the 1st Australian Reinforcement Unit. He was severely wounded in action. HE features in the video as well along with many other RAR soldiers. Accessible at

TATE, Don and NELSON, Dr Brendon – Meeting at the AWM – 2nd D & E Platoon records

YouTube, 2019

Video, Colour, 10 mins 52 secs.

Record of a meeting between Tate and Dr Nelson (Director AWM) in March 2016 regarding the AWM’s refusal to release the 235 documents it holds concerning the 2n D & E platoon. See

Ten foot tall and bullet proof

Jens Schroeder

YouTube footage, 20 mins, 24 secs.

Narrative by a National Serviceman of his, and others, typical service in Vietnam. Applicable to all RAR deployments to the Vietnam War, this video includes casualty rates, training, operations and a wide coverage of the typical Vietnam veteran’s experience. Accessible at

The 50th anniversary of the battles of Fire Support Bases Coral and Balmoral

Department of Veterans Affairs

YouTube footage, 1 hr 36 mins 8 secs

Primarily the formal ceremony and parade conducted in Canberra on the anniversary of the largest and longest battle involving Australians in the Vietnam War. Involving 1 and 3 RAR and supporting arms and services, these battles were fought during 1968. Includes stills of the scene at the start of the footage, moving to the actual ceremony and speeches that recount much of the story. Accessible at

The 9th Battalion’s year in Vietnam (F04406)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1969

16mm film, DPR/TV/1205, black and white, sound, 11mins 3 secs

9 RAR’s year in Vietnam. Viewable at

The Australians in Vietnam (F10093)

Australian War Memorial

A Canadian tribute to the Australians serving in Vietnam produced by CBC News Toronto, Canada. Shown on ABC TV as a special news report and supplied to the AWM. Accessible from the AWM. Digitised status is not yet known.

The Battle of Binh Ba

Department of Veterans Affairs

YouTube footage, 15 mins

The Battle of Binh Ba, also known as Operation Hammer, was a battle that occurred from 6–8 June 1969 during the Vietnam War. This documentary, featuring some of the men who served, was played at the 50th anniversary commemorative service in Canberra in June 2019. Accessible at

The Battle of Long Tan

Animax Films, 2012

A documentary on the Battle for Long Tan, using sources form both sides f that epic fight involving 6 RAR and supporting arms and services and NZ and US firepower. One hour 41 minute documentary In High Definition. Narrated by Sam Worthington. See http:/

The Battle of Long Tan

Red Dunne Films, 2006

WALCH, Martin; a documentary film screened on the History Channel Foxtel and Austar on 16 August 2006.

The Battle of Long Tan: Australian Prime Minister present US Presidential Unit Citation – Vietnam War

Australian War Memorial/Red Dune films

YouTube film

Black and white, sound; 5 minutes, 27 seconds

Covers the parade at Lavarack Barracks Townsville where PM Gorton presents D Coy 6 RAR with their US Presidential Unit Citation. Accessible at

The Battle of Long Tan: Military Cross presentation to Major Harry Smith – Vietnam (F03833)

Australian War Memorial/Red Dune Films

Black and white, sound, 2 minutes, 21 seconds

Covers several of the awards made to members of D Coy 6 RAR, focussing on Major Harry Smith. Also online at

The Battle of Long Tan (North Vietnamese version)


Video 4 mins 51 secs.

The North Vietnamese film discusses the Battle of Long Tan (in Vietnamese language). It states that D/6 RAR suffered 17 KIA and two armoured vehicles were destroyed. As with the published D445 and 275 Regiment histories, it claims that “6 RAR was wiped out. After the Battle of Long Tan, the Australian military had to bring its 8th Battalion from Australia to replace the 6th Battalion. … The Battle of Long Tan became a haunting worry, grave mound and burial place for the Australian Task Force in the Vietnam War. Images are most informative. Accessible at

The Crater: A true Vietnam war story

Frontline Films and Spirited Films, 2020

David Bradbury Film, 58 minutes, available I DVD format and online at

A personal story of one man’s tour of duty in Vietnam and his obsessive search to locate 42 former enemy soldiers Killed in Action so that their bodies can be returned to their families and their spirits put to rest. Based on 3 RAR, and features several veterans including Major-General Peter Phillips, AM, MC (Retd).

The Fighting Fifth return (F04779)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1967

YouTube, 5 mins 47 secs, silent, colour.

A home movie covering a Sydney city march and after of returned 5 RAR and RAAF from service in South Vietnam 12th May 1967. Accessible at

The fighting fifth (AKA Australians home from Vietnam (1967))

Cinesound Review

YouTube video 3 mins 14 secs.

Black and white footage of 5 RAR returning home in 1967 having served with the 1st Australia Task Force in Vietnam along with 6 RAR. Includes parade through Sydney.

The 9th Battalion’s year in Vietnam (F04406)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1969

16mm film/b&w/silent, 11 mins 3 secs.

9 RAR’s year in Vietnam. Made by DPR (DPR/TV/1205). See

The most terrifying sounds of the Vietnam War

Anonymous creator

YouTube, 4 minutes 50 seconds.

This US-centric clip shows and provides the sounds of the war including B52s, Spooky gunships, Fighter ground attack, ground combat, and the silence when patrolling. Audibly and visually relevant to all RAR veterans who would have experiences most if not all of this.

The Royal Australian Navy in Vietnam 1962-1972


Video, 12 min 54 secs

A series of stills photographs put to music; no dialogue. Shows the RAN in a range of roles including transporting RAR battalions via the Vung Tau ferry operations. Accessible at

The tunnels in Vietnam


Coloured/sound; 20 mins 32 secs

Chris Masters (war correspondent in Afghanistan) narrates the use of tunnels by the enemy in Vietnam, and Australian’s fight with those enemy, especially underground and in countering the tunnel systems. Features many RAR veterans in interview and in scenes of action. All RARs had to deal with these tunnel systems. Accessible at

Then and now tour of Nui Dat Australian Vietnam Base Long Tan Horseshoe


video 20mins 17 secs, colour

Both real-time vision and the use of GoogleEarth technology allows both an aerial and land-based view of the many features and places well known to all members of the RAR who served in Vietnam. See at

The sharp end: Witness of Vietnam – Part 1


YouTube film, 20 mins 39 secs.

Graphic account including combat footage of the war in Vietnam (some features RAR troops) with a range of RAR veterans interviewed about what it was really like to be there, many years after the war. Accessible at

The sharp end: Witness of Vietnam – Part 2


YouTube film, 20 mins 38 secs.

Graphic account including combat footage of the war in Vietnam (some features RAR troops) with a range of RAR veterans interviewed about what it was really like to be there, many years after the war. Accessible at

The sharp end: Witness of Vietnam – Part 3


YouTube film, 20 mins 14 secs.

Graphic account including combat footage of the war in Vietnam (some features RAR troops) with a range of RAR veterans interviewed about what it was really like to be there, many years after the war. Accessible at . This video require a sign on that is readily achieved on line.

The Vietnam War – conscription and training


3 min 16 secs

Recorded by the Yarrawonga Neighbour House Oral History Group, it is narrated by Brian Cossar, OAM on 20 Feb 15, this video is his story as a national serviceman. He served in Vietnam with D & E Platoon at HQ 1 ATF, as an RAR soldier. His story will be well related to by all NS veterans. Accessible at

The Vietnam war explained in 25 minutes


28 minutes 35 seconds

American documentary which summarises the war in images and narrative. Mentions allied forces.

Accessible at

The Vung Tau Ferry


Video 7 mins 19 secs – black and white, sound

Made by Navy, the video shows HMAS Sydney in her configuration as a Fast Troop Transport undertook numerous voyages to Vietnam between 1965-1972. This short video records the voyage undertaken between 15 November 1969-12 December 1969, during which she carried members of 8 RAR to Vung Tau before returning to Sydney with members of 9 RAR. Accessible at

Three Kiwi soldiers recognised for outstanding bravery in Vietnam War


12 mins 4 secs video.

More than fifty years ago, four NZ soldiers of 1 Platoon, Victor Coy 4 RAR/NZ fought in the Vietnam War. During a battle in 1971 during Operation Hermit Park, and under intense enemy fire, they carried out an act of extraordinary bravery – saving the lives of two Australians who’d been critically injured when a rocket-propelled grenade fired by the Viet Cong slammed into their tank which was supporting the 4 RAR attack. One of them was awarded the MM, but due to the quota system at the time that the Australian Government applied, the other three NZ soldiers missed out. Their own Government declined to make up the ‘shortfall’. Since 1971 their platoon commander pushed governments on both sides of the Tasman to award medals to these men. In 2021, the Australian Government belatedly awarded the three non-medallic recognition. Accessible at

Three Long Tan veterans tell their stories

RSL Australia/YouTube

Video, 2 mins 35 secs

(Then) Major Harry Smith, Sergeant Bob Buick and Flight Lieutenant Bob Grandin give a brief interview of their role in this Battle of Long Tan in Vietnam 1966 involving D Coy 6 RAR and supporting arms and Services. Accessible at

Tiger Battalion arrives in Vietnam (F04289)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1970

YouTube 5 minutes 02 seconds

Also titled DPR/TV/1019, this black and white footage covers 5 RAR arriving on its second tour of duty in Vietnam. Accessible at

Tour of Vietnam 4 RAR and 9 RAR 1969 (F04756) – Part 1

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1965

8mm super/colour/Kodachrome)/silent; 17 mins 44 secs

Personal footage taken by (then) PTE Donald Tate in Vietnam and later converted to video. See

Tour of Vietnam 4 RAR and 9 RAR 1969 (F04756) – Part 2

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1965

8mm super/colour/Kodachrome)/silent; 8 mins 01 secs

Personal footage taken by (then) PTE Donald Tate in Vietnam and later converted to video. See

Tour of Vietnam 4 RAR and 9 RAR 1969 (F04756) – Part 3

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1965

8mm super/colour/Kodachrome)/silent; 46 mins 44 secs

Personal footage taken by (then) PTE Donald Tate in Vietnam and later converted to video. See

Tunnel rats, Vietnam


Video; 20 mins 32 secs.

Chris Masters in 1988 interviews a range of combatants from both sides about tunnel warfare in Vietnam. Tunnels were repeatedly encountered by all RAR battalions, While it was primarily an Engineer responsibility to handle this problem from a clearance and demolition perspective, in practice all RAR units had to deal with them as well, using Assault Pioneers and sometimes whoever was available. Accessible at

VETS – Reflections of Aussie Vietnam veterans


Coloured/sound: 24 mins 16 secs.

A compilation of interviews interspersed with footage of Australians in Vietnam, mainly the work of Jason Munn and produced by Michael Clarkin. Most are RAR members who are identified by name, unit and years of tour of duty in the sub-scripts. Accessible at

Victor 4 Company Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment: Vietnam 1969-1970
ILA Productions

YouTube footage, 49 mins 32 secs

Story of V Coy (1 RNZWR) what was part of 6 RAR/NZ (ANZAC) in 1969-70 to serve in Vietnam. NZ-focused, this footage includes NZ veterans describing their tour of duty as part of 6 RAR. Accessible at

Vietcong tunnels: What’s inside them?


Colour and sound – Video 11 mins 27 secs.

A digital presentation of the massive tunnel systems including those encountered by RAR troops – usually Assault Pioneers and supporting engineer troops – in Vietnam such as at Ho Bo Woods and numerous other locations. Details of how the enemy sought to fight underground is well presented. Accessible at

Vietnam – 1 RAR Group 1965-66

Screen Australia

YouTube video 25 mins 1 sec.

Coverage of the return home parade for 1 RAR in 1966 after their first tour. Includes combat footage from in-country. Accessible at

Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Episode 1 -Indochina to US Involvement)


Video, 51 mins 46 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. First in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972. American-centric. Accessible at


Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Episode 2- Boots on the ground)


Video, 54 mins 11 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Second in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972. American-centric. Accessible at

Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Episode 3 – Summer of chaos and heroism)


Video, 54 mins 11 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Third in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972. American-centric. Accessible at


Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Episode 4 – the Tet Offensive)


Video, 48 mins 18 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Fourth in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972. American-centric. Accessible at


Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Episode 5 –POWs)


Video, 48 mins 18 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Fifth in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972. American-centric. Accessible at

Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Episode 6 –Vietnamisation)


Video, 51 mins 03 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Sixth in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972. American-centric. Accessible at


Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Episode 7 –The war in Vietnam is the longest in US history)


Video, 51 mins 22 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Seventh in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972. American-centric. Accessible at


Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Episode 8 –The battle of Ia Drang – Blueprint for war)


Video, 13 mins 18 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Eighth in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972. American-centric. Accessible at


Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Episode 9 –The American men and women sent to war)


Video, 11 mins 52 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Ninth in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972. American-centric. Accessible at


Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Episode 10 –Operation Masher – Spring 1966)


Video, 11 mins 04 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Tenth in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972. American-centric. Accessible at


Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Episode 11 – 1966 Offensives to Operation Cedar Falls)


Video, 12 mins 15 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Twelfth in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972. American-centric. Accessible at


 Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Episode 12 – POWs, the Battle of Dak To and Friendly Fire)


Video, 13 mins 45 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Twelfth in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972. American-centric. Accessible at


Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Episode 13 – 1968 – Khe Sanh and the Tet Offensive)


Video, 15 mins 45 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Thirteenth in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972. American-centric. Accessible at

 Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Episode 14  – 1968 – The war grinds on and falls apart)


Video, 15 mins 40 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Fourteenth in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972. American-centric. Accessible at

Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Episode 15  – US Army nurses and the turmoil of 1968)


Video, 13 mins 09 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Fifteenth in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972. American-centric. Accessible at

Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Part 16 – US Navy river war and Nixon escalates the war)


Video, 14 mins 11 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Nineteenth in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972, noting that AS troops did not take part in this incursion, still securing Phuoc Tuy Province. American-centric. Accessible at

Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Part 17 – US POWs in the Hanoi Hilton)


Video, 11 mins 02 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Seventeenth in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972, noting that AS troops did not take part in this incursion, still securing Phuoc Tuy Province. American-centric. Accessible at

Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Part 18 – The 101st Airborne fight for Hamburger Hill)


Video, 9 mins 30 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Eighteenth in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972, noting that AS troops did not take part in this incursion, still securing Phuoc Tuy Province. American-centric. NOTE that the was at least one Australian in this battle, serving with the US. Accessible at


Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Part 19 – Draftees or a Volunteer Army?)


Video, 9 mins 41 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Nineteenth in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972, noting that AS troops did not take part in this incursion, still securing Phuoc Tuy Province. American-centric. Accessible at


Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Part 20 – The US Navy’ river war & SEALS)


Video, 9 mins 56 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Eighteenth in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972, noting that AS troops did not take part in this incursion, still securing Phuoc Tuy Province. American-centric. Accessible at


Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Part 21 – 1970 – War closes on Cambodia)


Video, 12 mins 29 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Twenty-first in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972, noting that AS troops did not take part in this incursion, still securing Phuoc Tuy Province. American-centric. Accessible at

Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Part 22 – 1972 – A false start toward peace)


Video, 3 min 3 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Twenty-second in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972, noting that AS troops did not take part in this incursion, still securing Phuoc Tuy Province. American-centric. Accessible at


Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Part 23 – 1972 – The invasion of Laos and dramatic helicopter rescue)


Video, 11 min 42 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Twenty-third in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972, noting that AS troops did not take part in this incursion, still securing Phuoc Tuy Province. American-centric. Accessible at


Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Part 24 – Deception and the Pentagon Papers)


Video, 12 min 09 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Twenty- fourth in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972, noting that AS troops did not take part in this incursion, still securing Phuoc Tuy Province. American-centric. Accessible at


Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Part 25 – A bright shining lie)


Video, 10 mins 38 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Twenty- fifth in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972, noting that AS troops did not take part in this incursion, still securing Phuoc Tuy Province. American-centric. Accessible at

Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Part 26 – 1972 – The war grinds down)


Video, 9 mins 48 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Twenty- sixth in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972, noting that AS troops did not take part in this incursion, still securing Phuoc Tuy Province. American-centric. Accessible at

Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Part 27 – 1973 – Peace in Vietnam?)


Video, 11 mins 22 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Twenty- seventh in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972, noting that AS troops did not take part in this incursion, still securing Phuoc Tuy Province. American-centric. Accessible at


Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Part 28 – The time for Vietnamisation)


Video, 9 mins 48 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Twenty- eighth in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972, noting that AS troops did not take part in this incursion, still securing Phuoc Tuy Province. American-centric. Accessible at

Vietnam: 50 years remembered (Part 29 – The fall of South Vietnam)


Video, 13 mins 20 secs.

A LionHeart Filmworks historical narrative. Twenty- ninth in a series that covers the Vietnam War. Provides the context or the Australian involvement from 1962-1972, noting that AS troops did not take part in this incursion, still securing Phuoc Tuy Province. American-centric. Accessible at

Vietnam Minefield

YouTube video 52mins 05 secs

A 2005

Film Finance Corporation Australian Ltd Production, this video shows the major barrier minefield laid in Vietnam between Aril and May 1967, and from which mines were lifted by the enemy and used against Australian forces, resulting in mine causalities to every RAR battalion deployed, and others. Accessible at

Vietnam War Aussie Infantry


Video -colour and sound, 6 mins 25 secs.

A compilation by John Neervoort of RAR infantry scenes in Vietnam, including tracker dogs. Possibly 7 RAR. Accessible at

Vietnam war booby traps: How do they work?


Colour and sound – Video 10 mins 01 secs.

A digital presentation of Vietcong booby traps encountered by RAR troops in Vietanm in most places the operated. While aimed primarily at an American audience, the information is the same as it applied to all allied troops including ours. Accessible at

Vietnam War, the last secrets

YouTube, 2016

52 mins 3 secs.

A film made in Vietnam by Vietnamese authorities about the war and its aftermath. Narration is in clear English. Includes a wide array of detailed information on weapons, tactics, IEDs. Tunnel systems etc that all RAR veterans of the war will have encountered. Accessible at,vid:2DjH7IiO10g,st:0

Vietnam veterans parade Sydney 3 October 1987

Australian Broadcasting Commission, 1987

YouTube video 1 hr, 49 min 12 secs.

The full recording of the parade of the Vietnam veterans being finally welcomed home in 1987. Large contingents of RAR personnel can be identified. Accessible at

Vietnam Veterans Parade Sydney, 1987

Australian Broadcasting Commission

Colour Youtube video, 46 mins 39 secs.

Live TV coverage of the very large parade conducted on the 25th Anniversary of the end of the war as a belated gesture. Known generally as the Welcome home parade, this one is in Sydney at Martin Place. Includes in-country footage as well as the veterans in 1987. Accessible at

Vietnam War – behind the news


video 4 mins 36 secs

Combination of stills and moving imagery that gives a good overview of Australia’s involvement in the war. Shows many RAR troops. Accessible at

Vietnam War 1962 to 1975 Part 1 of 3



14 minutes. Colour and sound

Excellent overview of the war in which all RAR battalions at the time and numerous RAR individuals in HQ and AATTV served. Accessible at


Vietnam War 1962 to 1975 Part 2 of 3



14 minutes. Colour and sound

Excellent overview of the war in which all RAR battalions at the time and numerous RAR individuals in HQ and AATTV served. Accessible at


Vietnam War 1962 to 1975 Part 3 of 3



10 minutes 15 seconds. Colour and sound

Excellent overview of the war in which all RAR battalions at the time and numerous RAR individuals in HQ and AATTV served. Accessible at

Vietnam War Aussie Airstrike

John Neervort cameraman

YouTube, 5 minutes, colour

Footage taken by (then 2LT John Neervort, 6 RAR during 1969-70 on their second tour. There is no commentary, but there are appropriate sounds of aircraft/guns/armour and background music. See

Vietnam War Aussie Artillery


John Neervort cameraman

5 minutes. Colour

Footage taken by (then 2LT John Neervort, 6 RAR during 1969-70 on their second tour. There is no commentary, but there are appropriate sounds of aircraft/guns/armour and background music. See

War Aussie Armour

John Neervort cameraman


5 minutes. Colour

Footage taken by (then) 2LT John Neervort, 6 RAR during 1969-70 on their second tour. There is no commentary, but there are appropriate sounds of aircraft/guns/armour and background music. See

We band of brothers Vietnam – Films 1966-1967 – Part 1 – (6 RAR)


Coloured video with sound; 24 mins 37 secs. Narration recorded by Reel2Reel.

First in a series narrated by Major Brian W MacFarlane (Retd). The voice over was laid in 2021 when McFarlane was 89 years old. This film covers 6 RAR’s first tour of duty in 1966-67 in Vietnam. McFarlane was OC C coy and then Bn 2IC. He returned to Vietnam on the unit’s second tour in Sep 1970 to Dec 1971. Part 1 covers deployment and initial in-country service typical of a battalion’s tour of duty. Accessible at

We band of brothers Vietnam – Films 1966-1967 – Part 2 – (6 RAR)


Coloured video with sound; 28 mins 31 secs. Narration recorded by Reel2Reel.

Second in a series narrated by Major Brian W MacFarlane (Retd). The voice over was laid in 2021 when McFarlane was 89 years old. This film covers 6 RAR’s first tour of duty in 1966-67 in Vietnam. McFarlane was OC C coy and then Bn 2IC. He returned to Vietnam on the unit’s second tour in Sep 1970 to Dec 1971. Part 2 covers operations including good footage of fire support and air support as well as aerial shots and operations. Accessible at


We band of brothers Vietnam – Films 1966-1967 – Part 3 – (6 RAR)


Coloured video with sound; 24 mins 59 secs. Narration recorded by Reel2Reel.

Third in a series narrated by Major Brian W MacFarlane (Retd). The voice over was laid in 2021 when McFarlane was 89 years old. This film covers 6 RAR’s first tour of duty in 1966-67 in Vietnam. McFarlane was OC C coy and then Bn 2IC. He returned to Vietnam on the unit’s second tour in Sep 1970 to Dec 1971. Part 3 includes village and town scenes, and operations including air transport and M113 Armoured Personnel Carriers, defensive works. Accessible at

We band of brothers Vietnam – Films 1966-1967 – Part 4 – (6 RAR)


Coloured video with sound; 12 mins 47 secs. Narration recorded by Reel2Reel.

Fourth in a series narrated by Major Brian W MacFarlane (Retd). The voice over was laid in 2021 when McFarlane was 89 years old. This film covers 6 RAR’s first tour of duty in 1966-67 in Vietnam. McFarlane was OC C coy and then Bn 2IC. He returned to Vietnam on the unit’s second tour in Sep 1970 to Dec 1971. Part 4 includes coverage of Saigon, and then operations when McFarlane had moved to Bn 2IC, first tour. Includes Operation Portsea, reference to Long Tan, and the last patrol before 6 RAR. Accessible at


 We band of brothers Vietnam – Films 1966-1967 – Part 5 – (6 RAR)


Coloured video with sound; 27 mins 13 secs. Narration recorded by Reel2Reel.

Fifth in a series narrated by Major Brian W MacFarlane (Retd). The voice over was laid in 2021 when McFarlane was 89 years old. This film covers 6 RAR’s first tour of duty in 1966-67 in Vietnam. McFarlane was OC C coy and then Bn 2IC. He returned to Vietnam on the unit’s second tour in Sep 1970 to Dec 1971. Part 5 includes the departure from Nui Dat mainly via Chinook direct onto the HMAS Sydney and then the trip home. Accessible at

We band of brothers Vietnam – Films 1966-1967 – Part 6 – (6 RAR)


Coloured video with sound; 13 mins 33 secs. Narration recorded by Reel2Reel.

Sixth in a series narrated by Major Brian W MacFarlane (Retd). The voice over was laid in 2021 when McFarlane was 89 years old. This film covers 6 RAR’s first tour of duty in 1966-67 in Vietnam. McFarlane was OC C coy and then Bn 2IC. He returned to Vietnam on the unit’s second tour in Sep 1970 to Dec 1971. Part 6 includes the arrival in Brisbane, the welcome home march and dispersal including to holiday locations. Accessible at

We band of brothers Vietnam – Films 1970-1971 – Part 7 – (6 RAR)


Coloured video with sound; 15 mins 43 secs. Narration recorded by Reel2Reel.

Seventh in a series narrated by Major Brian W MacFarlane (Retd). The voice over was laid in 2021 when McFarlane was 89 years old. Parts 1 to 6 in this series covers 6 RAR’s second tour of duty from September 1970 to December 1971 in Vietnam. Part 7 includes arrival at Lipscombe Field and panoramic views with narration of the US and ARVN general dispositions between Nui Dat and Saigon. Useful narrative about the war in general including relationships between the RAR troops and other allies and the local population. Accessible at

We band of brothers Vietnam – Films 1970-1971 – Part 8 – (6 RAR)


Coloured video with sound; 10 mins 18 secs. Narration recorded by Reel2Reel.

Eighth in a series narrated by Major Brian W MacFarlane (Retd). The voice over was laid in 2021 when McFarlane was 89 years old. Parts 1 to 6 in this series covers 6 RAR’s second tour of duty from September 1970 to December 1971 in Vietnam. Part 8 shows field operations including Operation Overlord (Jun 71), relocation of HQ 1st TF to Courtney Hill, fire support bases and aerial reconnaissance. Accessible at


We band of brothers Vietnam – Films 1970-1971 – Part 9 – (6 RAR)


Coloured video with sound; 10 mins 38 secs. Narration recorded by Reel2Reel.

Ninth in a series narrated by Major Brian W MacFarlane (Retd). The voice over was laid in 2021 when McFarlane was 89 years old. Parts 1 to 6 in this series covers 6 RAR’s second tour of duty from September 1970 to December 1971 in Vietnam. Part 9 includes field operations the ambush of the D & E platoon, and extensive airstrike support with 7RAR sending MAJ Ivan Cahill’s company to the rescue. Remarkable US F4 Phantom bombing runs captured. Further road vision which shows the lay of the land in Jn 71 just after 3 RAR and the Australian tanks had returned to Australia and the TF reduced to two battalions. Accessible at

We band of brothers Vietnam – Films 1970-1971 – Part 10 – (6 RAR)


Coloured video with sound; 4 mins 54 secs. Narration recorded by Reel2Reel.

Tenth in a series narrated by Major Brian W MacFarlane (Retd). The voice over was laid in 2021 when McFarlane was 89 years old. Parts 1 to 6 in this series covers 6 RAR’s second tour of duty from September 1970 to December 1971 in Vietnam. Part 10 includes closing down operations at the Nui Dat base with 4 RAR tasked with rearguard duties as the TF HQ packs up and it and 7 RAR move to Vung Tau. Accessible at

We band of brothers Vietnam – Films 1970-1971 – Part 11 – (6 RAR)


Coloured video with sound; 13 mins 38 secs. Narration recorded by Reel2Reel.

Eleventh in a series narrated by Major Brian W MacFarlane (Retd). The voice over was laid in 2021 when McFarlane was 89 years old. Parts 1 to 6 in this series covers 6 RAR’s second tour of duty from September 1970 to December 1971 in Vietnam. Part 11 includes final flyback to Nui Dat where 4 RAR was holding until proposed handover of the base to the ARVN who did not take up the major infrastructure offered when Australian troops left. Good coverage of the Logistic Support Group location at Vung Tau. Commentary on the Jeparit which was taken over by Navy when Australian unions refused to load it, and other civilian vessals being protected by the RAN in the harbour. Accessible at

We band of brothers Vietnam – Films 1970-1971 – Part 12 – (6 RAR)


Coloured video with sound; 7 mins 25 secs. Narration recorded by Reel2Reel.

Twelfth and final in a series narrated by Major Brian W MacFarlane (Retd). The voice over was laid in 2021 when McFarlane was 89 years old. Parts 1 to 6 in this series covers 6 RAR’s second tour of duty from September 1970 to December 1971 in Vietnam. Part 12 includes general footage of both 7 RAR and 4 RAR troops during the wind down period. Good footage of the move of support troops as well to Vung Tau and commentary on what might happen after the Australians left. Final shots are aerial ones of the TF now fully deserted, being looted by Vietnamese and then footage around Saigon prior to return to Australia. Accessible at

Vietnam War Aussie Infantry

John Neervort cameraman


5 minutes. Colour

Footage taken by (then 2LT John Neervort, 6 RAR during 1969-70 on their second tour. There is no commentary, but there are appropriate sounds of aircraft/guns/armour and background music. See

Vietnam War Aussie Hueys

John Neervort cameraman


5 minutes. Colour

Footage taken by (then 2LT John Neervort, 6 RAR during 1969-70 on their second tour. There is no commentary, but there are appropriate sounds of aircraft/guns/armour and background music. See

Vietnam War Aussie Navy

John Neervort cameraman


5 minutes. Colour

Footage taken by (then 2LT John Neervort, 6 RAR during 1969-70 on their second tour. There is no commentary, but there are appropriate sounds of aircraft/guns/armour and background music. See

Vietnam War Aussie R&C Vung Tau

John Neervort cameraman


5 minutes. Colour

Footage taken by (then 2LT John Neervort, 6 RAR during 1969-70 on their second tour. There is no commentary, but there are appropriate sounds of aircraft/guns/armour and background music. See 

The Odd Angry Shot

Village Roadshow, 1979

35mm film/DVD

A fictionalised story of a small group of SASR serving in South Vietnam. Issues and environments faced, both in the field and out of it, are indicative of RAR operations. Stars Graeme Kennedy.

Vietnam War films


Unrestricted access to a large quantity of short films on the Vietnam that feature Australians including RAR personnel and units is at



(Somalia 1992-93, Rwanda 1994-95, Cambodia 1994-95, Papua New Guinea 1946 to 1975, East Timor 1999-2012, Bougainville 1994, The Solomon Islands 2000 -2008, all remaining deployments not covered by UN or above (Rhodesia, Uganda)

1 RAR Operation Solace Somalia (F04174)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 1993

8 mm super colour (Kodachrome) silent film. Now digitised.

Filmed by 1 RAR during Operation Solace in Somalia. Scenes include: office work; communication equipment; seated soldiers; local people and children; administration of vaccines and medical care; civilian aid workers; ADF camp area and vehicles; accommodation tents and facilities; vehicle maintenance; post box; trucks, tractors and forklift; camp scenes; supplies; watchtower; camp perimeter fence and views; washing; food preparation and cooking; washing hands; eating; patrolling a local village; villagers awaiting supplies; establishing wire perimeter; local people and children; cleaning weapons; camp accommodation and facilities; talking with local people; soldiers around truck; self – defence practice; medical care. parade and drill with packs; helicopter landing; searching local truck; tank; camp beds in the field; 8 Section 3 Platoon Baidoa foot patrol (29 April 1993); trucks and heavy vehicles; high pressure cleaning; eating; medical care; camp scenes; confiscated weapons. Accessible at

A debt of honour – Australia East Timor Documentary

Australian Film Commission, Sydney, 2005

YouTube video 43 mins 50 secs

In conjunction with Nine Network, this production focuses on 3 RAR AUSBATT in East Timor. Accessible at

Australia remembers Operation Tamar

ABC News

Utube video; 46 mins 2 secs.

Good footage of actual deployment interspersed with a speech on the 25th anniversary of the deployment that included elements of 2 and 2/4 RAR to Rwanda. Video at

A Debt of Honour: Australian East Timor Documentary

Nine Network Australia

YouTube, 2005; 43 mins 53 secs

A documentary produces in Association with Australian Film Commission. Features 3 RAR in East Timor. At

Born of Fire and Ash: Australian operations in response to the East Timor crisis 1999-2000

Military History and Heritage Victoria, Melbourne, 2003

Video, 1 hr 2mins 43 secs.

Presentation to the MHHV by the author on his book – Professor Craig Stockings – which is the first volume in the landmark sixth series of Australian official military histories, titled the Official History of Australian Operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and East Timor. It covers the 1999–2000 East Timor crisis and Australia’s response to it and examines the activities of the UN Assistance Mission in East Timor (UNAMET), Operation Spitfire and Operation Stabilise/Warden (INTERFET). Accessible at

Call to arms: The liberation of East Timor

ABC News

Video – 29.45mins

News compilation of the East Timor conflict including the involvement of 2 RAR, 3 RAR and 5/7 RAR initially in 1999 and onwards as part of the INTERFET deployment. Accessible at

Diesel dust and camel dung: 8 Pl Charlie Coy 1 RAR Somalia in 1993

YouTube video 4 mins, 45 secs.

Personal stills footage of a 1 RAR sub-unit deployed to Somalia in 1993. Shows typical places and experiences faced during that deployment. Accessible at

East Timor – Australian troops arrest militiamen


Video, 2 mins 51 secs.

AP Archives. Features RAR troops apprehending Timorese militiamen in Dili. Unit not identified. Accessible at

East Timor – Australian troops arrest militiamen (3)


Video – 2 mins 51 secs.

AP Archive footage of RAR troops including 5/7 RAR arresting militiamen in Dili, East Timor. Accessible at

East Timor: Dili: Activists burn buildings


Video:5 mins 30 secs.

AP Archives footage that shows civilian riot action being addressed by RAR troops and other international forces to control the situation. Includes statement by INTERFET Commander Major General Peter Cosgrove. Accessible at

East Timor’s violent power struggle


Video – 20 mins 53 secs.

Coverage of the conflict in East Timor, featuring 6 RAR and 5/7 RAR. Accessible at

East Timor – UN peacekeepers continue to arrive (2)


Video – 5 mins 33 secs.

AP Archive footage of INTERFET troops streaming into East Timor, including RAR troops conducting search and crowd control duties. Accessible at

East Timor – UNTAET takes over territory (3)


Video – 1 min 57 secs.

AP Archive footage of handover from INTERFET to United Nations Transitional Authority in East Timor (UNTAET) which assumed control of East Timor amid growing civil unrest and renewed border tensions in 2000. RAR troops are in some of the footage, not identified. Accessible at


East Timor – UNTAET takes over territory


Video – 3 mins 34 secs.

AP Archive footage of handover from INTERFET to United Nations Transitional Authority in East Timor (UNTAET) which assumed control of East Timor amid growing civil unrest and renewed border tensions in 2000. RAR troops are in some of the footage, not identified. Accessible at

ELLIS, Stuart

UNSW, Canberra, 2004

41 mins 05 secs video

One of the Australians at war film archive series of interviews, this product features Ellis (2/4 RAR, SASR) in Somalia. Accessible at

Footage from East Timor (1999)

ABC, 1999

YouTube video, 6 mins 13 secs.

ABC footage, assembled by Journeyman Pictures of the widespread destruction in East Timor. Shows Indonesian soldiers departing, RAR troops (unidentified, probably 2 RAR) arriving and patrolling, and local scenes of the ‘scorched earth’ effects facing the Australian forces when they arrived. Accessible at

Ghosts of Timor – Part 1: The ‘dark stain on Australia’s proudest military operation

ABC, Sydney, 2022.

Video 46 mins 7 secs.

Four Corners program that addresses alleged atrocities in East Timor. Footage shows a range of operational scenes in which RAR troops can be identified. Accessible at

Ian Langford – East Timor


Video; 4 mins 16 secs

A monologue by Brigadier Langford on operations in East Timor that involved most RAR battalions. Accessible at

Indonesia: Arrival of peacekeepers in E.Timor: reactions


Video 5 mins 19 secs

AP Archive footage of the arrival of Australians including the streaming in of 2 RAR. 5/7 RARalso in the footage. Accessible at

Lest we forget: 8 Pl Charlie Coy 1 RAR Somalia in 1993

YouTube video 4 mins, 2 secs.

Personally produced and posted stills footage of a 1 RAR sub-unit deployed to Somalia in 1993. Accessible at


Pure massacre: soldiers reflect on Rwandan massacre

Big Sky Publishing

Online 6.14 mins trailer to Kevin O’Halloran’s book.

Involved 2 RAR soldiers in April 1995 in Rwanda. See for interviews and graphic footage of the Kebeho massacre.

Rebels hand over guns to peacekeepers to help ease crisis


Video – 2 mins 37 secs.

AP Archive stock footage of East Timor rebel leader Lieutenant Commander Reinado and some of his men handing over their weapons to Australians under command BRIG Mick Slater in East Timor. Accessible at

Rebirth of East Timor

Patricia/Macumba International, 2002

YouTube, 57 mins 51secs

Documentary of the leadup to and conduct of the war in East Timor. UNTAET was established on 25 October 1999 to administer the Territory, exercise legislative and executive authority during the transition period and support capacity-building for self-government. East Timor became an independent country on 20 May 2002. Also that day, UNTAET was succeeded by the United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor (UNMISET) to provide assistance to core administrative structures critical to the viability and political stability of East Timor. Features General Cosgrove in interview and a range of RAR troops. Accessible at

Rwanda peacekeepers honoured 25 years on

AAP/Nine News

YouTube, 1 min 50 secs.

Media coverage of the ceremonial service to honour the veterans of Operation Tamar Jul 94 to Mar 96 for which the Meritorious Citation Warrant was awarded for this event. Troops from 2 RAR and 2/4 RAR were included in the deployment for this Operation. See


Somalia – a century of service

Australian War Memorial

YouTube video, 3 mins 4 secs.

Addresses the conflict in Somalia 1992-3 and features 1 RAR prominently.

Why are the British military training Uganda’s soldiers?

Forces TV

YouTube, 15 mins 18 seconds

Forces TV production that shows British troops of Commonwealth Military Training Team Uganda (CMTTU) 1982-1984 with whom RAR members performed the same duties in four teams deployed form Australia. See

IRAQ 2003-09 and ongoing

Desert Dust – Australian troops in Southern Iraq

YouTube, 2006

Video; 17 mins, 47 secs.

Presented by Journeyman Pictures featuring Overwatch Battle Group – West 1 (OBG (W)-1 under command Mick May conducting security operations in Iraq. Footage taken in the period Sep-Nov 06. Includes 2RAR and 6 RAR personnel, and 2/14 LHR.

Op Falconer (F08148)

Australian War Memorial

Video footage, 90 minutes, 43 seconds

Covers cleared footage of Operations Bastille, Falconer and Catalyst Iraq 2003. Some of the Army component includes 4 RAR (Commando) conducting a MIG 25 search and clear operation.

Skin in the game – 7 RAR’s deployment to Taji, Iraq

YouTube, 14 mins 21 secs.

AWM staff interview and document this tour of duty during 2013, Accessible at


Afghanistan: The Australian Experience – Tarin Kot, 2011 (F09579)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 2013

YouTube film, 31 min 30 sec, produced by John Martinkus

The first of three documentaries created by the AWM. This film, shot in 2011, shows the world of the Australian soldier whose day to day realities include training Afghan National Army members and disposing of Improvised Explosive Devices, identified as the biggest single threat to Australian troops in Afghanistan. RAR troops are featured. Available at


Australian Army Montage

Department of Defence, Canberra, 2021

YouTube video 4 mins 09 secs.

Features a range of scenes including footage from Afghanistan involving both RAR and SASR troops. Accessible at

Australian army soldiers trade land for sea with the Royal Australian Navy

Australian Government Defence, 2020

YouTube video 2 mins 13 secs

Short promotion of 2 RAR in their amphibious joint force role. Accessible at,vid:oNWuN6qeGqU,st:0

Australian ASLAVs in Afghanistan

YouTube, 2016

4 mins 38 secs.

Includes live contact footage from an anonymous source; probably crewmen in the ASLAVs who appear to have compiled the footage. Shows both mounted and dismounted RAR troops. No clear identification of what unit/sub-unit is yet made. Scenes typical of those facing many veterans. Accessible at

Australian Patrol Bases – Uruzgan Province (F09580)

Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 2014

YouTube film, 17 min 31 sec, produced by John Martinkus

The second of three documentaries created by the AWM on Afghanistan, this film, shot during 2011, features the inhabitants and surrounds of Patrol Base Samad, one of the newer bases in the Baluchi Valley of Uruzgan Province, and insight into Australian operations at Patrol Base Mirwais. Extensive footage of Chinook helicopter operations including resupply and operations. RAR troops are featured. Available at

Australia’s war in Afghanistan


Video 44 mins 14 secs.

Feature Major General Cantwell initially describing the war followed by an in-depth, high level analysis of the war. Good for contextualising the more detailed coverage of troop deployments. Footage includes some of RAR troops. Accessible at

B Coy 5/7 RAR Operation Slipper 1 RTF

YouTube film, 13 mins 12 secs.

Depicts this company on patrol in Afghanistan, 2013. Accessible at


 Ben Robert-Smith VC MG: An Australian Hero Part 1

Channel 7, 2012.

YouTube video, 2012, 14min 40 sec.

Producer: Alex Garipol for Sunday Night

Documentary on Roberts-Smith, formerly an RAR member, the third Australian VC recipient in Afghanistan. See


 Ben Robert-Smith VC MG: An Australian Hero Part 2

Channel 7, 2012

YouTube video,  9 min 30 sec.

Producer: Alex Garipol for Sunday Night

Documentary on Roberts-Smith, formerly an RAR member, the third Australian VC recipient in Afghanistan. See

Combat footage: Australian and American soldiers fighting together


video 6 mins 32 sec

Shows Australian and US troops fighting together against the Taliban. Australians are not yet identified but almost certainly are RAR members in Afghanistan. Shows typical scenes faced at the time. Accessible at

Diggers walled off from Afghan army after insider attacks


Video 12mins 39 secs.

Features 3 RAR in Oruzgan, Afghanistan after three Australian soldiers were murdered in a green on blue incident in a joint position. Accessible at

Home front – new documentary examines the terrible toll of the Afghan war

Channel 9 News, Sydney, 2022

Video 9 mins 26 secs

A Current Affair coverage of the consequences upon Afghanistan War veterans, many being RAR members, on their return to Australia and the issues of dealing with return to normal life, and the Defence/DVA bureaucracy.

McGREGOR, Catherine – Our longest war finally comes to an end

Sky News – The McGregor Angle, 2021

 YouTube video, 10 min 38 sec.

Commentary by a veteran of the War in Afghanistan in which she notes that Australians have been in continuous combat for the entire 21 st century to date. She addresses the relative use of combat troops in Afghanistan, critiquing the disproportionate use of SASR compared to the RAR-centric units deployed. Accessible at

Private Paul Warren (F09688)

 Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 2013

Video film 19 mins 18 secs.

Interview of Warren (1 RAR) who was a 30 year old Muay Thai boxing champion when he deployed to Afghanistan with Mentoring and Reconstruction Task Force 2. Out on patrol on 18 July 2009 he lost his right leg when an IED exploded beneath him. The same blast killed his friend, Private Benjamin Renaud. Accessible at

Skin in the game – 7 RAR’s deployment to Taji, Iraq

YouTube, 14 mins 21 secs.

AWM staff interview and document this tour of duty during 2013, Accessible at

TG Taji trains Iraqi’s 5 Brigade

CONTACT magazine, 2019

YouTube video, 2 min 37 secs.

Footage shot in May 2019 of TF Taji Australian troops training Iraqis in-country. Includes heavy weapons and fighting in urban terrain.. See

The commando’s father with Doug Baird


Podcast that is also in video format – 38 mins10 secs.

The story of Corporal Cameron Baird VC, MG both an RAR and 2 Commando Regt member. Partly narrated by his father Doug. Baird was awarded the 100th VC for action on 22 Jun 13 in Afghanistan. He was killed in action. Accessible at

The Last Commando – Part 1

ABC, 2014

Youtube video, 27 min 58 sec.

Program was originally shown on Australian Story on ABC TV. The first of two Parts to cover the life and death of Corporal Cameron Baird, VC, MG,  serving with 2 Commando Regiment at the time he was killed in action, and previously of 4 RAR. Baird was posthumously awarded the 100th VC to an Australian during the Australian deployments to Afghanistan.   Available at

The Last Commando – Part 2

ABC, 2014

Youtube video, 29 min 39 sec.

Program was originally shown on Australian Story on ABC TV. The first of two Parts to cover the life and death of Corporal Cameron Baird, VC, MG,  serving with 2 Commando Regiment at the time he was killed in action, and previously of 4 RAR. Baird was posthumously awarded the 100th VC to an Australian during the Australian deployments to Afghanistan.   Available at

Passport control at Hamid Karzai International Airport Kabul

Department of Defence, Canberra, 2021

YouTube footage published on the CONTACT Magazine website. 4 mins 37 secs.

Features a Ready Combat Ream based on B Coy 1 RAR conducting a Services Protected Evacuation of Australian nationals and eligible Afghan passport holders onto RAAF aircraft in Sep 21. Accessible at

Trooper Mark Donaldson, VC aussie of the year 2010

ABC, 2010

YouTube film, 6 min 23 sec.

Documentary featuring Donaldson, formerly an RAR member, who was the first Australian VC recipient in Afghanistan. See

Troops arrive home after Kabul-evac mission

Department of Defence, Canberra, 2021

YouTube footage published on the CONTACT Magazine website. 3 mins 33 secs.

Features a Ready Combat Ream based on B Coy 1 RAR and RAAF personnel returning home via Brisbane following the conduct of a Services Protected Evacuation of Australian nationals and eligible Afghan passport holders in Sep 21. Accessible at


(Civilian Humanitarian Disaster ops (incl Darwin 1975 and other cyclones and floods, overseas eg PNG, Indian Ocean, and lately, Border Operations, and DACC (non-disaster) eg Olympics and Commonwealth Games and other government support eg APEC, G20)

ADF supports Pacific Islands family in times of crisis


Video; 2 mins 22 secs

On 3 Dec 21 the ADF deployed personnel to the Solomon Islands to work with the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force to restore calm in the capital Honiara after recent civil unrest under the 2017 Bilateral Security Treaty. Around 100 ADF personnel joined contingents from the Australian Federal Police, contingents from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Fiji and Papua New Guinea. ADF members included the Deployable Joint Force Headquarters, Army’s 3rd Brigade which includes RAR troops, 6th Brigade, and 17th Brigade, RAAF No. 4 Squadron, and HMAS Armidale. Accessible at

Cyclone Warriors – The Armed Forces in Cyclone Tracy

YouTube, 2016

3 mins 16 secs.

This film shows the ADF in action in Darwin responding to the incredible caused by Cyclone Tracy on Christmas Day 1974 resulting in a mass evacuation, rescue operations and cleaning up. At least 66 people were killed and thousands injured. Field Force Group Darwin, the major humanitarian operation mounted by the ADF, included 5/7 RAR and then 6 RAR in the relief and clean up operations, with troops on the ground four days after the cyclone to support the few ADF personnel already based there. ADF personnel received no formal recognition for this massive deployment. This film supports efforts to seek fair recognition. Accessible at,vid:-4PUcZb8px4,st:0

The Darwin Story


5 mins 07 secs video

A National Archives of Australia product, this film shows the damage to Darwin caused by Cyclone Tracy on Christmas Day 1974 – evacuations, rescue operations, clean up. At least 66 people were killed and thousands injured. An evacuation of all non-essential people was ordered, resulting in the biggest airlift in Australia’s history. Field Force Group Darwin, the major humanitarian operation mounted by the ADF, included 5/7 RAR and then 6 RAR. ADF personnel received no formal recognition for this massive deployment. Accessible at

Public protection control training – 3rd Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment

Defence Australia

YouTube video 1 min 22 secs

Shows 3 RAR troops training in crowd control in Defence Force Aid to the Civil Community skills 2003. Accessible at

When will the birds return

Film Australia, Sydney, 1975

50 minute video

Executive Producer was Tim Read. This film shows the aftermath of Cyclone Tracy which largely destroyed Darwin on Christmas Day 1974. Field Force Darwin was the name of the ADF disaster relief force and included 5/7 RAR initially followed by 6 RAR, each deployment for many weeks each, working seven days a week. These units were supported by a range of others in the relief effort that went for months. Aside from at least one CO receiving the AM, no medallic recognition was afforded all ranks who deployed, unlike more recent disaster relief efforts. Accessible at



1 RAR AMO insertion and 2 RAR amphib landing

Department of Defence, Canberra, 2018

YouTube video 1 mins 14 secs.

Footage of 1 RAR and 2 RAR troops in training. Accessible at

2nd Battalion (Amphibious) Royal Australian Regiment

Australian Army

YouTube vidoe, 1 min 41 sec.

General promotion of the unit’s role as an amphibious battalion. Accessible at

2 RAR Integrated Sniper Recon Training

Australian Army

YouTube video,  1 min 30 sec.

Shows 2 RAR and US Army snipers training together on Exercise RIMPAC 2018. Accessible at

2 RAR live fire exercise

Department of Defence, Canberra, 2015

YouTube video 1 mins 25 secs.

(2RAR) conducted live firing activities in Bradshaw Field Training Area (BFTA) in Northern Territory over 15 – 18 July as part of their final phase for Exercise Talisman Sabre 2015 (EX TS15). Features the CO LTCOL Michael Bassingwaighte. Accessible at

2 RAR Multi-national landing force flight deck live fire

Australian Government – Defence

YouTube 40 sec video

2 RAR troops engaged in live firing during RIMPAC 22 off HMAS Canberra. Accessible at

2 RAR RSM message to troops

Department of Defence, Canberra, 2018

YouTube video 0 mins 56 secs.

Exercise Rim of the Pacific 18 (RIMPAC 18) is a biennial military training exercise to strengthen international maritime partnerships, enhance interoperability and improve the readiness of participating forces for a wide range of potential operations. The Australian Defence Force deployed HMA Ships Adelaide, Success, Toowoomba, Melbourne and Rankin, an amphibious landing force from 2RAR. The multinational activity, held from 27 June to 2 August 2018 in Hawaii and off the coast of California, is the world’s largest maritime exercise and includes 25,000 personnel from 25 countries. Accessible at

2 RAR – Second to none

Department of Defence, Canberra, 2021

YouTube video 3 mins 11 seconds.

A light-hearted visual of 2 RAR soldiers live firing a range of weapons toa Creedence Clearwater Revival track. Demonstrates weapons of the time of publication. Accessible at 2Rar, Second to none. Duty First – YouTube

3 RAR Basic Reconnaissance Course 2014

Australian Army

YouTube video,  3 mins 29 secs.

Shows training in unit course. Accessible at

3 RAR Sniper PT pre-selection

Defence Australia, online, 2023

YouTube 1 min 05 secs video

Shows part of a 3 RAR sniper course focusing on pre-selection. Accessible at

3 RAR Sniper urban training

Defence Australia, online, 2023

YouTube 58 sec video

Shows part of a 3 RAR sniper course in which snipers shoot from inside a building, a shotgunner breaking the glass first to enable an unimpeded shot. Accessible at

5th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment -Tiger Run

Defence Australia, Canberra, 2023

Video 2mins 46 secs

Footage of 5 RAR in live firing training with US and UK troops in Australia. Accessible at

6 RAR King’s and Regimental Colours Parade

Defence Australia

YouTube video 1 min 22 secs

2023 presentation od new colours to 6 RAR. Accessible at

8/9 RAR Explosive breach urban operations training

Australian Government – Defence

YouTube video, 54 secs

Shows 8/9 RAR training in urban setting executing an explosive breach during Exercise Ram Horn. Accessible at

Armed Forces of Ukraine recruits complete their urban operations exercise

Defence Australia

2 min 23 secs video

Shows Ukrainian recruits undergoing training in urban fighting from an Australian Army Training Team based on 5 RAR in 2023. Accessible at

Army deploys its main battle tank for Exercise Talisman Sabre 2023

Defence Australia

Video, 1min 14 sec

3 RAR features in this training footage of Exercise Capital which was a lead up to Exercise TS 23. Accessible at

Army’s 6th Battalion sniper cell fine-tunes their weapons

Department of Defence

Australian Army

YouTube video 59 secs.

6 RAR snipers in training early 2022 with 50 cal Barrett M82A1 sniper rifle. Accessible at

Australian army soldiers trade land for seas with the Royal Australian Navy


Video, 2mins 12 secs

Shows 2 RAR in their Amphibious role engaged in training at sea with HMAS Canberra. Accessible at

Australian Army Infantry obstacle course will beat you


Video, 5 mins 31secs

Shows the Obstacle course late 2013 used at the School of Infantry, Singleton.


Australian Army Infantry The Truth


Video 5 mins 21 secs

Australian Army Infantry the Truth is an overview of the qualities and the stoic requirements to serve within the Australian Army Infantry the Royal Australian Regiment and the School of Infantry that is the home of the training of the Infantry soldier and its specialist courses as well as promotion courses and the Infantry Regimental Officers Basic Course. Accessible at

Australian troops show off their warfighting skills during military exercise

Australian Government (Defence Australia)

YouTube video 10 mins 47 secs.


General footage of 21st century combat training involving 2 RAR and other troops during Exercise Talisman Sabre. Current weapons in both live firing and blank ammunition modes are featured. Accessible at

Building up Infantry resilience – Exercise Hardcorps

Department of Defence, Canberra, 2021

YouTube video 2 mins 49 secs.

Exercise Hardcorps is the hardest test for soldiers at the School of Infantry. During the exercise, sections competed in stands that tested their mental and physical fitness including a 20km pack march, bayonet assault course, casualty evacuation, and a 25-metre range shoot. It’s a way of building up resilience by pushing them through mental and physical limits that make them ready for warfighting. The culmination of the exercise is celebrated by earning the Skippy Badge for their hat puggaree, which symbolises they are ready to move into their RAR posting. Features RAR staff including Major Joel Bevan. Accessible at

Capturing the beachhead – Exercise Sea Explorer

Department of Defence, Canberra, 2021

YouTube video 3 mins 18 secs.

Features 2 and 3 RAR and other units aboard HMAS Choules, and conducting amphibious and helo landings. Accessible at Capturing the beachhead – Exercise Sea Explorer – YouTube

Combined arms fire on Exercise Diamond Walk

Department of Defence

YouTube 2 mins 32 secs in VeteranWeb.

Exercise Diamond Walk 21 took place at the Shoalwater Bay Training Area. The 7th Combat Brigade exercise was designed to practice mounted combined arms capability. This reference features footage of combined arms live firing which includes 6 RAR. Tanks, artillery, ATGS, support weapons and all infantry weapons. Accessible at

Do not go gentle into that good night – 2RAR Amphibious “ Duty First”

Department of Defence, Canberra, 2021

YouTube video 2 mins 19 secs.

General night operations footage featuring 2 RAR in training. Accessible at

Exercise Brolga Run – Culminating Activity

Defence Australia, Canberra, 2023

YouTube video 2 mins 9 secs.

2023 3rd Brigade exercise which features 1 RAR and 3 RAR troops and supporting arms in a simulated attack on a trench system. Accessible at

Exercise Hardcorps 2024

Defence Australia, Canberra, 2024

Video; 2mins 1sec.

Shows 2024 Infantry Initial Employment Training soldiers undergoing their final test at the School of Infantry to be granted the coveted ‘Skippy’, the badge of the RAR. Accessible at,vid:FzJq4IZOfhs,st:0

Exercise True Grit

Australian Government – Defence

YouTube video, 2 min 44 secs

Shows A Coy 8/9 RAR in training for war in an obstacle course/bayonet assault environment. Shows women infantry as well. Undated. Accessible at

Exercise Predator’s Run 2022

Australian Government – Defence

YouTube video, 2min 55 secs

Features 1 Brigade  (in 2022 including 5 and 7 RAR) in a five nation exercise comprising 2,300 troops in the Northern Territory. Accessible at

Exercise RIMPAC 22 – 2 RAR sniper mission


Video 1 min 32 secs

Features 2 RAR snipers on exercise. Accessible at

Ex Kapyong Warrior


Video 1 min 13 secs

Shows 3 RAR anti-armour platoon firing the Carl Gustav L14A4 and the Javelin anti-armour guided missile in training. Accessible at

Exercise Maxi Beagle 1991

Headquarters Training Command, Sydney, 1991

Online video 3 mins 42 secs.

Addresses Exercise Maxi Beagle conducted in 1991 and involving 2/4 RAR. Accessible at The original, running for 28 minutes, coded PN-144, also ATV1137, in the original AAVU video numbering system, is believed to still be in the AWM.

Ex Septimus Stride 24 w/ 1 RAR


Video 1 min 31 secs

Shows a 1 RAR live firing exercise in 2024. Accessible,vid:9FxbMQ0ZlXg,st:0

Farewell for soldiers deploying to train Ukrainians

Australian Government (Defence Australia)

YouTube video 1 min 25 secs.


Shows Chief of Army and CO 5 RAR LTCOL Chris Gilmore addressing troops, and those troops in training, prior to deployment to the UK in 2023 to train Ukrainians. The 1st Brigade contingent is based on 5 RAR. Accessible at

HEDDERMAN, Billy – Unbowed: a soldier’s extraordinary journey back from paralysis (video story)

The story of an ex-Irish Army officer with service in Chad, Bosnia and the Middle East who then joined the Australian Army to serve with 6 RAR. Includes the account of his partial recovery from paralysis. Video clip at to support the book listed in Part 3.

High performing teams in the Combined Arms Environment

The Cove, online, 2024

Video presentation, 22 mins40 secs.

How does Army’s Combat Training Centre (CTC) enable high-performing teams to reach their potential? Their potential to respond to crisis; to win in combat; and their potential to win the first battle of the next war. Commander CTC (2024), Colonel Ben McLennan, CSC and Bar, sets forth two historical examples of teams: one that succeeds, and one that fails. He looks at what worked and what fell apart. What happened to the teams? How did they reach their potential? The CTC exists to help the Australian military’s largest tactical teams reach their highest performing potential. All RAR units/suchunits have been using the CTC since its inception. Accessible at CoveTalk | High Performing Teams in the Combined Arms Environment (

Hypohysterical history’s Guide to the Australian Army


YouTube video

51 mins 7 secs.

A commercial but accurate portrayal of the Australian Army in 2022 in which much of the footage shows RAR troops. Accessible at

Joint night air and ground assault – Talisman Sabre 2021

Defence Australia, Canberra, 2011

YouTube video 3 mins 25 secs.

Exercise Talisman Sabre 2021 footage which includes RAR troops (unidentified) in night operations. Accessible at

Live fire exercises commemorate Battle of Maryang-San milestone

Department of Defence, Canberra, 2021

YouTube video 2 mins 42 secs.

3RAR (Support Company) honed their skills on basic sniper, mortars, reconnaissance and direct fire support during training courses at Townsville Field Training Area. 3 RAR) conducted the support capability training to generate specialist capability platoons during Exercise Maryang-San from 13 September to 5 November 2021. The support course activities ended with a Live Fire Exercise in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of 3 RAR’s involvement in the Battle of Maryang-San in Korea. Accessible at

New look Regional Combat Team Warfighter training exercise (1RAR)

Department of Defence, Canberra, 2021

YouTube video 2 mins 02 secs.

Soldiers from 1RAR Ready Combat Team (RCT) completed the new Regional Combat Team Warfighter Exercise at the Jungle Training Wing in Tully and at the Cowley Beach Training Area in Far North Queensland. The RCT roled as the Air Mobile Combat Team of the Australian Amphibious Force operating and fighting in dense jungle, urban facilities and coastal terrain. They completed a range of dismounted missions including reconnaissance, patrolling, rural village clearances, ambushing, attacks and defensive actions. Accessible at

Operation Kudu – Introduction into the field

Defence Australia

3 min 8 secs video.

In 2023 an Australian Training Team based on 5 RAR deployed to the UK to train Ukrainian recruits. This footage shows their early stages of field training and living in the field. Accessible at

Royal Australian Regiment: Australia’s elite Infantry Unit

Times Archives

YouTube video 6 mins 8 secs.

Comprises footage of modern RAR training in various scenarios. Essentially a promotional video of modern RAR troops. Accessible at

Soldiers prepare for Exercise Talisman Sabre 2023

Defence Australia

Video, 56 secs.

Features 3 RAR troops in this training exercise footage as they practise mine clearing in readiness for Ex TS 23. Accessible at

Support course 3 RAR

Australian Government (Defence Australia)

YouTube video 2 mins 42 secs.


Shows 3 RAR Support Company on live firing training during unit courses, with narrative by Major Darran Charles 3 RAR. Accessible at

The final assault – Exercise Talisman Sabre 2021

Australian Government (Defence Australia)

YouTube video 6 mins 36 secs.


Promotional footage of the multi-national exercise titles Talisman Sabre, in 2021. Includes RAR troops.  Accessible at

The Australian Army Experience

Australian Army, Canberra, 2024


Video, 57 mins 25 secs

A lighthearted but serious presentation of the Army in the 21st century. Features many RAR individuals including group scenes. Good for a comparison with one’s own time in the Army. Accessible at,vid:rZCl4W-yTvE,st:0


Urban operations at Wide Bay Training Area (8/9 RAR)

Australian Government – Defence

YouTube video; 1 min 3 secs.

Shows 8/9 RAR troops training in trench fighting during 2022. Accessible at

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